Eye of Sin

Chapter 32 Posts

Chapter 32 Posts
"Did the post cause any heat?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"At the beginning, it was alright, but there were two different voices in the comments below, one was sympathizing with him, cursing the material woman, comforting him, hoping he would cheer up, and don't care about that unworthy woman , there will be better ones in the future.

The other is to doubt his one-sided words, saying that he is empty-handed, thinking that he was dumped by his ex-girlfriend, his self-esteem was frustrated, and he was narrow-minded, so he deliberately smeared the other party on the Internet and wanted to retaliate.

It is estimated that Li Qiao couldn't bear the kind of people who doubted his venting, so he followed up with several follow-up posts. If you don't come out, it's all about your own feelings and opinions.

But because he scolded his indecent ex-girlfriend severely, more and more people booed and applauded him from below. I think this kid was simply praised by those who responded to him. "

"Then his post revealed that he couldn't swallow this breath, and did he have any intentions?"

"No, this is the most interesting thing. Later, this idiot didn't know if he really drifted away. He actually started telling others that he had a revenge plan. He wanted to chase his ex-girlfriend back and make her fall in love with him again. , when the time comes, he will make a comeback and take back all the harm the other party caused him.

When I got here, there were still booing and nonsense, and then this guy started asking others in the group, how can I get through legal means, is it an agreement or something else, in short, I hope to be able to get my girlfriend’s pre-marital property, Through a legal agreement, it will become the joint property of him and his girlfriend after marriage. "

While drinking water, Ning Shuyi listened to Luo Wei's description of Li Qiao's actions on the Internet. When he heard this, he suddenly choked on water and coughed again and again.

"You're choking too, right!" Luo Wei laughed on the other end of the phone, "I was drinking coffee when I read the post, and that sip of coffee almost sprayed on the computer screen, which almost damaged the public finances!

This Li Qiao, I don't know the structure of his brain. It is outrageous to regard those booers as supporters at the beginning, and to ask such a question!

This is great, the post is full of scolding him, scolding him for several pages in a row, it is estimated that someone forwarded his words, and some people came to check in later, as if that post was something to watch The wonderful attractions are the same!
In the end, Li Qiao never appeared under that post again, probably because he realized that he really had no possibility of turning the public opinion back. "

"This IQ is a bit touching!" Ning Shuyi sighed after recovering.

"There is something even more touching!" Luo Wei continued, "I also found a surveillance video showing that he once followed Wang Yuluo furtively, wandering mysteriously around the neighborhood where Wang Yuluo lived, and intentionally Created a 'encounter' between two people!
However, judging from my experience, I will check this kid for you, so you can talk about it. He and Wang Yuluo have not had any interaction in the past few days, including mobile phone calls, WeChat and so on. Are you on Wang Yuluo's phone? Can you confirm that too.

And judging from Wang Yuluo's attitude towards him when he met Wang Yuluo by chance, I think this kid is useless, and the girl probably never thought of getting back together with him at all.

So if this Wang Yuluo died of a murderous act of excitement, or was kidnapped or something, then maybe this person is really a possibility, but it is good to give movie tickets, approach the other party unconsciously, and vote for the other party I think it's more difficult to be alone. "

"You just said that Li Qiao once followed Wang Yuluo, right? Was it once or twice by accident, or more times?" Ning Shuyi continued to ask Luo Wei while thinking.

"Many times! Just from the monitoring near Wang Yuluo's house and near her postgraduate entrance examination review class, I have discovered it no less than five or six times. The sneaky look really makes people don't know what to say! Not enough brains, Still imitating others to do that kind of thing, tsk tsk tsk!

The most interesting thing is that this person is also smart. He followed Wang Yuluo twice in a shared car. As a result, not only his identity can be found out, but also where he went in that car can be found out. Chu! " Lowe replied.

"Then you can send the evidence of him following Wang Yuluo to my phone later, as well as his company address." Ning Shuyi had an idea now, "Let's go to his company to talk to him!"

"You don't still suspect him of committing the crime, do you?" Luo Wei felt that Li Qiao's daily actions were simply announcing his IQ level to the world. The mountain is not dewy, the ability to kill a person quietly.

"If you don't doubt it, let's talk about it when we meet!" Ning Shuyi replied rather vaguely, "Anyway, you just remember to send me as much as you can! Thank you!"

Not long after hanging up the phone, Luo Wei sent all the information Ning Shuyi wanted, which was exactly as Ning Shuyi requested, very complete.

Ning Shuyi confirmed the address of Liqiao Company from the information, entered the navigation, and waved to Huo Yan: "Go! I will take you to see monkeys in civilization!"

Based on what Luo Wei said about Li Qiao's words and deeds on the phone earlier, Huo Yan seemed to want to laugh at her teasing, but he was too used to showing joy and deeds, and the corners of his mouth seemed to twitch for a while , trembling slightly, sipped back again.

It wasn't too far from the W City People's Hospital to the company where Li Qiao worked. Ten minutes later, they arrived at the downstairs of that office building.

After parking the car, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan walked into the building. There were two rows of sofa chairs on one side of the hall on the first floor. Ning Shuyi touched Huo Yan with his elbow and pointed to the direction of the elevator: "Go upstairs Find him! If I go, he will definitely talk a lot of nonsense and make a lot of excuses. It will take a lot of talking and talking.

If it's you going up, you can follow the usual quiet manner, and I'm sure he will come down with you without saying a word. "

"Are you sure?" Huo Yan didn't mind going upstairs, but he was a little puzzled as to why Ning Shuyi was so sure.

"Definitely and definitely!" Ning Shuyi nodded, "Believe me, there is basically one way to do things when you are a coward - if you are weak, you will be strong, if you are strong, you will be obedient, just like a little sheep!"

(End of this chapter)

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