Eye of Sin

Chapter 51 Goddess

Chapter 51 Goddess
"Oh, that's it, welcome! I'm the president here, and my online nickname is 'Crysty Dabi Dou', and everyone calls me 'Brother Dou'." Hearing what Ning Shuyi said, the young man spoke enthusiastically. Introduce yourself to them, "We are all Two-dimensional lovers here, welcome to join us!"

Ning Shuyi hurriedly waved his hand: "I don't know much about it. I belong to the entry-level class. I'm just interested. I feel that you are all very professional. I'm embarrassed to discuss the same interests with you!"

"It doesn't matter, there is no threshold for liking this thing! Being interested in itself shows that you have already felt the charm of it! Love and enthusiasm are the source of everything!" The president "Brother Funny" laughed and said After that, he looked at Huo Yan who was next to Ning Shuyi, "This buddy... you two came together?"

No wonder he asked this question. Ning Shuyi is dressed cutely and sweetly today. Standing with Huo Yan, there is a big difference in appearance, and Ning Shuyi looks very interested in the surroundings. Huo Yan Although he stood by the wall and watched, there was no warmth in his eyes, and he didn't look like a Two-dimensional fan at all.

"He's my boyfriend." Ning Shuyi pointed at Huo Yan, "I see that many male cosplayers are very cool and handsome. He has a relatively introverted personality, but he usually works as a part-time graphic model, so I put him Pull it over and let him take a look, if he is interested, he can be my company in the future."

"Oh! So that's the case! Let me tell you, this dude looks really cool! The side line of his face also looks like a plane model!" Hearing Ning Shuyi say this, Brother Dou was very happy, " Welcome, welcome! Let’s not talk about anything else, people with graphic modeling experience, at least after dressing up, they will definitely produce pictures after taking pictures!
As far as your boyfriend is concerned, if you say that you see cool and handsome photos taken by other male cosplayers on the Internet, he must be able to hold it!no problem!

Let me tell you something, I am a real person, there are more female cosers in our club, no matter if they are cute or Yujie, there are quite a few, but male cosers with good appearance are rare!
If you are interested, why don't I show you the photos of our club's previous activities? "

"Okay, okay! Then thank you, brother teaser!" Ning Shuyi readily accepted the proposal.

Brother Dou briskly went back to the inner room, and after a while, he came back with three thick and large photo albums, and put them on the coffee table: "Take a look, and see how colorful our club's usual activities are! You can also see How did we gradually grow from a few fellows at the beginning!"

Ning Shuyi thanked him, pulled the three photo albums in front of him, handed one to Huo Yan, and held one on his lap, opened it and browsed carefully.

The president Dou Ge sat by the side and accompanied them at first, but after a while, his cell phone rang, and he said hello to the two of them, and went inside to answer the phone.

Across the wall whose sound insulation effect is obviously not good enough, it sounds like I was communicating with this funny brother about a large-scale comic exhibition that W City will host for a while, and I was coordinating the participants and location of their club such as.

It's fine if he's not watching from the side, and Ning Shuyi is more at ease. Anyway, what she has to do now is to try to find the things she is interested in in these photo albums, and then if there is anything she needs to inquire about, that's something later. The photo album is big and thick, and the photos in it are dense. I believe that Brother Dou will be able to answer the phone and come back before reading it.

After flipping through a photo album, Ning Shuyi discovered something. Although this club has many members, and there are many beautiful activity photos and portrait photos in the photo album, among these photos, there is a photo of a girl , especially single photos.

Most of the exhibition photos of other people are taken by several people standing together. Even if the themes of their cosplay are not the same, and the elements are completely irrelevant, they all get together to take photos in order to save space or increase the chances of being photographed. Rarely is a single person filmed alone.

Only that girl, she is completely opposite to others, almost every picture of her is single, it is very difficult to find a picture of her with others.

This girl has beautiful facial features, tall and thin, slender, and her skin is not fair, which does not affect her beauty, especially her temperament, every expression in the photos, without exception, reveals A cool and proud taste.

Her attire is often very consistent with her own temperament. Ning Shuyi has only done a little homework and cannot name each of her outfits, but it can be seen that without exception, they are all kinds of goddesses, or It's the goddess of war.

It can be said that the clothing and temperament complement each other, just right.

Even if she didn't inquire about it, Ning Shuyi could tell that this girl must be a veteran in the cosplay circle, and that exquisite expression and precise eyes were beyond the reach of a novice.

In the second half of the album, Ning Shuyi also saw Wang Yuluo's photos, and there were quite a few of Wang Yuluo's photos. Judging from the ratio of group photos and single photos, she was obviously treated better than other girls in the club , although most of them are group photos, there are also some beautiful single photos.

It's just that compared to that beautiful female Goddess of War, her status is not core enough.

In addition, Wang Yuluo's exquisite costumes and props are really obvious after comparison. Against the backdrop of other members of the same club, they look more delicate, and the unparalleled superiority of RMB players is revealed all over his body, even if the photos are clipped. In the middle of a lot of other photos, it can still quickly attract the attention of others, very eye-catching.

Ning Shuyi also discovered an interesting phenomenon. Although Wang Yuluo joined the club not too early, after all, there is no sign of her in the early photos of the club, but this girl is obviously an activist. The performance of the shooting was very happy. Even when taking pictures among a large group of people, I was still in high spirits and devoted myself.

Most of the people who took pictures with her were also very happy, and they didn't seem to have any discord with her at all.

Ning Shuyi continued to turn back. After turning a few pages, her eyes fell on a single photo on this page, and she looked at it thoughtfully for a long time.

When Brother Dou came back from the phone call, he happened to see Ning Shuyi staring intently at a photo in front of him. He leaned over to take a look and said, "You like her?"

(End of this chapter)

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