Eye of Sin

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Now this season, although it has warmed up a lot, it is still chilly.For things like popcorn, everyone knows that the hot and fragrant ones just out of the pan are the best. They are obviously a kind of snacks that are sold in shopping malls and movie theaters. Why do you buy them early from outside and hold them all the way? come here?

Ning Shuyi couldn't help but pay more attention to the girl who was with the deceased. On the surveillance screen, her appearance was not particularly clear, she could have a whole appearance, but there was a scene where she teased her The long hair draped behind her revealed a bean paste-colored birthmark on the side of her neck, about the size of a one-yuan coin.

After watching the surveillance, it is basically certain that the deceased had no contact with anyone except her female friend from the time she entered the mall until she died in the cinema screening hall.

After ruling out other possibilities, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan left the shopping mall together. Zhao Dabao followed the other car and returned first. He left the car keys for Ning Shuyi before, and she and Huo Yan drove back by themselves. .

After going around the building to find their car, Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan: "You drive me?"

Huo Yan reached out to take the car keys, opened the door and got into the driver's seat, and responded with actions.

This is exactly what Ning Shuyi wanted. She can drive and her driving skills are not bad, but she doesn't like it.

In contrast, she prefers to sit by the side, whether it's looking at the street view outside, emptying her mind, or thinking about some problems, it's quite comfortable.

No, sitting in the co-pilot, Ning Shuyi couldn't help recalling the appearance of the deceased just now, as well as Zhang's forensic doctor's preliminary examination conclusions.

Forensic doctor Zhang said that the deceased seemed to have died of sudden cardiac death. Although this conclusion needs further examination and verification, with the rich practice experience of forensic doctor Zhang, I am afraid that there will not be much difference, but it can cause cardiac arrest. There are many reasons for sudden death, which one is, and there is no way to make a conclusion for the time being.

It is possible that the deceased suffered from heart disease and could not bear excessive stimulation.

It is possible that the deceased was under too much pressure from work and study, which caused fatigue and overwhelmed the heart.

There is also a possibility that eating something can cause the death result of cardiac arrest...

Then the question arises, would a person who already has a serious heart disease make fun of his own health and even his life, choosing to watch horror movies that are particularly easy to startle and frighten people?
And in the daytime of such a working day, what is the probability that people who can dress up with friends, go shopping and watch movies in the mall have been working or studying at high intensity for a long time, resulting in continuous physical fatigue? What about?

Although everything is still inconclusive, Ning Shuyi faintly feels that this should not be a natural death.

Back at the bureau, the deceased's father hadn't arrived yet, so Ning Shuyi first set out to confirm the identity of the deceased.

There was her ID card in the deceased's bag, so many of her personal information could be easily found.

The name of the deceased was Wang Yuluo. He was 25 years old this year. He was a native of W City. He graduated from university and had no bad records.

And judging from the home address registered in her household registration information, this should be a girl from a wealthy family.

This point is also consistent with the clothes she was wearing when she was on the scene, and the expensive designer leather bag.

As for the working status after graduating from university, this information has not yet been grasped.

After a while, three people hurried in from the office. The leader was a man who looked close to 70 years old, followed by a couple in their 50s. All three of them seemed a little flustered.

As soon as he entered the office, the leading man immediately asked, "Which one is Officer Ning?"

Ning Shuyi hurriedly got up to meet her: "You are Wang Yuluo's family, right? I am Ning Shuyi."

As she asked, she turned her attention to the couple in their fifties. The woman's appearance was three points similar to that of the dead Wang Yuluo, and her age seemed to be more in line with the gap between mother and daughter.

Unexpectedly, it was the older man who responded to her first: "Hello, Officer Ning, I'm Wang Yuluo's father! I didn't have time to ask carefully on the phone just now. My daughter has always been good before. Why? Sudden death? She has always been in good health and there is no problem. Could it be that there is a similarity between people and a mistake?"

When encountering such inquiries, Ning Shuyi has become accustomed to it. After all, such a big event is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue to the family of the deceased. The first reaction is often to deny it, unwilling to accept this fact.

"Then you and I will go to the forensic doctor's office. There are still some documents that need to be signed by the family members." She said to Wang Yuluo's father.

Wang Yuluo's father quickly nodded in agreement, followed Ning Shuyi out, and the middle-aged couple followed closely behind, following suit.

Ning Shuyi looked back at them with some doubts, and then Wang Yuluo's father remembered: "I'm sorry, Officer Ning, I was in a hurry just now and didn't introduce them to you. They are Yuluo's aunt and uncle. I am usually busy with work. Over the years Many things in life are taken care of by the child’s aunt and uncle, so they came with me when they heard the news.”

After that, he waved his hands at the two of them: "You two, don't follow the past to make trouble, I'll go over to see what's going on, you wait here, and if you need to know the situation later, you can tell others. "

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but add another sentence: "If you make a mistake, you two don't need to be frightened!"

When Aunt Wang Yuluo and uncle heard this, they stopped immediately and did not continue to follow.

The subsequent process of identifying the body can be imagined. Wang Yuluo did not suffer any facial trauma during her lifetime, and her ID card was in her belongings. The probability of being mistaken is very small. Her father only glanced at it and typed it. Shaking, if it wasn't for Huo Yan, who hadn't returned to the team at the forensic doctor's side, to help him from behind, the fall would have been hard.

Facing his daughter's cold body, Wang Yuluo's father burst into tears in an instant. The young man looked pitiful and helpless, and the great sadness made him unable to even cry out.

"How could this happen...it's so good...how...how come..." He kept crying, with an expression on his face that was both chagrin and puzzled that he couldn't accept the reality, "How can I go down and talk to my child? Mom, tell me..."

(End of this chapter)

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