Eye of Sin

Chapter 389 Old News

"You brought us here because you probably wanted to explain this matter to us, right?" Ning Shuyi also saw Cao Youyu's intention at this moment.

This man is more honest than Xu Wenbiao, and he is also smarter than Xu Wenbiao in a similar situation.

He used an open and frank attitude to admit his intentions towards Hong Xinli without any secret. By the way, he used this topic to attribute part of the blame to Hong Xinli's character, and then took the opportunity to bring up some unknown past of Hong Xinli. Take some of the attention away from yourself.

This proactive style of doing things is obviously much better than the passivity of Xu Wenbiao after his lies were exposed.

Being asked so straightforwardly by Ning Shuyi, Cao Youyu didn't feel embarrassed at all. He still had a playful smile and shrugged: "That's for sure. It's now like this. What else can I hide? ! Being open and honest is definitely the best way for me personally and for your work!

But, we all like to put people first. Even if what I say is true and there is nothing to add to it, let alone confuse right and wrong, as long as it has a negative impact on Hong Xinli's reputation, others will definitely listen to it. I have to be accused of ruining a dead man's reputation!

Although they may turn around and share the things they heard from me as gossip and jokes, and although a dead person is of little use regardless of his reputation, the fact is that, after weighing it, I feel It would be better to find a safe and secluded place to talk to you. "

"Then since you have considered it so carefully, we are all ears." Ning Shuyi nodded.

Cao Youyu obviously had strong personal feelings for Hong Xinli, but what he said was not entirely unreasonable.

"Hong Xinli, do you think she is pretty? She has a husband, children, and a happy family. In addition, she hosts the show and acts like a close sister every day. She is very gentle and kind. She is understanding, so she should be a virtuous and virtuous woman, right?"

Cao Youyu twitched the corners of his lips jokingly: "If I hadn't known her when I was in college, I wouldn't have believed her!

I don't know how she got into our school in the first place, or whether she got lucky. I won't talk nonsense about things I don't know.

However, after she entered the school, all aspects of her professional courses were sparse, except for being in the limelight. She actively joined various clubs, participated in various activities, and became a host.

For a while, she became a well-known 'dream lover' in the school. Many people chased her and had unrequited love for her.

But otherwise we can say that Hong Xinli is not an ordinary little girl! Ordinarily, when a young girl faces so many suitors of all kinds, she might become confused and dazzled if she doesn't keep them all.

Hong Xinli didn't. She wouldn't accept or agree to anyone. She even found a very high-sounding reason, saying that her parents were very strict with her and didn't allow her to have random boyfriends in school.

There is a saying here, and there are many fools who think she is a good girl, and they think she is innocent, and they are so fascinated by her!

But she could deceive others, but she couldn't deceive me. I didn't know her very well at that time, and I knew she was not an innocent little girl. "

"You are quite discerning in this regard." Ning Shuyi teased Cao Youyu.

Cao Youyu didn't think this was meant to flatter him. Quan took it as a compliment, raised his eyebrows and patted his chest: "Brother, I'm not bragging. When I was in school, I didn't look like a steamed bun like this now. He was white and fat, but we still had some personal charm back then!

I have seen what a truly innocent little girl looks like! Hong Xinli said that she would not accept anyone, but she did not refuse the flattery of those silly boys!

If there is one aspect of her that is really special, it has to be that mouth! Hong Xinli is the kind of person who is very good at talking. She will follow the other person's wishes and say something to seduce the other person. She obviously wants the other person to do something for her, but she can say it so that the person really thinks it is her. I want to give from the bottom of my heart!

Therefore, her suitors felt that she was helpless and did not dare to resist her parents, so she did not nod or let go. In Hong Xinli's mind, she was not of the same weight as others. "

"Didn't you just say that her mentor...?" Ning Shuyi reminded Cao Youyu of the important point.

Cao Youyu made a "calm down" gesture to her: "Don't worry! Isn't this about to be discussed soon? I have to show Hong Xinli's true side to you completely!

As far as I know, if Hong Xinli really paid anything during her college years, it was as a mentor to her.

You are not in our circle, so you probably don’t know, but you can go out and ask around, Tang Shuzhi, Hong Xinli’s nobleman. "

Cao Youyu's smile became more ambiguous: "If Tang Shuzhi hadn't escorted her, Hong Xinli's academic performance would have exhausted her and she wouldn't have been able to pass the graduate school entrance examination.

Hong Xinli has been trying her best to go to Tang Shuzhi since she was a sophomore. I am three years older than her, but I went to school a year later, so I am two years ahead of her.

During her junior year, I happened to be a first-year graduate student. One night, I went to my teacher’s office to help get things. There was no one in the building at that time. As soon as I came out of my teacher’s office, I happened to see Hong Xinli coming from Tang Shu The thief sneaked out of the office. He didn't even put on his coat, his hair was messy, and he hurried out.

When I saw this situation, if I continued to walk out, wouldn't I be too brainless!

I returned to the office without going out. After a while, Tang Shuzhi also came out of his office. There was a gap of five or six minutes between the two of them. I waited for Tang Shuzhi to leave before I took my things and left.

Later, when I was studying for the first half of the semester, the weather was getting warmer and all the girls in the school were wearing small skirts. Hong Xinli suddenly became ‘sick’!

We don’t know what the disease is, but I have lost a lot of weight for a while, and my face is sallow and no color at all. Besides, others are wearing small skirts, and she has long sleeves and long trousers, which makes her airtight.

Not long after that, I heard that she was admitted to graduate school, so I followed Tang Shuzhi.

At about that time, some of her suitors were smart enough to understand what was going on. They knew that she was making a 'dedication' to protect her graduate studies, and the price might be quite high, so they stopped pursuing her. Ran.

Her later husband, I heard, was from another college in our school. He was so stubborn that he actually took over the job! "

Thank you to book friend 20200229223430229 for your 4 monthly passes!

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