Eye of Sin

Chapter 344

Huo Yan has a lifestyle of maintaining high-intensity exercise all year round. The muscles in his body are all forged through hard work in the past, making him extremely powerful.

However, the dog's neck was also very thick. He tried his best, but just when he was almost exhausted, the dog was twisted until it lost consciousness, and its mouth only really let go of Huo Yan after he lost consciousness. hand.

Even so, Huo Yan didn't dare to let go of it right away, fearing that it would only lose consciousness temporarily. Once he let go, it would wake up quickly and continue to bite madly. Is there still such a chance to choke it? , that’s hard to say.

So he didn't dare to relax, and strangled the dog's neck with both arms.

"You!!! You trash! If you dare to kill my dog, I will kill you today!"

Ning Shuyi was originally frightened by the sudden attack and was slightly dazed. Now he heard the heart-rending roar and quickly raised his head. He saw Yu Xiaohe, who they had been looking for for a long time but could not find, holding a hand in his hand. Holding a sharp knife, he was running towards this side with murderous intent.

Other colleagues in the building heard the gunshots coming from the yard, and quickly became alert and rushed out of the building. They just saw Yu Xiaohe rushing up and hurriedly stepped forward to provide support.

Qi Tianhua had just returned from eating outside. When he entered the building, he heard gunshots before turning into the corridor. He ran out and took a look. Others may not know who the person wielding a sharp knife was, but he knew it very well.

"This man is one of the important suspects we are looking for. He needs to be alive! He needs to be alive!" He shouted to the others while rushing forward.

Normally, with Qi Tianhua's steady personality, he would not have said such outrageous words, but he suddenly heard the gunshot and rushed out to see Huo Yan's hands dripping with blood, and his forehead was naked and writhing with veins. A strong, fierce dog, and another dog on the other side was shot in the head and lay motionless on the ground.

Not far away, Xiaohe stood with his teeth and claws bared, holding a sharp knife in his hand.

The huge impact of this picture made him unable to think about his words. The first thing that came to his mind was that no one should kill the murderer in front of him at this time, otherwise their most important clue would be broken!
  Although this scene is enough to prove that the dog belongs to Yu Xiaohe, and Yu Xiaohe was directly involved in the previous dog killings, after all, Chai Yao is the mastermind behind all this.

If Yu Xiaohe is shot dead at this juncture, then all the blame for the previous three cases will naturally fall on him alone. After all, a dead person has no way to defend himself. Chai Yao will be able to shirk no matter how he wants to. It's relaxing and enjoyable.

The moment he shouted those words, Yu Xiaohe also quickly took action and threw the sharp knife in his hand towards Ning Shuyi.

I don't know if he really had such accuracy or if it was just a coincidence. The sharp knife flipped in the air for several weeks, flew almost close to Ning Shuyi's cheek, and fell to the ground with a clang.

At the moment when Ning Shuyi felt a sudden chill on his cheeks, another gunshot rang out in his ears.

Before she could recover, Yu Xiaohe fell to the ground.

"Huo Yan!" Qi Tianhua watched Huo Yan bend down to pick up the gun. Before he could even say a warning, Huo Yan fired the shot at lightning speed.

Huo Yan's hand holding the gun was the one that had been bitten by the dog just now. Blood was dripping down his hand. Coupled with his expression at the moment, it looked really scary.

Huo Yan did not look at Yu Xiaohe who fell to the ground, but turned to look at Ning Shuyi beside him.

Ning Shuyi's heart seemed to have forgotten to beat at a certain moment just now, but now it has regained its ability. Her heart seemed to burst out of her chest and jump out, and the sound of her heartbeat was about to penetrate her eardrum. She saw Huo Yan staring at her nervously, so she nodded to him and showed a smile.

Qi Tianhua rushed to Yu Xiaohe's side and saw that his chest was stained red with blood. His heart tightened. When he looked carefully, he saw that the bullet hole was in the shoulder socket.

This guy was lying there motionless, probably in pain and scared.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and the anger that had been suppressed by nervousness surged up now. Regardless of whether the place where Yu Xiaohe was shot hurt or not, he directly turned him over to a prone position, facing down Yu Xiao. He's arms were tied behind his back, and he took out handcuffs and cuffed them.

Others did not expect Huo Yan to shoot so quickly and decisively. At this moment, he came to his senses and helped Qi Tianhua take Yu Xiaohe away from the scene. The two dogs were also taken away. One is dead, but I don’t know whether the other is dead or alive.

After Qi Tianhua confirmed that Yu Xiaohe's life was not in danger, he breathed a sigh of relief and handed him over to his colleagues to help take him away. Then he returned to Huo Yan and took the gun from his hand.

"I'll hand this back for you. The wound on your hand is quite deep and needs to be treated quickly! Rabies vaccination and tetanus vaccination are required!" After he finished speaking to Huo Yan, he turned to look at Ning Shuyi again, "Shuyi , you should also go to the hospital with Huo Yan!
  I can’t tell whether the cut on my face is deep or not. I need to deal with it quickly to avoid getting infected and leaving scars! "

Ning Shuyi was stunned. When he heard Qi Tianhua talking to him, he suddenly came back to his senses. He subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his cheek in response to his words, and then felt the sting.

Huo Yan also saw a wound on Ning Shuyi's cheek. It didn't look deep, it just scratched the surface, and now a thin blood scab had formed.

"Let's go to the hospital." He said to Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi nodded, exchanged a few words with Qi Tianhua, and then went to the parking lot to drive with Huo Yan.

Although the destination was the same as before, they were heading to the hospital, but not only did the driver change from Huo Yan to Ning Shuyi, but the purpose of the two people's trip also changed.

Ning Shuyi said nothing along the way, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands and staring intently at the road ahead. The radio was not even turned on in the car, so it was extremely quiet.

The wound on Huo Yan's palm was very painful, but it was not a problem based on his ability to bear it, so he remained silent and only glanced at Ning Shuyi without leaving a trace from time to time.

When they arrived at the hospital, Ning Shuyi first registered Huo Yan and took him to see a doctor to treat the wound. Huo Yan originally wanted her to register as well, but the doctor on duty saw the wound on Ning Shuyi's cheek and asked him to go to the hospital. After asking what caused the scratch, he said that there was no need to register. The wound was very shallow. Huo Yan would disinfect it while he was treating it and just cover it with gauze. No special treatment was needed.

On the contrary, it was the wound on Huo Yan's hand that really surprised the doctor.

"You were bitten by... something?" The doctor said in surprise after cleaning the wound. "The palm of your hand is almost penetrated. It's best to take a picture to see if the bones are okay!"

 Thanks to the book friend 20231028213946958 for the monthly pass!
    (End of this chapter)

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