Eye of Sin

Chapter 520 Virtue

Chapter 520 Virtue
Mother Ning sighed and stroked her chest.

Of course she didn't just know about this, but even after she knew it clearly, she still felt panicked when she heard her daughter talk about it.

Ning Shuyi laughed after listening to her sister's words: "Does he hope that the court will think that his 'depression' is so serious that it is not just a mental illness, but can even rise to the level of a mental illness?"

Ning Shuyue nodded: "That's what he really means."

"Then what? Did he apply for a psychiatric evaluation?"

"Yes." Ning Shuyue nodded, "He pretended to be crazy and acted stupid in court, crying until he burst into tears. Now I don't know what he wanted to do."

"I think he just doesn't want a divorce and wants to keep fighting!" Liang Xuanming said with disdain.

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "It's not that he doesn't want a divorce, it's that he wants a divorce, but he doesn't want to leave empty-handed.

Not only my sister knows what he is like, but everyone here also knows it very well.

Nie Guang is a person who cherishes himself so much, how could he let himself fall into depression? He will only suck the blood of people around him until he is depressed in order to satisfy his own little thoughts. "

Ning's father heard this and nodded fiercely.

"So he wanted to label himself as 'depressed', and also deliberately emphasized his suicidal tendencies, and the mental evaluation was nothing more than hoping to turn himself into a weak party.

If it is a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, the chance of success in falsifying the identification is much smaller.

But for depression, people who are really depressed may not be able to detect it in time. If people who are not depressed deliberately want to create an illusion of depression and do their homework beforehand, they can find a way out of the questionnaire questions and choose them blindly. A 'serious' one is not a problem.

In this way, if it is determined to be severe depression, it may involve changing from a psychological disorder to a mental disorder.

In this case, a person with a mental disorder's ability to live and work will naturally be greatly compromised.

When the court makes a judgment on the division of property, it often gives appropriate preference to the party with weaker survival ability from a humanitarian perspective. "

After Ning Shuyi finished speaking, he shrugged: "I think this is his real purpose."

"This bastard! After working on it for a long time, it has reached this point. It's not my daughter who he can't let go of, but our family's money!" Ning's father frowned in anger.

After such a long time, Ning Shuyue's mentality has now adjusted to a very peaceful state. After listening to Ning's father's words, she smiled bitterly and said: "Dad, fortunately, it's the money that he can't part with, not me!

It's not his thing. With a lawyer and Xiaoyi helping us with ideas, we won't suffer any big losses.

If you can't let go of me... that would be even worse! "

Ning's father thought about it and realized that this was really the case, so he turned his attention to his youngest daughter: "Well, Xiaoyi, about your sister..."

"Don't worry, it's nothing." Ning Shuyi smiled, "Nie Guang's biggest characteristic over the years is that he is dissatisfied with a bottle and shakes half a bottle, and another characteristic is short-sightedness.

He probably also inquired about it and knew that if a person has limited capacity for civil conduct, there will be a bias in dividing the property. He also feels that depression is a problem that can be found in one or two out of ten modern people, and no one will be afraid of him because of this.

But he never considered one issue. If he wanted to make a tilt when dividing property, the degree of mental illness would not be enough.

Once the degree of mental illness is determined, even an adult will be deemed to have the same behavioral capacity as a minor over eight years old and under eighteen years old. His usual work involves project negotiation and contract signing. There is no way to do it.

At that time, it is not an easy task to revoke the certification, and it requires a lot of procedures.

The most important thing is that people's words are terrible. Even if he applies to the court for re-evaluation, the identification of civil capacity will indeed be restored. With the previous record of 'mental illness', is there any unit in the industry that dares to risk it? Such a big risk to hire him? "

When Ning Shuyue heard this, a faint smile appeared on her face: "Xiao Yi still has a way!

When he came up with this bad idea, he was probably only thinking about the immediate property division and not suffering a loss, and he didn't even think about the long-term impact and losses in the future.

My thoughts were led by him. As soon as you said this, I knew what to do. "

Ning's mother saw that her eldest daughter gained a little more confidence in her original calmness after her sister's enlightenment. She also breathed a sigh of relief, got up and went over, patting Ning Shuyi: "Okay, since your sister understands Okay, we'll discuss the rest. Go eat now!
How can my body cope with being so hungry and full after every meal? "

Ning Shuyi nodded and turned around to see that Huo Yan had moved from behind her to the kitchen at some point.

When he came to the kitchen, Huo Yan had already heated up the food left by Ning's father for the two of them and put it on the dining table with the chopsticks in place.

Ning Shuyi saw his quick movements and couldn't help but want to tease him. She glanced at the living room to make sure that everyone else was still discussing Ning Shuyue and Nie Guang's next court session. Then she looked away and looked at Huo Yan. Thumbs up: "Xianxian!"

Huo Yan smiled slightly and handed Ning Shuyi a spoon: "Thank you."

After dinner, Huo Yan neatly tidied up the kitchen, said goodbye to Ning's father and mother, and went back upstairs to rest.

The old couple of the Ning family were originally sitting in the living room watching TV without talking to each other. After Huo Yan closed the door and left, the two of them looked at each other.

"Xiao Huo is really a good kid." Ning's father said with emotion.

Ning's mother also nodded: "It's such a pity for such a good child. I don't know what the family thinks. How could they be so cruel in the first place!"

When Ning Shuyi returned to the room, he happened to hear the conversation between the two people, and his mind couldn't help but be in a trance, thinking of the old man who appeared at the door of the police station twice.

The other party must have some kind of connection or even kinship with Huo Yan.

The other party came to the door twice, and the intention was self-evident.

Huo Yan's attitude can also be said to be straightforward and decisive, without any hesitation.

Ning Shuyi didn't know whether Huo Yan's choice was the best plan, but in this matter, only the person involved was qualified to decide what kind of choice to make, and secondly, regardless of the reason why he chose to abandon Huo Yan in the first place, , in the past twenty or thirty years, the damage has been done, and the scars are engraved in my heart, which cannot be easily erased now.

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