Eye of Sin

Chapter 45 Buying a Car

Chapter 45 Buying a Car
"When you say that, I feel bad! According to Wu Caimei, she feels that Aunt Wang Yuluo and his wife have hidden deep hostility towards Wang Yuluo's father. Now you say that Wang Yuluo is no longer obedient. ..." After hearing Ning Shuyi's words, Zhao Dabao's expression became a little subtle.

Ning Shuyi picked up the phone to check the time, and waved to Zhao Dabao: "Don't worry about it now! Anyway, since this is the case, the business situation of Uncle Wang Yuluo's side, and the economic dispute between him and Wang Yuluo's father , you all run away together! Here is the bank statement we just typed up today, you can see if it can be used. We will continue to check other things here.

It's not too early, today is like this, you hurry to go home to accompany your sister-in-law, this stage of your own family is special, there is really no way if you have tasks on your body, if you can spare time, you should take care of it more! "

"Oh, that's right. My wife has suffered a lot recently. When she vomits, she feels dizzy. I'm afraid that she will accidentally vomit out all the parts in her cavity!" Zhao Dabao sighed and said When my wife came, there was a bit of a sense of indebtedness in her tone that she couldn't accompany and take care of her, "But this case is under investigation now..."

"No matter how much you are investigating, the bank will not stay off work and close at night just because of you!" Ning Shuyi waved his hand at him, "Don't worry, the murderer in Wang Yuluo's case has already shown a clear will when choosing the victim. Purposeful, and trying to make everything look like an accident, it is clear that he wants to avoid exposing himself and profit from Wang Yuluo's death.

I think the murderer is unlikely to commit crimes against other people in a short period of time after he succeeds, so don't worry about another tragedy caused by accident because there is no special race against time. "

"When you say that, I'm sure! I'll go home and cook something delicious for my wife!" Zhao Dabao is quite convinced of this sensible and intelligent junior sister despite being several years older than Ning Shuyi. Hearing her say that, I immediately felt relieved.

Immediately, he realized that Huo Yan was silent all the time, and felt a little embarrassed. He had an inexplicable feeling that he had pushed out his new colleagues, so he hurriedly smiled at Huo Yan and asked, "Are you tired from tossing these two days?" tired?"

"Not tired." Huo Yan had questions and answers, but there was one more word that didn't allow others to continue the conversation.

"Okay, stop chatting, hurry back and cook for sister-in-law!" Ning Shuyi saw that Zhao Dabao was a little embarrassed, and yelled at him.

Zhao Dabao smiled, glanced at Ning Shuyi gratefully, greeted the two of them, and left first.

"It's getting late, let's call it a day!" Ning Shuyi stood up, stretched his stiff limbs, and said to Huo Yan, "There's no need to burn yourself by lighting a lamp at this time, it's not worth it."

Huo Yan nodded slightly: "You go, I'll leave later."

Of course, Ning Shuyi knew that with this personality, it was impossible for her to be the one who went to get off work with her, so she responded kindly, waved to him, changed her coat, put on her backpack, and left the office.

Huo Yan sat in front of the desk and arranged the sundries on the desk meticulously. After finishing those things, he looked up at the door of the office and thought that Ning Shuyi should have left, so he got up and put on his own clothes. He went to the cabinet again, took out the lunch box Ning Shuyi brought over in the morning, opened it and smelled it.

Thank you for the bad heating in the bureau, and it’s getting worse in the beginning of spring like this. The temperature in the office is relatively low, especially in the shade where the cabinet is not exposed to sunlight, so it’s even colder.

The small dishes in the lunch box smell very fragrant, without any smell of spoilage after being bored for a day, and they look very attractive regardless of their color or gloss.

Huo Yan's stomach gurgled, and he looked around subconsciously. There was no one in the office at the moment, so he hurriedly buckled the lunch box, stuffed it directly into his coat pocket, and left the office with great strides. .

The process of Ning Shuyi's return home was a bit bumpy compared to usual.

As usual, she went to the subway station near her workplace, and was about to take the subway home, but she was dumbfounded when she got to the subway station entrance, and saw that the iron gate was pulled up, and there were crowds of people in front of the door, trying to see the notice ahead. Can't see clearly.

After some inquiring, I found out that it turned out that it was a super-popular singer who was going to hold a concert in W City. The route that Ning Shuyi took on weekdays happened to be the only route to the concert venue, because the number of passengers was so high In order to avoid potential safety hazards, the current is limited.

If the subway doesn't work, then take the bus!Ning Shuyi dragged his legs and walked towards the bus station. Because of the limited subway traffic, the bus station was also crowded with people. The line was like a long snake, winding and winding, with no end in sight.

After finally getting into the car, the situation was not any better. The traffic jam on the road was a mess. When she finally got off the bus at the bus stop near her home, she could hardly feel her legs. Ning Shuyi looked at the time— — Good fellow!She squeezed a full hour and a half on the bus.

If I knew it earlier, I would have a bite of food near the unit before going home!Ning Shuyi touched her hungry belly, feeling a little bit wronged.

For work, sometimes she gets busy, hungry and full, she has nothing to complain about, but what's going on!For others to go to the concert, she, who has been traveling all day, has to stand for so long in a canned bus!
When we got home, as soon as we opened the door, there was still the warm light, and the air was still filled with the faint aroma of the food. Mother Ning heard the sound of her daughter coming back immediately, and immediately got up from the sofa to greet her: "Xiaoyi is back ! Why is today later than yesterday? Is the case difficult?"

Ning Shuyi waved his hand: "Let me sit down and have a meal first, I have paid too much for XX singer!"

Ning's mother was confused by what she said, but since her daughter was tired and hungry, she couldn't chase after her to find out, so she hurriedly called Ning's father and brought out the warmed food for her daughter.

After Ning Shuyi was half full, Mother Ning finally resolved her confusion. Knowing that her daughter was in a traffic jam caused by the concert, she couldn't laugh or cry.

"Let me tell you," Ning's father listened for a long time, and then said to Ning's mother, "Let's buy a car for our daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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