Eye of Sin

Chapter 398 No solution

Tang Shuzhi also seemed to realize that the police would not joke with human lives. When he heard Ning Shuyi's words, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he realized that his reaction was obviously inappropriate.

"I don't mean anything else. I regret Hong Xinli's death. I just felt relieved. It's just because my most troublesome problem no longer exists." He quickly explained, "I held a whole morning meeting that morning. , there were more than a dozen people meeting together, and the meeting lasted until noon. After that, everyone had a meeting working meal together.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, there were always people around me. After three o'clock, no one could prove it for me.

I can provide the list if you need it. "

"Don't you want to ask what happened to Hong Xinli?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"I don't want to." Tang Shuzhi shook his head without hesitation, "Things that have nothing to do with me are not a good thing. I don't want to know too much, it will not be good for me.

It's enough for me to know the parts that are relevant to me, and I don't care about anything else.

However, Hong Xinli is gone, but what about the video? She said that the video is still saved in her computer!

If her family discovers it while sorting out her belongings, starts a fuss, and makes it public, wouldn't my reputation still be ruined?

Do you also have to help me handle this matter? "

"Sorry, as the female client in the video, Hong Xinli secretly filmed the video. As long as it is not disseminated or used to blackmail you, it is just kept as a personal secret. This is only a moral issue and does not constitute a crime."

Ning Shuyi shook his head at Tang Shuzhi, looking helpless: "But you said so, and we will keep an eye on the subsequent developments for you. If her family uses the video to blackmail you, you can contact us at any time.

If someone discovers and spreads that video, we will definitely hold them accountable in accordance with the law. "

"What?! Then aren't you putting the risk of my reputation in the hands of others?! Then how can I teach and engage in academics with peace of mind?!" Tang Shuzhi's eyes widened and he looked It seemed much more shocking than when I first heard the news of Hong Xinli's death.

"I'm sorry." Ning Shuyi shook her head helplessly, "According to the law, as long as Hong Xinli does not disseminate the video, then as the person involved in the video, it is part of her personal privacy.

Now, if she is still alive, we can still handle your report, hold her criminally responsible for her extortion behavior in accordance with the law, and ensure that the video materials used for extortion are properly destroyed.

But now that she is dead, that video is equivalent to part of her personal belongings, and we have no right or position to dispose of it. "

"What are you talking about?! But didn't I come to report the case?" Tang Shuzhi was furious, "I reported the case, how dare you ignore it?!"

"You reported the crime a step too late. If you had chosen to report the crime immediately when you were threatened, the process would have been completed by now." Ning Shuyi was still very patient, "But now the criminal suspect you want to report the crime has been killed first. He became a victim in the case we are investigating.

It is impossible for us to open a case and investigate a deceased person. The laws of any country can only be used to restrain living people. I have never heard of any law that can also restrain dead people. Do you think so? "

"Then how should I deal with this problem?! Should I put my destiny in the hands of others, so that there is always a time bomb buried in my life?!" Tang Shuzhi asked eagerly, "Just Is there any other way?"

"You may also consider discussing with Hong Xinli's family members. If the family members agree to delete the video files or hand them over to you, then the problem will be solved." Ning Shuyi smiled and answered seriously.

"How could I possibly say this!" Tang Shuzhi's reaction was quite quick and he blurted out. After saying this, he felt that his answer was too guilty. He swallowed the rest of his words and asked again, "Isn't there anything? Is there any other way?" "I'm afraid not." Ning Shuyi shook his head, "After all, the time machine has not been invented yet, so there is no way to go back to the past and avoid the original 'mistake', don't you think? "

Tang Shuzhi's expression was a little awkward. He couldn't say anything at this moment, so he could only get up and storm out of the conference room angrily.

Behind him, Ning Shuyi also restrained her polite smile. She was very disgusted with the sanctimonious Tang Shuzhi in her heart. It was just because of work needs that she had to put aside her personal emotions.

Huo Yan had been expressionless just now, but now a smile appeared on his face.

"Why are you laughing?" Ning Shuyi found out and was a little confused.

"I feel good knowing that people like him will have trouble sleeping and eating because of worries." Huo Yan would not hide his inner thoughts in front of Ning Shuyi. He told the truth, "I thought Hong Xinli had already died just now." After death, Tang Shuzhi could rest easy.

This is best now. The law cannot control moral matters, but who will be spared by heaven! "

"Yeah, although it's a bit late, it's good to be able to learn a lesson." Ning Shuyi nodded in agreement.

"Let's go have dinner." Huo Yan looked at the time and finished struggling with Tang Shuzhi. Now they can have lunch and dinner in one. "Do we need to go to Hong Xinli's house after dinner?"

"What are you going for?"

"Look for that video." Huo Yan didn't expect that Ning Shuyi would ask him back, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "You just asked Tang Shuzhi who had the video, didn't you just want to see his reaction?

If we find that the video has been deleted after confirmation, then Tang Shuzhi may be the kind of thief who shouts "catch the thief" as Luo Wei said.

If it is confirmed that the video exists in the same residence of Hong Xinli and Zhai Yujiang, then there is no way to completely rule out Tang Shuzhi's suspicion.

Although he provided evidence that he was not present, anything is possible until it is confirmed.

After all, if he is not an important participant in a meeting of more than a dozen people, it is possible for him to leave quietly midway.

I've confirmed that it's not too far from his current workplace to the crime scene. "

"Well, when I asked that question, it was indeed the consideration you mentioned, but I don't have to worry about it for a while and just go there tomorrow." Ning Shuyi shook his head, "If it was at the crime scene, if someone destroyed the evidence , it’s too late to go now.

If the evidence is not destroyed, no one can enter there except us now, let alone this night.

As for the shared residence of Hong Xinli and Zhai Yujiang... When we go there at this time, Zhai Yujiang will definitely be at home.

At this time, the case at hand has not been investigated yet. If Zhai Yujiang discovers the video, it will not be good for anyone. "

Thanks for the monthly pass of Sweet Salad x2 and Vegetarian Lemon Jug x4!

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