Eye of Sin

Chapter 347

Seeing how quickly he reacted to this sentence, Ning Shuyi didn't speak immediately, but just looked at Yu Xiaohe with a half-smile.

Yu Xiaohe was a little confused when she stared at him, and he couldn't tell what the situation was like now. His expression was full of confusion for a moment.

"Chai Yao taught you the words, right? If we say anything, you will use certain words to deal with us. It seems that you memorized it quite skillfully before, and you can react very quickly just now." After a while, Ning Shuyi nodded at him He nodded and said to him in a complimentary tone, "It's just a flaw. Once our reaction is different from the version you have rehearsed in advance, you won't be able to take over."

Yu Xiaohe's face turned red again, looking a little angry, but more embarrassed.

Obviously, he was convinced by Ning Shuyi.

"I know, now that we tell you that Chai Yao lied to you and used you, you can't listen and don't want to believe it." Ning Shuyi looked at him like this. It was obvious that he had told the truth, so he was a little bit He panicked and took advantage of the situation and said, "Let's take it over and let you see and hear what Chai Yao said with your own eyes and ears, okay?"

Yu Xiaohe was stunned and nodded immediately. As soon as he heard that he could see Chai Yao, he seemed to have found his backbone again.

Luo Wei stepped forward and pulled Yu Xiaohe up from the chair. This action may have accidentally pulled the injury on his shoulder. Yu Xiaohe shouted angrily: "You touched my wound and hurt me!"

"Open your eyes and see for yourself!" Luo Wei saw that he was a little angry now, so he pushed him and pointed to Huo Yan's bandaged hand, "That dog of yours bit our colleague's hand through in one bite. Didn't you know it would hurt?!
  When you threw the knife at someone, you never thought about whether it would actually hurt if it was stabbed?

Your dog mauled two of three people to death, and one of them still hasn't fully woken up. Why don't you ask them if they feel any pain? ! "

"They deserve it! They abuse dogs!" Yu Xiaohe blushed and pushed back, "I can't bear to see you helping those bad guys who abuse dogs! You and them vent their anger through the same nose! So you deserve it!"

"Yes, yes, you know these few words, right? You can't say a word that Chai Yao didn't teach you?!" Luo Wei almost laughed at him, "Dogs are your family and your friends. , if someone hurts a dog, you will be so angry that you must kill the other person!

Then this is my colleague, my friend, not family member but more like family member. You injured them both, do I have to kill you now? ! "

Yu Xiaohe couldn't answer what he said.

"Okay, let's go." Huo Yan didn't say anything, but looked at Yu Xiaohe with a cold look. He almost had no patience to listen to Yu Xiaohe's unreasonable words.

The three people led Yu Xiaohe through the corridor and came to the other end, where Chai Yao was in the interrogation room.

Because Chai Yao was very cunning, his "treatment" was particularly high, and an interrogation room was specially arranged for him inside the identification room.

Yu Xiaohe was taken to the identification room, where he could clearly see Chai Yao sitting inside through the single-transparent glass.

The voices in the identification room cannot be heard by the people inside, but the voices in the interrogation room can be heard clearly in the identification room. Chai Yao sat in the interrogation room, with helplessness written all over his face, as if he was determined to fight Qi Tianhua and the others until the end. However, he adjusted his sitting posture from time to time, revealing the anxiety he was trying to suppress at this moment.

Ning Shuyi nodded to Huo Yan, Huo Yan nodded and stood beside Yu Xiaohe without moving. Ning Shuyi left the identification room and pushed in from the door of the interrogation room on the other side.

When Chai Yao saw Ning Shuyi come in, his eyes fell directly on the scabbed wound on her face, and his eyes lit up.

"Officer Ning! You came just in time! Didn't we communicate very well before? Is there any misunderstanding here? Did your colleagues make a mistake? How can you still suspect me!" He told Ning Shuyi After that, it was as if he had just discovered the wound on Ning Shuyi's face, "Oh, what's wrong with your face? Why are you injured? Did something happen to you?"

"No, I fell off my bike and was scratched by a branch." Ning Shuyi answered very naturally, without any trace of hypocrisy. "Are you still here resisting? Yu Xiaohe told us everything!"

"Officer Ning, why are you like this!" Chai Yao smiled, "Why did you use this person to defraud me? I don't know this person!"

"'Yes'?" Ning Shuyi looked at him and turned to ask Qi Tianhua, "Did you just ask him about Yu Xiaohe?"

Qi Tianhua waved his hand and pointed towards the surveillance camera: "As evidenced by the video, we didn't mention Yu Xiaohe at all."

Ning Shuyi looked at Chai Yao again. Chai Yao's expression was a little stiff, and he twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment: "Oh, maybe I remembered it wrong..."

"Did you remember it wrong, or have you rehearsed what we will ask you so many times in your mind that you are confusing even what really happened with what has been rehearsed in your mind?"

Ning Shuyi smiled and took out an evidence bag, which contained the note she and Huo Yan brought back from Yu Xiaohe's residence: "Look, the secret codes between you and Yu Xiaohe are all here.

Yu Xiaohe said that these codes were all set by you, and you wrote this note and left it for him. He thought about it last night and thought that you sent him an asterisk, and he wanted to fight the police to the death. It was unreliable. The police were different from ordinary people. If they shot his dog, he would not be able to bear the loss.

At first, he was a little bit embarrassed about giving you up, but then we sent the two dogs to the police dog base for foster care. He felt that we took better care of his dogs than you, so when he was moved, he took you two away. The original division of labor and cooperation have all been told to us.

Oh, by the way, what breeds are his two dogs? I don't know much about dogs. Are they bitches or bullies? "

When Chai Yao saw the note, the expression on his face had already stiffened. When Ting Ning Shuyi mentioned the two dogs and asked about the dog's breed, the emotions he had suppressed for a long time finally couldn't hold back any longer.

He clenched his fists with both hands and snorted coldly: "If you fail to succeed, you will fail! I shouldn't have to deal with such a stupid person!
  Who knows what breeds those two disgusting dogs are! I'm so ugly, my mouth smells so bad, my saliva flows all over the floor, and he sold me just for these two beasts! This idiot! "

Thanks to Ye Xian and Daisy Cat for their monthly votes!

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