Eye of Sin

Chapter 395 Active and Passive

"Are you...?" He looked at the two of them with some suspicion.

"Are you Tang Shuzhi, Mr. Tang?" Ning Shuyi greeted him with a smile, "We are here to understand the situation from you."

Tang Shuzhi's face had an elegant temperament, but now his complexion was very ugly. He pursed his lips and made a dismissive gesture to Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan impatiently: " I don’t need you, go find your leader!

I can be considered a decent person with some status. This time I am helpless and come here to seek help from the law. Your bureau just sent you two young people to deal with it. Isn't it too perfunctory? !

Call your leaders over. While I can still speak patiently and calmly, I have nothing to say to you two. "

Huo Yan frowned and seemed a little annoyed. Fortunately, he was always good at controlling his emotions. He was already angry and suppressed it again.

Ning Shuyi was not particularly surprised by Tang Shuzhi's reaction. He just smiled and nodded to him: "Okay, please wait a moment."

After saying that, he pulled Huo Yan and turned around and left the reception room.

When the two of them returned to the office, Ning Shuyi had already called Dong Weifeng to explain the matter clearly. Dong Weifeng had just ended the meeting and he hadn't arrived yet, so he told her to ignore it and take a rest first and wait for news from him.

"What's wrong? Didn't you rush back in a hurry to collect the transcripts? Are you out so soon?" Luo Wei went out to deliver the materials and came back. When he saw Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan, whom he had met when he left the office, he suddenly I couldn't help but be a little surprised that my son was actually sitting in the office.

Ning Shuyi shook his head and relayed Tang Shuzhi's attitude and words to Luo Wei.

After saying that, she saw that Huo Yan seemed unhappy about this incident, so she patted him and comforted him: "Actually, from another perspective, this is not a bad thing for us.

Originally, the matter between Tang Shuzhi and Hong Xinli was only provided to us unilaterally by Cao Youyu. Whether it is true or false is really not easy to verify. After all, so many years have passed. Even if it can be verified secretly, it will take a lot of effort. Less energy.

It's different now. Tang Shuzhi is so secretive about reporting the crime. It's not a report, not a surrender, but a report. This is equivalent to helping Cao Youyu confirm the speculation he told us today - Hong Xinli should be a murderer. Is there any bargaining chip in it that forces Tang Shuzhi to compromise? It can threaten him to compromise and provide convenience for himself.

And judging from Tang Shuzhi's actions, it is obvious that he and Cao Youyu have similar suspicions. They both feel that Hong Xinli holds such a big handle and cannot use it just once. She may continue to use things that are detrimental to herself in the future. Coerce yourself in exchange for benefits.

So aside from the feeling of not being respected by the other party, Tang Shuzhi's desire to report the crime secretly is still very helpful to us. "

Luo Wei did not have Huo Yan's emotional control. After hearing this, he rolled his eyes on the spot: "What is sanctimony! This is sanctimony!

A decent person with status! Then why doesn't he do anything decent? "

He curled his lips in disgust and counted on his fingers: "This guy is eighteen years older than Hong Xinli! In the past, he was enough to be a father!"

Why didn't he think that he was a respectable person with status when he took advantage of the little girl? "

"It's better not to worry about this now. After all, the most important thing for us is to have the evidence related to Hong Xinli's death. If at this juncture he decides not to report the case because of distrust, it will not be a good thing for us. ." Ning Shuyi signaled Luo Wei to be calm and calm.

"Tang Shuzhi and Hong Xinli don't seem to have any contact in private." At this time, Huo Yan had completely adjusted his emotions and could not see any displeasure. "If he knew that Hong Xinli was dead, he should Then he wouldn't come here to report the crime."    "Then is there a possibility, what if Tang Shuzhi came to us to report the crime on purpose?" Luo Wei put forward a hypothesis, "After all, the past period between him and Hong Xinli It's a dark history. Now Hong Xinli is taking advantage of the change in his position to continue to blackmail him and benefit herself.

To be honest, Tang Shuzhi really had a very sufficient motive for committing the crime, and he must be very aware of this.

Rather than being investigated by us, it will be difficult to control the impact by then. It is better to simply take action in advance and pretend not to know that Hong Xinli has been killed. Wouldn't this eliminate his own suspicion! "

Huo Yan looked at Ning Shuyi and wanted to hear her opinion.

Ning Shuyi thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't think this possibility is completely impossible, but it won't be too big.

We have checked Hong Xinli's mobile phone call records before. Except for a few takeaway calls, there is almost nothing else, and there is nothing that can be pointed to Tang Shuzhi.

Therefore, Hong Xinli should have approached Tang Shuzhi directly, as the two had direct communication in private.

If Hong Xinli used some kind of evidence that had been preserved in the past to blackmail Tang Shuzhi, Tang Shuzhi had already learned his lesson and probably would not be willing to communicate with Hong Xinli again in any way that might be recorded and stored as evidence.

In other words, if possible, Tang Shuzhi would not even want to take the initiative to contact Hong Xinli.

She did not take the initiative to contact her, and in order to achieve her own goals, Hong Xinli would definitely not disclose to the public how she contacted Tang Shuzhi. She even hinted that she might have the opportunity to study for an on-the-job doctorate, but she never dared to mention Tang Shuzhi. Describe this person.

Cao Youyu could guess that it was entirely based on his excessive attention to Hong Xinli over the years since he was in school, and his understanding of Hong Xinli's "old background" to a certain extent.

Tang Shuzhi himself was unwilling to take the initiative to contact Hong Xinli, and people around Hong Xinli might not know about her contact with Tang Shuzhi. So it made sense that Tang Shuzhi didn't know that Hong Xinli was dead in just two days. "

Huo Yan nodded. He had a similar conjecture to Ning Shuyi just now: "When you come out to 'turn passivity into initiative' at this time, although you seem to have the confidence to stand upright and not be afraid of the shadow, it can be self-defeating if you are not careful. , is a risky move.

A person who can take the case to this level should be very calm and calm, and would not be so restless. "

Luo Wei thought about it for a while and felt that this was indeed reasonable. He nodded in agreement: "Your two considerations do sound more reasonable than mine, so I decided to switch sides and join your camp!"

After saying that, he looked at the two people in front of him: "But, speaking of which, haven't you two noticed? You are becoming more and more similar now!"

Thanks to Book Friends 20170131151018539x2, minnie3abc x2, Minako Tanaka x2, Book Friends 20210301106451197446x3, Su Ning Ru Guo x2, Ye Qing Qing Qing Qing x2, Cookie Sakura

x2, Mint Breeze_bD x8 monthly pass!

I wish you all a Happy New Year! The dragon is soaring and the tiger is leaping!

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