Eye of Sin

Chapter 376 Lie to face

As soon as Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan returned to the bureau, they first found Luo Wei, showed him Xu Wenbiao's photo, and asked him if he had seen this person in the surveillance video.

"Eh? This person looks really familiar!" Luo Wei clicked on Xu Wenbiao's photo with his finger, "Wait a minute and let me think about it!

I must have seen this person before, his face looks familiar! "

He quickly called up a video, pulled the progress bar to a certain time period, and played it quickly. He leaned his entire body on the table and wanted to press his eyes against the monitor to prevent him from missing anything.

About half a minute later, Luo Wei suddenly slammed the table, moved the video back a little, and motioned to Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan to take a look: "Let's see if this is the person you are looking for!"

The two people hurriedly approached. The surveillance video on the screen had returned to normal playback speed. The screen showed the main entrance of the community where Hong Xinli's accident happened. The time in the corner of the screen jumped to show 7:50 in the morning.

There were many people coming and going at the gate of the community at this time. Among them, a middle-aged man wearing a parka and holding a briefcase walked in from outside the gate by swiping his magnetic card. I don’t know if it was because he felt cold. He shrunk his neck, and half of his face was blocked by the raised collar.

Just after walking through the door, a mother and her son ran towards them. They hurriedly passed by the middle-aged man. When they almost bumped into each other, the man quickly dodged, and then his whole face was exposed.

Luo Wei quickly paused the screen and pointed at the person on the screen: "How is it? My brother is pretty good at recognizing people, right?"

Although the man on this screen looks richer and older than the profile photo of Xu Wenbiao found by Ning Shuyi and the others, he has a pair of big and convex eyes, and the features of his nose and mouth are also relatively obvious. It's definitely the same person.

"Xu Wenbiao came to the crime scene on the morning of the crime!" Ning Shuyi turned to look at Huo Yan, "We have just confirmed his address, and it is basically the opposite of Hong Xinli's house.

He told his work today that he was feeling unwell and was resting at home! "

"Let's go!" Huo Yan quickly took his coat from the side and handed Ning Shuyi's over.

The two immediately set off and rushed to Xu Wenbiao's residence.

Strictly speaking, the place where Xu Wenbiao's family lives is not far from the residences of Hong Xinli and Zhai Yujiang. It is basically just along the way. The size and condition of the community are similar, but it is not as large as the apartment area of ​​Zhai Yujiang's family.

The community management of Xu Wenbiao's family was not strict. Ning Shuyi and the others parked their car outside, walked to the entrance of the community, and walked in naturally following the residents coming in and out. The security guard at the door did not even ask about their identity or purpose of coming.

Before going to Xu Wenbiao's home, the two people first went to the property, revealed their identities, retrieved the video of the unit where Xu Wenbiao's home was on the day of the crime, confirmed Xu Wenbiao's whereabouts, and then saved this part of the surveillance video before going straight to the house. Xu Wenbiao’s residence.

After knocking on the door for a while, just when Ning Shuyi was a little unsure, there was a noise inside. It seemed that someone was at home.

"Who is it?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the door. His voice was loud and full of energy.

"Is this Xu Wenbiao's family?" Ning Shuyi asked.

The person at the door did not answer, but asked her: "What are you doing? What's the matter?"

"We are from the community, and we need your help to vote for the general election of the owners' committee of your community!" Ning Shuyi said in a brisk tone.

"Oh..." There was a response from the door, followed by the sound of the lock being unlocked.

The security door in front of him opened, and Xu Wenbiao stood inside. He did look much older than his ID photo, he was quite tall, and he was wearing satin pajamas. He looked very rich, including his temperament and his slightly round belly. . "Where's the watch? Bring it!" Xu Wenbiao's face was a little red, exuding a faint smell of alcohol. Looking at Ning Shuyi, who was dressed in casual clothes, he did not doubt that he was there. He stretched out his hand to motion for her to hand the form to him, "How do I remember? Was there a change last year or the year before? Why does it have to be changed again so soon?"

Ning Shuyi smiled at him and showed his ID: "To be honest, I don't know much about the change of leadership.

If you don't mind, let's go in and talk. It might not be appropriate to talk in the corridor. "

When Xu Wenbiao saw the ID in Ning Shuyi's hand, his expression suddenly became stiff.

"Oh... oh..." His eyes flickered, and he slowly moved away from the door. When he saw Huo Yan behind Ning Shuyi, he tried to squeeze out a dry smile.

Huo Yan glanced at him lightly and ignored him.

Xu Wenbiao's home is also very spacious, with bright and clean windows. There is a balled up pile blanket on the sofa in the living room, and there are two open beer cans on the coffee table in front, one is crushed and the other is not.

"Is there no one else at home? Is it convenient to talk?" Ning Shuyi looked around and asked with a smile.

"My child, who just entered the university this year, is not at home. My wife has gone out." Xu Wenbiao hurriedly said, "You two, please sit down, please sit down! Please sit down quickly!"

"We originally wanted to make routine inquiries at your media company. I heard that Director Xu was ill today and couldn't go to work, so we had to come." Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan were standing on the other side of the two singles. He sat down on the sofa and said, "Director Xu is not feeling well. Shouldn't he drink beer?"

"Have a drink... have a drink..." Xu Wenbiao quickly swept the two beer cans on the coffee table into the trash can nearby with some embarrassment, "You are looking for me... about Hong Xinli?"

"Director Xu is feeling unwell today, is it also because of Hong Xinli's incident?" Ning Shuyi indirectly acknowledged Xu Wenbiao's inquiry and asked back.

Xu Wenbiao's face turned even redder, and there seemed to be a hint of sweat on his forehead: "It's hard to say... It's just a coincidence... It's a coincidence!

Do you want to know about Hong Xinli’s work situation? I can introduce it to you.

But if it's outside of work, then I may not be able to help you. "

"That's it..." Ning Shuyi looked at Huo Yan.

Huo Yan took out his mobile phone and found a screenshot on it. It was the surveillance screen of Xu Wenbiao appearing in the community where the crime was found on the morning of the incident.

"I wonder what the purpose of Director Xu's work was when he went to Hong Xinli's house yesterday morning?" Ning Shuyi raised her eyebrows and looked at Xu Wenbiao, waiting for his answer.

Xu Wenbiao twitched the corner of his mouth: "Oh, I can explain this... After I arrived at the unit yesterday morning, I found that there was a very important application material for the award, but Hong Xinli did not give it to me.

By that time, she had already finished the broadcast and came home. I was in a hurry, so I went over to get it. "

Thanks to Mint Qingfeng_bD x2 for your monthly pass!

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