Eye of Sin

Chapter 364 Jieyuhua

Chapter 364 Jieyuhua

"This person... is a bit hard to understand." Ning Shuyi looked at Zhai Yujiang, who had thrown Chen Dagang and Li Cuiyan away, stopped a taxi at the gate and left alone, and looked at Huo Yan, who was standing by the window and looking out. explain.

Huo Yan looked away: "Zhai Yujiang's mood is indeed very reserved. I feel that he has many things that he is hiding from us."

"Yes, it's just that we don't know anything about Hong Xinli's situation now. If we ask him, we may not be able to find out anything." Ning Shuyi sighed, "The feelings between this pair of parents-in-law and son-in-law It's also very strange. It seems that the parents-in-law even look down on the son-in-law.

But since when they went out, Zhai Yujiang's reaction was completely different from his forbearance in front of us.

Do you feel that he seems to be suppressing a fire and holding his breath? "

"Yes." Huo Yan nodded, "When he threw away Chen Dagang and the others, Chen Dagang and the others did not dare to fall out with him outside. There must be something going on here."

"Let's first take a look at what kind of person this Hong Xinli is." Ning Shuyi sat back in front of the computer, "Although she is a radio program announcer and works in a media company, she is still a public figure in the final analysis.

Even if it's her husband and her parents, they either don't understand her affairs, or they keep it secret. At least we have other ways to understand her external or work status. "

The radio station where Hong Xinli's program was broadcast had a platform where you could listen to past programs. Ning Shuyi found the platform entrance, searched for Hong Xinli's program column, and clicked on a recent program recording to listen to it with Huo Yan. got up.

Hong Xinli's voice is very nice. It's not the kind of slender female voice that sounds very delicate, but low and gentle. She also speaks slowly and looks particularly gentle. Just listening to her tone and voice, she already feels... It's a treat for the ears.

And when she listened to the listeners who called in to talk, she was also very patient. She would give a little response from time to time to let the other person know that her words were being listened to carefully. She would not respond quickly until the other person finished speaking. After thinking carefully, give a response.

Sometimes it's to give advice, sometimes it's to comfort others, and sometimes it's just to comfort others.

No matter which one it is, it sounds very patient and considerate.

Ning Shuyi had never had the opportunity to listen to this midnight program in the past. After just listening to a section, through Hong Xinli's voice and tone, she couldn't help but feel that she must have been a kind-hearted, gentle and generous person when she was alive. , a person who makes people feel very comfortable to get along with.

She listened to another issue with a particularly high number of clicks.

In this issue, a listener with somewhat confused logic called to talk about his troubles. He was a little emotional, and no matter how Hong Xinli tried to enlighten and persuade him, he could not calm down.

This listener sounded like he was just venting his emotions and spreading evil fire. He complained, Hong Xinli came to his rescue, and he scolded Hong Xinli for not understanding him.

Hong Xinli followed his emotions and tried to comfort him. He said that Hong Xinli could not help him with anything, and would just parrot words and talk about things that he already understood. She would always interrupt him and not listen carefully.

And when Hong Xinli chose to respect his wishes, not interrupt, and listen to him quietly, he angrily scolded Hong Xinli for being perfunctory and not listening to him at all. Although the listener was obviously looking for trouble, Hong Xinli never lost her temper from beginning to end, and did not even cut off the other party's call. She always behaved particularly forbearing and gentle.

In the end, Hong Xinli remained calm no matter how hard she tried to find trouble, but the irritable listener who was looking for trouble had nothing to say and had to hang up the phone angrily.

In the comment section of this episode, the number of comments was more than three or four times that of other previous episodes. Half of the thousands of messages were scolding the male listeners for being bullies, and calling the female announcer to mentally torture them when they were upset. .

Another half of the comments praised Hong Xinli for her sweet voice, sweet heart, and kindness. She was able to restrain her emotions and always respect and considerate the other person when faced with such an unreasonable guy.

The sentence that appears most frequently is - "What kind of angel lady is the host!"

Ning Shuyi considers herself to be an emotionally stable person, but no matter how stable her emotions are and how amazing her self-control is, she is not a little piece of dough that anyone can pinch around. She still has a temper.

If she were in Hong Xinli's situation, she might have tried to be considerate of the other person's emotions at first, but after several attempts, even if she wasn't angry, at least she would have chosen to cut off the call from the unreasonable listener.

As moderate and patient as Hong Xinli is, she really can't do it.

"If nothing else, as the host of this show, Hong Xinli is at least very professional and dedicated!" she said to Huo Yan.

But Huo Yan seems to have a different view on this: "Judging from the nanny's story, she doesn't seem to have that much patience with her own family and her own children, otherwise the child would not have been taken care of by the nanny from birth." of.

Zhai Yujiang also mentioned this when he was arguing with his parents-in-law here.

So I think Hong Xinli is not pure. She has two sides, and even multiple sides. Under different circumstances, she may show different personality traits, but it's hard to say which one is her true face. "

Ning Shuyi felt that what Huo Yan said made sense. For a person who could be so tolerant and tolerant towards strangers, if it was really due to her naturally patient temper, then it would be unlikely for her, as a mother, to be so tolerant to her children. When I was so young, I often preferred to stay in the small house I had before marriage and not go home even once for a day or two because I wanted to ensure my rest and quiet were not disturbed.

Ning Shuyi remembers that when she was a child, there was a time when Ning's mother often had to be on duty because of her work.

Every night, Ning's mother was not at home on night shift. The next morning, she would always rush home before her two sisters left for school, just to avoid seeing her two children all night. Meet the children before they go to school.

Although not all mothers have the same overwhelming maternal love. People have different personalities, and the way and intensity of emotional expression are also different, but at least they are not as lethargic as Hong Xinli.

(End of this chapter)

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