Eye of Sin

Chapter 37 Cash Withdrawals

Chapter 37 Cash Withdrawals
Li Qiao got up in a hurry and nodded with a pale face: "Don't worry! Please don't worry! I will keep my mobile phone open 24 hours a day! If you have anything to do in the future, just call me! I will give you my home address, and you can go to my home You can come to me! Let's try not to cause trouble with the leaders and colleagues of the unit, shall we?"

Ning Shuyi thanked him again without saying yes or no, and walked out of the office building with Huo Yan. When she went down the steps, she could still catch a glimpse of Li Qiao standing inside and looking out from the corner of her eye.

"What you said just before you left was to scare him, right?" After getting into the car, Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi, "I don't think you have much doubt about this Li Qiao, at most you look down upon him."

"You're right." Ning Shuyi smiled and nodded, "It's because of his contemptible actions that weakened the doubts in his body, making me think he didn't have the motive or even the conditions to commit the crime .”

"Well, he is a self-centered person from head to toe, calculating too much." Huo Yan also had the same opinion.

"That's right! Li Qiao has never been in love with Wang Yuluo. His purpose is nothing more than to use intimacy to pave the way for his own life in the future, to be gilded, so that he can live a good life without any effort, and if he has the opportunity to transform himself from An ordinary salesman became the husband of the only daughter of the boss of the company."

Ning Shuyi looked down on this kind of person, but precisely because of Li Qiao's eye-catching selfishness, he ruled out his suspicion of committing the crime: "At first he thought that Wang Yuluo was chasing him, and he could win and sit still. Diaoyutai, I didn't expect Zuo Dafa, and the fat in my mouth ran away.

But you see, after he failed to propose a marriage according to Wang Yuluo's conditions, and was ridiculed by a group of people, and his face was disgraced, he didn't become angry from embarrassment. , immediately changed his attitude, turned around and chased after him fiercely.

Even if it was the cosplay that he was most concerned about in the past, he still can't accept it now. As long as Wang Yuluo can turn around and let go, he can force himself to exaggerate!
So such a person who puts interests first, just like the truth he said accidentally just now, if one day, if the villain succeeds and he really turns around, maybe he will really try to throw away the present. I got back my face.

But at this stage, for him, what he needs most is that Wang Yuluo is alive. After all, if he is dead, all his "bear the burden of humiliation" will be in vain! "

"Even if Wang Yuluo rejects him completely, he may not be willing to kill and take revenge." Huo Yan really looked down on a man like Li Qiao, "Injury to his self-esteem is nothing to him, he has no self-esteem at all, so It is impossible to become angry from embarrassment and kill to vent your anger."

"But I didn't completely scare him just now." Ning Shuyi said while entering the address in the navigation, "In case there is something that needs to be contacted later, maybe it is still possible.

I still need him to feel that his suspicions have not been completely cleared, and he is still in the police's sight, lest this case has no conclusion yet, and he goes to the Internet to "create" again!

Leaving aside the issue of character, we are currently in the investigation stage. He is talking nonsense on the Internet. If he is not careful, he will cause us trouble and add a lot of chaos, so this risk can be avoided. "

Huo Yan glanced at the few words Ning Shuyi had just typed in, and immediately started the car: "You don't need to type, are you going to the bank near Wang Yuluo's neighborhood? I remember the way I went there last time. "

Ning Shuyi refrained from being kind. For a sniper who can lurk in the dark and wait for an opportunity, he must have a strong sense of orientation, so Huo Yan's ability to distinguish orientation is needless to say.

They had tried to check Wang Yuluo's bank information before, and generally speaking, there were no abnormal expenses that seemed wrong on the surface, but there was a record that made Ning Shuyi feel weird.

In this era where mobile payments are becoming more and more developed and convenient, even many elderly people have begun to learn to use mobile phones to swipe and scan, and there are fewer and fewer people who are used to using cash.

However, Wang Yuluo, a young man in her 20s, found the ATM cash withdrawal records in her bank transaction records, and not once or twice, but frequently many times.

It was hard not to attract Ning Shuyi's attention, so naturally he needed to go to the bank to find out.

It was relatively convenient to go to the bank to learn about these things. The two of them quickly got the detailed transaction information of Wang Yuluo's bank account in the past six months, as well as the surveillance video of the bank in the past three months.

Looking at the transaction information, Ning Shuyi immediately discovered the problem.

Wang Yuluo not only has a record of withdrawing cash at the ATM many times, but also the frequency of such things is constantly changing.

From once or twice a month half a year ago, to three or four times a month two or three months ago, to the last two months, almost two or three times a week.

The frequency of her withdrawing cash is gradually increasing, and it can be concluded from this that Wang Yuluo's addiction is getting bigger and bigger. From the very beginning, she did it occasionally, and it was obvious that she was addicted before the accident.

Although the medical doctor also mentioned during the autopsy that the concentration of residues in her blood was not particularly high, which could explain that the intake was not too high to some extent, but if it hadn't been for her accident, her life would be in jeopardy. It's come to an end, and there is no chance to continue to develop. Judging by her withdrawal frequency, this girl seems to have stepped into the fire pit with one foot, and is preparing to march into the depths of the fire pit!
When Ning Shuyi noticed Wang Yuluo's increasingly frequent withdrawals, Huo Yan also made a discovery.

"Look at these few transactions." He pointed out the abnormalities he noticed and asked Ning Shuyi to look them over, "When Wang Yuluo withdraws money, although the amount is not exactly the same each time, it is generally maintained at five or six thousand. On an average, even if the interval between withdrawals is shortened, there are still traces to follow, and a general rule can be summed up.

But these few times are very strange, the time interval is quite messy, there is no regularity at all, and the amount of each withdrawal is only five or six hundred, I don't think this is like Wang Yuluo's operation. "

Ning Shuyi felt that this discovery was indeed tricky. Wang Yuluo's mobile payment software could be found. Her daily small expenses were also mainly based on mobile payment, and she didn't spend cash on everything she did.

Because of this, every time she withdraws [-], [-] or more, it reminds people of the kind of secret operations that dare not conduct transactions through traceable channels, but only secretly buy and sell cash.

Then those small cash withdrawals of five or six hundred seemed very abrupt, and there was no reason for them to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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