Eye of Sin

Chapter 514 Strike

Chapter 514 Strike
This electronics city also enjoyed a period of prosperity in W City more than ten years ago. However, as e-commerce has become more and more developed in recent years, people are still willing to go out to buy electronic products, especially small brands and miscellaneous brands. I am afraid that There are only some middle-aged and elderly people who are not good at online shopping.

However, the demand for these things among middle-aged and elderly people is not particularly strong.

Therefore, in this rather small electronics city, there are very few customers, and most of the shops have only clerks sitting in a daze out of boredom, or chatting.

Some shops will immediately greet people at the door with great enthusiasm when they see people passing by. Others seem to have lost their enthusiasm, and even when people come to the door of their shops, they don't even raise their eyelids.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan walked away from each other across a row of counters outside. They did not go directly to the store where Lu Zhibao worked, but it did not delay them from seeing the situation there clearly.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan had both seen Lu Zhibao's photos, so they recognized several people in the store at a glance, one of whom was him.

It is obvious that Ashishiya is not a particularly active person.

He was sitting on a back chair near the door, holding his mobile phone horizontally and concentrating on playing games.

A few shop assistants gathered together and chatted, but the whole store didn't look like they were serious about running it.

Even if someone passes by the door, these people have no reaction, chatting and playing games.

Others are just like monks ringing the clock, but these people obviously have no intention of ringing the clock.

Because there were really not many customers here, after Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan walked around, they felt that they had generally observed Lu Zhibao's working status here, so they left this floor without staying any longer and went to I found a nearby resting bench outside and sat on it for a while.

During this period, Ning Shuyi took advantage of the opportunity to buy water and chatted with the security guard of the building. He successfully found out from the security guard which door the staff inside left after work after closing in the evening.

So when it was time for the electronic city to close, the two of them moved the car outside the employee passage door early, stood in front of the car, and waited for Lu Zhibao to come out.

Although there are not many customers in this electronic city, there are not many merchants. Concentrated during this time period, they all leave through such an employee passage, which suddenly makes this originally quiet small street become lively and noisy.

Huo Yan's eyes kept scanning back and forth among the crowd, making sure that Lu Zhibao was not found.

It wasn't until all these people had left and the surroundings became quiet again that I saw Lu Zhibao walking out of the employee passage leisurely while talking on the phone.

As soon as he came out of the employee passage, he saw Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan waiting not far away. He glanced at them with some confusion, hung up the phone, stuffed the phone into his pocket, and walked quickly toward the main street.

Huo Yan was half a head taller than him and had longer legs. He strode forward upon seeing this and quickly caught up with Lu Zhibao and stopped him.

"Are you Lu Zhibao?" Huo Yan showed him his ID, "There are some things I need to clarify with you."

Lu Zhibao did not look at Huo Yan's ID carefully, but just glanced at it casually: "Police? Did my aunt find you, or was it my uncle? They went to report the police again, saying that I robbed their house?
Let me tell you again, that house was left to me by my grandparents! There is a will! The notarization was done while the old man was still alive!
If this is not reasonable and legal, how can the real estate bureau handle the transfer for me?

This house has been transferred to my name for several years now. Why are they still messing around with you now?

You don't have to look for me, it's useless to look for me. If you have the time, why not do some ideological work for my uncle and aunt, so that they can stop messing around and live their lives in a down-to-earth manner. Isn't it better than anything else? "

Ning Shuyi also walked up to him at this moment. Hearing Lu Zhibao's words, he raised his hand to signal and stopped him from continuing. "You misunderstood. We are not looking for you about the division of your grandparents' property, and we don't know your uncle and aunt." She shook her head, "We are looking for you because we want to know about Tong Chujun's situation."

"Tong Chujun?" Lu Zhibao looked stunned, "My ex-girlfriend?
We have broken up for a long time and have no relationship at all. Isn't it a bit inappropriate that you still come to me to understand her situation?
I don't know much about her current situation! "

"It's not about knowing her current situation," Ning Shuyi waved his hand, "Strictly speaking, Tong Chujun doesn't have anything to know about her current situation."

"Something happened to her?" Lu Zhibao asked quickly, "What happened?"

"Her body was found in a lake in the suburbs." Ning Shuyi answered.

Lu Zhibao stared at Ning Shuyi blankly for a while before he came back to his senses and sighed heavily: "Why is she so stupid..."

Just as Huo Yan was about to speak, Lu Zhibao shook his head at him: "I'm sorry, I heard such news unexpectedly, and I felt a little uncomfortable...

Although we broke up, I have also come out of that failed relationship and am relieved...


After all, he is the person whom he once truly loved...

I heard unexpectedly that she was dead. I really can’t explain how I felt...

Can you give me a moment? "

As he spoke, he covered his chest with one hand and slowly squatted down.

Ning Shuyi glanced at Huo Yan. Huo Yan understood and reached out to grab Lu Zhibao's arm and "pick him up" from the ground.

"I didn't expect you to have such a big reaction after hearing about this matter. This is because we didn't consider it. We shouldn't tell you directly here." Ning Shuyi said to Lu Zhibao with a slight apology, "Otherwise Come on, let's drive you home.

Your current complexion really doesn't look good, so it might not be safe to talk about it outside.

We will take you home and have a brief chat at your house to learn about Tong Chujun's situation without disturbing you too much. "

Her tone was very gentle, as if she was discussing, but she didn't seem to leave much room for bargaining.

Lu Zhibao was pulled up from the ground by Huo Yan. He was still standing there looking weak and crumbling. After hearing Ning Shuyi's proposal, he was slightly stunned and seemed to hesitate.

But his hesitation did not last long, and he quickly nodded.

"Okay, thank you then." He nodded weakly twice, "I'll tell you the address when I get on the bus."

Xiao Mo's training and study are coming to an end. When I get back on track, I will reply with double updates as soon as possible, everyone!

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