Eye of Sin

Chapter 330 Neighbors

As expected, Yue Ping was right. It was impossible to draw a clear conclusion from this protracted exchange of insults about how hot-tempered Dai Tianbao was, but it was very intuitive that he could not withstand the provocation of others.

The most important thing is that the account that exchanged insults with Dai Tianbao has no avatar, and the username only has an almost invisible dot. At first glance, it looks like there is no username.

When I clicked on the avatar, it was also a blank account with nothing posted to it.

This means that although further confirmation is needed, at least based on the current situation, this account is almost exactly the same as the blank account that Chai Yao exchanged digital code with, and it is very likely that it is the same person.

"Can we take Dai Tianbao's computer back to the bureau?" After Yue Ping calmed down a little, Ning Shuyi pointed to the computer on the table and asked her for advice.

"Yes! You can do whatever you want!" Yue Ping nodded immediately, "As long as we can figure out who caused my husband to do that, we'll do it!"

"One more thing, who is the neighbor who had a conflict with Dai Tianbao because of the dog? Do you have her contact information?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Yue Ping was a little confused: "Her? Does this matter have anything to do with her? But her dog is really small!"

"We also need to determine an investigation direction now. After all, Dai Tianbao was bitten by a dog. Before this, the only person who had friction with others because of the dog was this neighbor, right?"

After hearing Ning Shuyi's words, Yue Ping nodded hesitantly, but he still seemed a little worried: "But... that woman... she is really unreasonable.

I don't want to put it too harshly, but her mannerisms and speech are really that of an unreasonable shrew, and she is also the type who gets braver with each fight.

We had a little friction with her over the dog before, and after that she kept chasing us and scolding us, and even had to call her friends to besiege us in the community group.

Didn't you also see it when we were downstairs just now? The thing she posted on the door of the unit was a photo of my husband and the curse words were as unpleasant as possible.

If it really has something to do with her, then I definitely hope to make her pay.

But her dog is really small. I believe it would bite someone like my husband did...it's really impossible!

What if you go to her to find out the situation, but the matter has nothing to do with her after a long time, and she becomes angry, can our family still live in our community? "

"We understand your concerns. We are aware of this matter. You don't have to worry. We will definitely not cause any more trouble to your family." Ning Shuyi assured her.

Yue Ping hesitated for a moment, but she still felt sorry for her husband when he encountered such a sudden disaster. He took out his phone, found the owner group, rummaged through it, and clicked on the account of a user in the group: "That's it." Her." Ning Shuyi recorded the account and asked Yue Ping to send him a screenshot. Then he left Yue Ping temporarily and went to the property management of the community with Huo Yan to find the property staff.

The property staff were obviously well aware of the conflict between the two families. They were surprised when they heard that the two criminal police officers were here because of this incident.

"This matter... did the young couple's family call the police?" This middle-aged female staff member obviously did not want the owners of the community to cause trouble for the police to intervene. After all, it would not sound good if it spread, and it would not be good for their work. Will the grades be affected? "This is... not a big deal, right?
That owner is indeed a bit unreasonable, but her dog is quite small, and it was indeed kicked by the other owner..."

Huo Yan raised his hand to signal her not to continue: "We have our own work tasks today, and we are not here to listen to others."

The property staff was choked by his words. Although he didn't like hearing it, he had no reason to refute it and hesitantly provided the WeChat ID holder information to the two people.

The owner who quarreled with Dai Tianbao was named Shi Linli. She was a full-time housewife. She lived with her husband in another building in the community. She had no children. Because her husband was often away from home for business, she was relatively lonely and always thought Pet dogs are pampered as if they were their own children, and they pass the time by socializing with neighbors in the pet group.

Since she is a full-time housewife, it is good news for Ning Shuyi and the others. After all, they do not have to wait until after get off work hours to find someone.

The two people went directly to Shi Linli's home address and quickly knocked on her door.

Although they already had a detailed understanding of the dispute between Shi Linli and Dai Tianbao, it was their first time to meet this fighting dog owner, which really surprised Ning Shuyi.

This female owner, who was fiercely chasing people and scolding people in the group, was actually very thin and looked very frail.

Shi Linli seemed a little surprised when she saw two strangers visiting her home. When she heard that the two strangers were policemen who came to ask about the dispute between Dai Tianbao and her, she immediately became sullen.

She blocked the door with her arms in her arms, looking like the boss was not happy: "What's the matter? The villain in his family complained first, right? It was obviously his family who injured my family first, and I was magnanimous and didn't call the police. He still had the nerve to call the police. Are you looking for trouble with me?"

"We are not here to cause trouble." Ning Shuyi smiled at her, "We are just trying to understand the situation.

You said Dai Tianbao injured your family members?Is there anything else here that we don’t understand clearly?As far as we know, there shouldn't be any direct physical conflict between your two families, right? "

"Why didn't it happen?" Shi Linli rolled her eyes hard, and her face that didn't originally look too aggressive became a bit meaner because of this action, "He kicked our little Harry!

I have taken our little Harry home and raised him since he was not yet weaned. He is not only my family, but also my child!
That guy surnamed Dai kicked and injured my little Harry, which is like beating my child!If it were you, could it be that someone injured your own child, how could you calm down and let the matter go by the wayside?
Now, you are the police, let me ask you!If he hurts my family, will he have to be sentenced?I didn't ask for that much, so I asked him to apologize. Is it too much? "

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