Eye of Sin

Chapter 507 Blogger

Chapter 507 Blogger
"Music Note Platform?" Ning Shuyi was stunned for a moment. She was not a loyal user of the Music Note Platform, and she lacked knowledge about it. She really didn't know that the user account there looked so similar to the Penguin Account, but it was completely different. The main thing is, "Is this blogger very popular? What kind of content does he do?"

"How should I put it? You wouldn't call it particularly popular, but there are a group of fans who pay more attention to it, such as my wife!" Zhao Dabao smiled helplessly, "This person just hangs out outside. , when I see a warm scene, I take pictures of it.

The content doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It might be a young couple, it might be a family of three, and sometimes it’s an old man with gray hair holding hands.

Needless to say, he is quite good at taking pictures. A scene that seems ordinary to us is indeed quite beautiful when captured with his camera.

My wife said that I need a pair of eyes that can see beauty to neutralize the dark side things I come into contact with at work.

So after I finished reading it all day long, I was asked to take a look at it as well. By the way, I could imagine what it would look like if she and I were the protagonists in the photo. "

As he spoke, he took out his phone, found the app, opened it, and clicked on the conversation with his wife from the messages. There were indeed a lot of things in it that were densely forwarded.

"Here, look, it's this style." Zhao Dabao found one of the videos and handed it to Ning Shuyi and others to watch.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan took the phone and looked at it.

The video that Zhao Dabao clicked on was on a relatively secluded small street, surrounded by some old buildings, which looked dilapidated.

On the roadside not far away, there was an old lady with white hair guarding a small cooler and sitting under an old parasol selling cold drinks.

There were no pedestrians on the small street, only the scorching sun.

A line of subtitles was printed at the bottom of the screen - "Such a summer, such a street, such an old man, suddenly there is a feeling of going back in time, as if I have returned to my childhood. I seem to have become the person wearing a vest and plastic sandals, running on the street. A young boy went to buy a white popsicle on the hot asphalt road."

Then the video blogger appeared, a young man in his twenties. He held a camera, found an angle from a distance, took a photo of the old man selling cold drinks, printed it out with a portable device he carried, and then He wrote a sentence and his account number with a pen on the back of the photo, walked over quickly, and said hello to the old man.

The next step was for him to explain the purpose of his visit to the old man and give the old man a photo. The old man was very happy. He asked about the old man's business and living conditions, and finally bought some cold drinks from the freezer.

The video ends.

The photo shooting style shown in the video, as well as the handwriting and account number behind the photo, were exactly the same as the photo they found.

Ning Shuyi's eyes lit up when he saw this: "So this photo was obviously taken by this blogger!
Since every photo he takes with words written behind it means that it will become a video work, doesn't it also mean that we can follow the clues and find the corresponding issue in his account?
The photo captured Tong Chujun's profile and the back of a man.

But the video is different. When he sends photos and interacts with the other person, he will definitely leave the other person’s appearance! "

"That's great! Let's look for it!" Zhao Dabao was very happy when he heard it, "Just use my account to look for it! If you two don't want to do this, you have to download it now!"

This is indeed a fact.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan pulled Zhao Dabao over to sit down and asked him to search for the blogger's related videos from the autumn of the year before last according to the general season on the photo. It can be said that the three of them were full of expectations, but among the many video works, they searched all the way from the summer before last to last spring, but still found nothing. There was no video related to the photo taken.

Zhao Dabao was also a little confused and scratched his head: "It shouldn't be, let's just say that making a video takes time, so the actual time to release a video is later than when it was shot, and it shouldn't be half a year later!

Could it be that there were times when, for example, the photos were taken, but later he felt that the effect of the show was not particularly good, so he changed his mind and did not proceed with post-production? "

"This possibility does exist." Ning Shuyi sighed, "Let's find a way to contact this blogger! Even if he did not publish this issue for some reason, at least he confirmed it with Tong Chujun and the others. We actually met!

Maybe he can help us recall something, or he may have some relevant materials in his hands! "

"Okay! Then I'll send him a private message to ask!" Zhao Dabao nodded, quickly opened the private message function, and sent a message to the other party.

But half a day passed as soon as the message was sent, and it was not until get off work time in the evening that I didn't wait for the other party's reply.

"This person ignores me!" Zhao Dabao was a little annoyed.

"Your account doesn't have any verification. Will he think you are a liar or a troublemaker?" Ning Shuyi put forward a hypothesis.

Zhao Dabao has no way to refute this assumption. After all, he only registered his account to let his wife share things with him. He doesn't have much time to read it, so he has neither any form of authentication nor has he published any content.

He really doesn't look like a reliable character.

"Otherwise, let me go say hello to Captain Dong and ask him to borrow our bureau's official account for us? We don't need it much, as long as we can get the other party's contact information!" Zhao Dabao soon had it He came up with an idea, "As far as I know, the official account in our bureau is certified!"

"That's a good idea!" Ning Shuyi pushed him, "Then go and ask!"

Zhao Dabao couldn't laugh or cry: "Not only do I come up with ideas, but I also have to be responsible for running the errands after I come up with the ideas!"

Jokes aside, he immediately went to find Team Dong, and after a long time he returned. As soon as he entered the door, he waved to Ning Shuyi: "Done!
We really guessed it right before. My account made this blogger feel particularly unreliable. He received a lot of private messages of all kinds in the background every day, and he ignored the ones he thought were unimportant.

As soon as I sent a private message to our bureau’s official account, he responded quickly. "

"Then have you asked clearly? Does he have any foundation?" Ning Shuyi asked.

“He said he had taken so many photos that he couldn’t remember them clearly, especially since they were all from the year before last, and he couldn’t even remember what the photos were.

But this person said that if he is free tomorrow, he can make an appointment to meet with us and recall it carefully. " Zhao Dabao replied.

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