Eye of Sin

Chapter 328 Roots

"What is the situation? Can you explain it in detail?" Ning Shuyi asked quickly.

Yue Ping thought for a moment with a look of shame on his face and said, "Some time ago, my husband and his children were playing in the community, and our children took a toy ball and chased it.

As a result, while we were playing that day, a dog suddenly ran over. It was not very big. Maybe it saw that our child was good at playing with the ball, so he rushed over to play with the ball. Our child quickly picked up his little ball. Don't want the dog to bite.

I don’t know if the dog was unhappy because of this, but it barked and chased after our child’s buttocks, scaring our child so much that he cried.

In the past, my husband might have hugged the child and chased the dog away, but hasn't he been very angry recently?

That day when he picked up the child, he saw that the dog was still chasing and biting him at his feet. He tried to scare him twice but didn't scare him away. He suddenly became anxious and kicked the dog.

The dog wasn't particularly big to begin with, but I heard that his kick kicked the dog far away, and it lay on the ground grunting for a long time without getting up.

After that, the dog owner was not done with it. She caught my husband on the spot and insisted on making my husband pay compensation. My husband ignored her and went home with the child in his arms. She refused to let her go and kept scolding the owners in the community. .

There is a small group in our community, all of which are dog owners. They all chime in and scold our family in the owner group, demanding that my husband not only compensate for the dog’s medical expenses.

My husband got angry and was very stubborn. I persuaded him to make the big deal a trivial matter. He said why the dog in that house was chasing and biting our children and our family was not allowed to defend ourselves. Is this a community for people to live in? Animal shelter for dogs?

He didn't have any words to say to me, and he thought it made sense. After all, our children were very frightened, and I, as a mother, felt unhappy, so I stopped trying to persuade him.

He argued with those people in the group, and the more they argued, the more angry they became. Later, they added a condition. It was not enough to just pay for the medical expenses, but they also had to go to the door to apologize to the dog. "

"This is so insulting." Ning Shuyi shook her head. Although she also liked small animals, if what Yue Ping said was true, then this neighbor was indeed a bit unreasonable.

"So my husband couldn't hold it back and started scolding a few of them in the group. Those people said they wanted to expose us and what they wanted to do. My husband later didn't bother to pay attention to them. He felt like a group of mentally ill people hugging each other for warmth. , no more quarrels were made.

But this incident has been going on for almost half a month, and it has been nothing since. Moreover, the puppy that time was really not big, just over a foot long, with gray fur and fur around its mouth. Like a little puppy with a mustache.

It shouldn't be possible to bite my husband so hard, right?
And that house is in our community. If it was because of this incident, it would be impossible for my husband to run to the suburbs in the middle of the night! "

Although Yue Ping was very confused, Ning Shuyi got some clues. She glanced at Huo Yan. Huo Yan understood and asked the name of the community where Yue Ping's family lived. He took out his mobile phone and searched online.

Ning Shuyi continued to ask Yue Ping: "Is Dai Tianbao a person who is easily angered by others? Is it difficult to control his emotions?"

"That's right." Yue Ping hesitated for a moment, then nodded and admitted, "He is the kind of person who takes advantage of the soft and not the hard. The more you fight against him, act aggressively with him, or provoke him, the more he can't hold it in. You know, he's just a straight person. But he's quite reasonable and won't have conflicts with people for no reason. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been married to him for so many years and had children."

"In other words, if I had a quarrel with Dai Tianbao online and then deliberately provoked him and said that he did not dare to go out with me for a date, he would most likely come out to keep the date, right?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Yue Ping was a little stunned, then suddenly realized, he couldn't help but feel angry and annoyed: "Could it be that he has been struggling for a long time just to go out and have a date with someone without telling me?!

How old is he?Could it be that he is still a reckless and reckless half-year-old boy?How could you be so impulsive and immature!

He actually went to such a remote place!Whenever he reveals anything to me, I have to stop him from saying anything, and I have to keep an eye on him even if he doesn't sleep all night!
They already have children, how could they still do such impulsive things! "

Yue Ping's reaction was basically equivalent to answering Ning Shuyi's question, but even though she was Dai Tianbao's wife, after all, she had not seen Dai Tianbao go out with her own eyes, and had heard with her own ears that Dai Tianbao explained who he wanted to talk to and for what reason. The purpose of meeting outside was just the reasonable guesses of the two of them.

"Does Tianbao go online during normal times? How much do you know about his words and deeds online?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

Yue Ping shook his head: "I'm usually very busy at work, so I haven't paid much attention to this. He takes care of the children at home, cleans up the house, and the relationship with the neighbors in the community is not good, so he may be a little depressed. Apart from playing occasionally, In addition to playing games, when I have free time, I really hang out on my mobile phone or computer for entertainment.”

Ning Shuyi mentally calculated the information they had. When Dai Tianbao was found at the crime scene, his keys were in his pocket, and his mobile phone was found not far from the crime scene. Inside a pit, it had been smashed to pieces and turned into a broken screen and a pile of parts.

"Can we go with you to your home to take a look at Dai Tianbao's laptop?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Yue Ping immediately nodded and agreed without any hesitation.

She went to the doctor again to inquire about her husband's injury, and learned that she would not be allowed to visit him even if he stayed here, so she dared to leave the hospital with Ning Shuyi and the others.

Yue Ping took a taxi when she came here, and now naturally Ning Shuyi and the others drove her home together.

After getting in the car, Huo Yan handed his cell phone to Ning Shuyi, the co-pilot. Ning Shuyi took it and looked at it. The page on the screen happened to be the post he had just searched based on keywords.

The content of the post has a strong subjective tendency, and the words and sentences are also mixed with a lot of inflammatory words. There are also photos of Dai Tianbao below, one of which is when he was hurriedly leaving with his child in his arms. Side profile photos, and some photos where you can tell at a glance that they were dug out of the circle of friends.

It can be said that through the content of that post, Dai Tianbao's personal information such as his appearance and address were exposed, and it was also artificially exaggerated into a person who was cruel and inhumane to puppies, not only ruthless but also extremely vicious, and even a little bit happy about it.

As expected, this incident is also related to the inducement of "people hurting dogs".

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