Eye of Sin

Chapter 518 House Type

Chapter 518 House Type
Seeing this, Lu Zhibao hurriedly stood up to greet her and took the food from his girlfriend's hand with a very attentive attitude.

"You see, just like me," he turned to Huo Yan while taking the things from his girlfriend's hand, "I originally thought that my wish of having a warm family might not come true.

After all, Tong Chujun's character is quite disappointing.

Nowadays, it is not like the old days when women stayed behind the scenes. Nowadays, women are wild at heart. Not many people still have such a strong sense of family and like the days of caring for their husbands and raising children.

But look! I met my current girlfriend! She is definitely a traditional girl that is quite rare among girls nowadays.

Ever since we got together, I feel that my little wish that was originally a long shot has the possibility of coming true again.

I felt that God must have seen me as pitiful because no one had hurt me before, so he sent an angel down to save me. "

Lu Zhibao's current girlfriend didn't expect him to say such disgusting words in front of two stranger policemen. She was a little embarrassed for a moment, her face turned red, and she quickly gave him a false punch: "Oh, there is still someone here. Oh, don’t say that! It’s so annoying!”

Although she was complaining, judging from her shy tone and demeanor, the girl seemed to be quite satisfied with what Ashizhiho said just now.

"Hey, have we disturbed you for too long?" Upon seeing this, Ning Shuyi exchanged glances with Huo Yan and stood up from the sofa, "You've all finished cooking, so let's eat quickly!
Thank you Mr. Lu for your cooperation with our work!
If you have any information you would like to provide us, you can contact us at any time. "

"Why are you leaving now?" Lu Zhibao greeted in a friendly manner, "Don't leave! If you don't mind, just stay and have a taste of my girlfriend's craftsmanship!
In this day and age, there are really very few girls who are as skilled as my girlfriend!
I'm not bragging, I sincerely invite you two to stay and have dinner together!
Anyway, she made a lot, and the two of us couldn’t finish it, so let’s stay together! "

Although Lu Zhibao's girlfriend was immersed in her boyfriend's praise of her and was very happy, she was obviously reluctant when she heard that he wanted to leave two strange policemen to eat together.

He was embarrassed to show anything on his face, but his hands secretly poked Lu Zhiho at his side.

As if Lu Zhibao didn't feel it, he still asked to stay.

"I understand. We have other work to deal with." Huo Yan certainly had no intention of staying for dinner and immediately refused decisively.

Ning Shuyi also nodded, smiled and said to Lu Zhibao and his current wife: "Besides, we are not such ignorant people, you two can have a sweet dinner.

Contact us anytime if anything happens. "

"Oh, look at you guys being so open-minded!" Lu Zhibao said as he took advantage of the situation and sent the two of them out, "It's hard work for you two! You are so busy working on Tong Chujun's affairs! Slow down!"

The two people came down from upstairs. Huo Yan stopped in front of the building and looked upstairs. He saw a figure shaking on the balcony upstairs. He pulled Ning Shuyi and turned away, heading in the direction of the parking lot. Go.

After getting in the car, Huo Yan drove the car forward for a while. After turning a corner and confirming that the car was no longer visible from the balcony of Lu Zhibao's house, Huo Yan slowly stopped on the side of the road again. The two people were in the car. After sitting there for a while, I got off the car and followed the path beside the building on the other side to go around to the other side of the building.

When he arrived here, Huo Yan stood still, raised his head and looked at the countless windows on the building in front of him seriously. After a while, he looked away and motioned for Ning Shuyi and himself to get back to the car.

No one spoke during the two people's return to the car. It was not until they got into the car that Huo Yan said to Ning Shuyi, "Did you see clearly the structure of Lu Zhibao's house just now?"

"See clearly, two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom." Ning Shuyi nodded. "The apartment type is wrong." Huo Yan shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Ning Shuyi asked quickly.

She asked herself that her sense of direction was passable, but in front of Huo Yan, the gap was dwarfed by that of a giant.

Now when she heard what Huo Yan said, she really felt a little puzzled.

"After I entered, I felt something was not right." Huo Yan roughly gave Ning Shuyi a direction, "After we entered, judging from the structure of his house, this building should be a three-family building with one staircase. , that makes sense.

Otherwise, from the side we just went around to look at, there should be at least one row of windows that do not exist. "

"But this building clearly has a layout of two households on one staircase..." Ning Shuyi understood what was wrong.

"Yeah." Huo Yan frowned, "The buildings in this area are very old, and I don't know who the developer is. It may not be easy to find the floor plan."

Ning Shuyi looked at the time: "I'm afraid it's too late today, let's go back to the bureau first and arrange the next things.

Tomorrow morning, the two of us will go to the Urban Construction Archives, where we might be able to find house plans for scattered buildings in this old community. "

Huo Yan nodded and agreed with Ning Shuyi's arrangement. As he started the car and left the place, he asked, "What's your impression of Lu Zhibao?"

"Terrible." Ning Shuyi replied, "He is very calm. From the moment he saw us and learned our identities and our intentions, he acted very calm from the beginning to the end.

And if you look at his words and deeds, nothing is meaningless. It feels like he has rehearsed our meeting today at least in his mind many times. "

"The only last-minute idea today is to take us to his home to meet his current girlfriend." Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi had similar views. "I think he deliberately wants us to meet his current girlfriend." ”

"Yes, in order to make us feel that he is living a happy life now and has a new relationship, so he cannot be so persistent with his ex-girlfriend.

But there is a word called "too much is not enough". He is a bit too comprehensive, and his emotional control is impeccable. His cadence is not abnormal at all, but it makes people feel that something is not right.

While saying that Tong Chujun didn't like to open up to him and talk about his own affairs, he also explained clearly the source of Tong Chujun's "emotional abnormalities" every time.

When we asked him who Tong Chujun had conflicts with outside, he mentioned his boss, his colleagues, and even his landlord, but he did not mention the client Yao Guangwei who caused Tong Chujun to be forced to resign.

Do you think he is..."

"Deliberately avoiding Yao Guangwei." Huo Yan listened and nodded, "He would ignore all the places where he was involved or involved, saying that he didn't understand or was unclear.

I think that many of the things he said may be closer to the truth when listened to in reverse. "

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