Eye of Sin

Chapter 335 Idiot Genius

Apart from Huo Yan, Ning Shuyi couldn't think of a second example of someone who could speak firmly about caring for others.

The two of them left the station and took a taxi to the pet hospital where Qiao Hanyuan and Chai Yao had worked together before. Because it was still early, the place was not open yet. The two of them found a breakfast shop nearby and had something to eat. , by the way, I found a place to sit for a while, and rushed there as soon as the pet hospital opened.

The scale of this pet hospital is obviously much larger than the one Qiao Hanyuan opened with his father-in-law's family. The shopping area and the medical treatment area are separated, and there is also a beauty care area.

From this point of view, Qiao Hanyuan's original statement that he and Chai Yao were not familiar with each other and did not even bother to make friends with each other was not an exaggeration. After all, the two departments were not close to each other.

There were not many people here early in the morning and it was relatively quiet. As soon as Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan entered the door, they were greeted enthusiastically by a salesperson, thinking that they were here to buy supplies, snacks and the like for their pets.

The two explained their identities to each other and learned that this person happened to be the store manager on duty in the sales department. He had been working here for four or five years and was considered a very senior employee.

The store manager on duty still had some impression of Chai Yao, but it was very light. After all, Chai Yao had not worked here for a long time.

However, the store manager still clearly remembered that Chai Yao came to work here after being introduced by one of his fellow villagers. After he came, he worked for a period of time and then resigned together with his fellow villager.

"Our boss is not happy. He said that he would have known that Chai Yao would not do a good job when he came here. Instead, he would abduct our own employees and run away. He would not agree to recruit him at all!"

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan exchanged glances. It turns out that their trip was not in vain. Huo Yan's previous guess was correct. The "hand" really had something to do with Chai Yao here!
  So they asked the store manager about the "fellow countryman" and why the boss here was so reluctant to leave this person.

The store manager on duty quickly introduced the situation of fellow villager Chai Yao.

Chai Yao's fellow countryman is named Yu Xiaohe. He is much younger than Chai Yao. He is just twenty years old this year. He has a junior high school education and previously worked in the pet grooming and maintenance department here.

Although Yu Xiaohe is not very old and has a low level of education, he is extremely talented and has a special way of handling puppies. Whether they are large dogs or small dogs, no matter how bad-tempered they are, some even Because of his bad temper, he bit a pet beautician elsewhere and was blocked by other stores. However, when he was in Yu Xiaohe's hands, he quickly became obedient and very cooperative.

Because of this, pet grooming in this pet hospital was not a popular item originally. Just because Yu Xiaohe managed a few dogs with particularly bad tempers and was publicized by the dog owners in the circle, many people came here because of it. I wanted to see something new, and at one point I had to make a reservation a day in advance if I wanted to bathe or groom my pet here.

Therefore, the owner of this pet hospital naturally regarded Yu Xiaohe as a treasure. When he proposed to introduce a fellow villager to do sales, he readily agreed without knowing much about Chai Yao's personal qualifications. Recruited directly.

But what's interesting is that Yu Xiaohe is so good at dealing with dogs of all sizes and temperaments, but his ability to deal with other people can be described as "a mess."

The store manager said that Yu Xiaohe has a very dull personality. Even if he hears what others say to him, he often has no reaction, as if he didn't hear it.

Not only is he too dull when dealing with people, Yu Xiaohe is also not very smart. He is more than twice as slow as others in getting started with the same thing. Sometimes he is asked to do other things, as long as they are a little more complicated. I can’t even learn or understand. Initially, the boss wanted to train him from a small worker who bathes pet dogs in the store to a pet beautician in his own right. This would make it easier to become a service star in the store and would also help his personal development and income.

But even the simplest trimming, he often can't do it well, as if except dealing with dogs, which is what he is good at, he has shortcomings in everything else.

In the end, the boss had no choice but to let him continue to work as a bather.

The boss's evaluation of Xiaohe is - "Sometimes he looks like a genius, sometimes he looks like an idiot."

Ning Shuyi asked about the interactions between Chai Yao and Yu Xiaohe when they worked together in the store. After trying to recall it, the store manager said that according to what she knew, Chai Yao was very smooth, sophisticated and well-spoken, but these two people Even when they worked together in the store, they didn't have much communication and didn't seem to be particularly close. That's why the boss was particularly surprised when Yu Xiaohe left with Chai Yao.

However, as the communication with the store manager deepened, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan also discovered something that was different from what they knew before.

Qiao Hanyuan said before that he heard it from a salesperson in a shopping area. After communicating with his old colleagues and asking, he identified it as Chai Yao.

However, they learned from the store manager that Chai Yao joined this pet hospital after Yi Wenwen, although not yet ruined, stopped patronizing their store.

In other words, Chai Yao did not have any direct interaction with Yi Wenwen during his short period of work in M ​​city. Naturally, it was impossible for him to accidentally reveal this matter to Qiao Hanyuan.

The store manager also mentioned that the dogs Yi Wenwen originally brought were usually injured, scrawny, dirty and smelly, so every time the dogs she brought in were inevitably in need of treatment before being "discharged" Take a wash and have a beauty treatment.

The boss gives this task to Yu Xiaohe every time, hoping to use Yi Wenwen's fame to help his pet hospital gain some reputation.

Unfortunately, Yu Xiaohe refused to appear on the screen, so the publicity effect in this area was not realized. After Yi Wenwen's reputation fell into disrepute, it was a blessing in disguise.

Afterwards, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan analyzed it and believed that this might be due to the memory deviation of Qiao Hanyuan and his former colleagues, which really alarmed Yi Wenwen and made her dare not continue to treat injured puppies here. It's Chai Yao, but it may be Yu Xiaohe, who is taciturn and lacks a sense of presence.

Yu Xiaohe, as the dog washer who bathed Yi Wenwen's dog, relied on his knowledge of dogs to easily spot clues. However, because he was dull and quiet and lacked a sense of presence, Chai, who was introduced by him as a fellow villager, Yao's personality is relatively outgoing and easy to impress.

As a result, other people's attention to some trivial details related to the two of them would be ignored, and transferred from Yu Xiaohe's head to Chai Yao's side.

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