Eye of Sin

Chapter 355 The deceased person

As soon as he heard this, Ning Shuyi had something in his mind.

Although the direct cause of the deceased's death was excessive blood loss, there must be another reason behind it, and what that reason is, obviously cannot be answered at the crime scene.

"Forensic Doctor Zhang, then we won't disturb your work here. Let's go talk to the person who reported the case!" Ning Shuyi thanked Forensic Doctor Zhang and went to the living room with Huo Yan.

On the sofa in the living room, the housekeeping aunt who reported the crime was still sitting there, her posture had not changed, and she was still shaking all over.

When they came forward, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan discovered that one of the housekeeping aunt's hands and clothes were stained with blood to varying degrees, but the amount was not large. By now, it had completely dried and turned into a dark rust-red color. color.

This housekeeping aunt looked to be in her sixties, very thin, her skin was a little dark yellow, without any luster, and her shivering expression made her look even more depressed.

"Hello, are you the one who reported the crime?" Ning Shuyi saw that she was already very nervous, so she motioned to Huo Yan to watch from the side, and sat down next to the housekeeping aunt, "What do you call her?"

"My, my name is Yu Shufang." The housekeeping aunt suddenly came back to her senses and quickly adjusted her sitting posture. Although Ning Shu, the artist, was very kind, she couldn't help but tense up because of her profession.

"Don't be nervous, we are just chatting." Ning Shuyi looked at her with a smile, "Is this on the clothes...?"

Yu Shufang hurriedly reached out and wiped it on her clothes subconsciously, as if she wanted to erase the mark on it: "I...I didn't know at first whether she was dead or alive, whether she should call the police or an ambulance...

I...I just wanted to go over and see if she was still angry...

As a result... As a result, when I was nervous, garlic was mixed under my feet. I rushed over and touched the top of the bed..."

When Yu Shufang said these words, her voice was trembling, and she looked as if she was about to cry anytime and anywhere. She held up her hands in frustration and looked like she was in a state of confusion: "I have never encountered such a situation in my life. thing……"

"Well, if you don't want to stay here, we can chat in the car downstairs and see how we can relax a little bit. How about we choose a place?" Ning Shuyi saw her like this and made a suggestion.

Yu Shufang nodded, as if she was afraid that Ning Shuyi would make up her mind first: "Then let's go downstairs and talk, okay? I'm scared to stay in this room!"

"Okay!" Ning Shuyi nodded, helped pull Yu Shufang up, and accompanied her downstairs with Huo Yan.

Originally, she was worried that Yu Shufang would become even more nervous in front of Huo Yan, but it turned out that was not the case. Although Huo Yan had an invisible deterrent, Yu Shufang didn't seem to feel scared or restrained when she saw him. There is an inexplicable kindness.

When the three of them took the elevator downstairs, she even took the initiative to move closer to Huo Yan.

Huo Yan looked down at her in surprise, and Yu Shufang hurriedly explained: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just scared. When I look at you, I think of my own son..."

Huo Yan nodded: "It doesn't matter."

When they got downstairs, Yu Shufang seemed to be Huo Yan's little tail, following him obediently. Ning Shuyi watched from the side. When it was time to get in the car, he directly motioned to Huo Yan to sit in the back with Yu Shufang. Row.

Huo Yan knew that judging from Yu Shufang's reaction just now, this was indeed more appropriate. After all, what she needed now was someone who could relax her as soon as possible and communicate well with her.

It's just that he wasn't used to it being him, and he seemed a little embarrassed for a while. After getting in the car, Yu Shufang felt more at ease sitting with Huo Yan, and she seemed more relaxed than when she was upstairs.

"Aunt Yu, is the victim you called the police today your employer?" Ning Shuyi turned around from the front row and asked Yu Shufang.

Yu Shufang nodded quickly, looking at her and then at Huo Yan: "Yes, her name is Hong Xinli, she is my employer. I have been working as a nanny in her home since she gave birth to the child. At the beginning, I was just responsible for taking care of the child. Later, as time went by and we got to know each other well, my boss negotiated with me and gave me more money, and I also did the housework at home.

When I thought about it, I got along very well with their family, and it was not particularly easy to find a boss that I got along with. If I didn't agree, they would have to replace me when their baby gets older. Housekeeping is cheaper than a nanny, and everyone will have to start over and adapt again.

But the couple had previously considered having a second child when their child was a little older, and I could continue to be a nanny by then.

I am not young anymore, so I originally thought that this would be good. After raising their two treasures, I would be able to go home and take care of myself in old age, and I would not have to do this kind of waiting work outside. !

As a result...how everything turned out fine...this person is still alive..."

Yu Shufang lamented the death of her female boss again. In addition to having been with her boss for so long and having some feelings for her, she also felt disappointed that her plan before "retiring" was shattered.

However, after hearing her story, Ning Shuyi was a little surprised. After all, they had just seen the furnishings and layout of the house. It looked exactly like a small home for a woman living alone.

There wasn't even a single photo of the couple inside or outside the house, let alone any photos of children.

Although Ning Shuyi has not yet embarked on the trilogy path of falling in love, getting married and having children, she has visited the home of a senior sister in the bureau who already has a baby, and has seen what it would be like to have a child at home.

Maybe different children have different personalities, but their existence will leave traces.

"You mean there is a family of three living here, plus you?" She asked Yu Shufang, "Is that house suitable for living?"

"Not here!" Yu Shufang realized that Ning Shuyi had misunderstood, and waved her hands quickly, "Hong Xinli lives here. The child and her husband Zhai Yujiang live over there. I also live there, not here."

"Are they living apart?" Huo Yan asked.

"No, no, they are a good couple, how could they be separated?" Yu Shufang waved her hands hastily, fearing that she didn't explain clearly, causing misunderstanding and causing trouble to her employer, "This house was bought by Hong Xinli's natal family before she got married. Dang girl lived here at that time, and moved to their current big house after marrying Zhai Yujiang.

The child was born there, and we usually live there.

But that end is too far from where Hong Xinli works, so sometimes she feels too tired to go back and forth, so she lives here instead of going home.

I didn't care about this at first, but then she asked me to pay more and let me come here to clean twice a week, so I started running in both directions! "

Thanks to book friend 20220203073157129 x8 and book friend 20170131151018539 for their monthly votes!

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