Eye of Sin

Chapter 529 Secret Room

Chapter 529 Secret Room
Ning Shuyi's analysis made both Huo Yan and Kang Ge feel enlightened.

"When you say that, it does make sense." Huo Yan was convinced and nodded repeatedly.

Kang Ge's eyes silently moved from Ning Shuyi to Huo Yan's face. His eyes were a little more understanding, but nothing was revealed.

"This Lu Zhibao's outlook on life is quite distorted!" he sighed with emotion.

Ning Shuyi nodded: "Listen to what the old neighbor said. When he was young, his grandparents were quite complaining about his father's unwillingness to go home and share the responsibility of taking care of the children. This was reflected in his daily words and deeds.

When children are young, although their three views have not yet been formed, it does not mean that their feelings are not sensitive enough.

He could actually feel that although his grandparents loved him very much and were generally good to him, they also felt that he was a burden.

The initiator who turned him from a treasure into a burden was his mother who was described by his grandparents as "unruly".

Ashishiho grew up under this subtle influence and harbored deep-rooted resentment towards his mother.

After he found a girlfriend and established a relationship with Tong Chujun, all the married life he imagined was, to put it bluntly, just turning Tong Chujun into a substitute for his mother.

He hoped that Tong Chujun could act as the person who could make up for his mother's lack of love.

But later Tong Chujun proposed to break up, which made him feel that Tong Chujun not only failed to make up for his past emotional shortcomings, but instead became a second woman like his mother.

So he transferred all the resentment he had accumulated for many years against his mother onto Tong Chujun. "

"No wonder Tong Chujun's death method has nothing to do with blood, but it is extremely cruel." Huo Yan saw with his own eyes what Tong Chujun's bones looked like.

Especially when Forensic Doctor Zhang came to the final conclusion on the cause of death, he introduced the tremendous pain and suffering that Tong Chujun endured throughout the process.

Huo Yan was deeply impressed by all this, and therefore he deeply hated the people who did such things.

While the three people were talking, the door of the conference room was opened from the outside. Zhao Dabao poked his head in. When he saw the three of them here, he walked in: "You are all here, just in time! Something has been gained!
Let me share with you what I found out after running around all morning! "

Huo Yan turned around and went to the water dispenser next to him, took a glass of water and handed it to Zhao Dabao.

Zhao Dabao could tell at a glance that he had been working hard all morning. He was sweating now, his round and blessed face was a little red now, and he couldn't even breathe evenly.

Taking the water from Huo Yan, he drank it down in one breath and smiled gratefully: "As soon as I confirmed it, I ran back non-stop, but it made me exhausted!
That Ashishiho is indeed a big problem.

More than a year ago, he deliberately separated some time and purchased a large amount of sound insulation materials in batches, as well as some items specialized in soft packaging repairs.

That kind of sound insulation material is a relatively professional type. Generally speaking, it is the kind of sound insulation material that is chosen by recording studios, KTVs and the like. It is much more expensive than the sound insulation materials that ordinary residents who pursue quietness may buy, but the effect is good. It is said that I don't know how many times better.

In addition to decorative materials for sound insulation, he also purchased sound insulation paint, which can be regarded as the icing on the cake.

I consulted with someone, and the materials and coatings he purchased were enough to decorate a room of more than ten square meters, including floors, walls, and ceilings. "After Zhao Dabao talked about the sound insulation materials, he made a circle as thick as a small bowl with the thumb and index finger of both hands: "This Lu Zhibao, not only bought these things, he also bought two special ones a year ago. A chain used to tie large and violent dogs.

Based on the purchase record, I specifically contacted the seller and asked the seller to help me check the size of the chain that Lu Shiho purchased.

After I came back just now, I went to see Dr. Zhang and consulted with him first.

Forensic doctor Zhang said that the scars caused by this thick iron chain are consistent with the bruises on Tong Chujun's body. Although he has not obtained the iron chain and has not made a direct comparison, he cannot be 100% sure, but It's most likely this. "

"What should we do now?" Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi, "Although suspicious programs were indeed found in the mobile phone provided by Wen Dan, two years have passed.

In the past two years, Lu Zhibao has not harassed her in any way, and has not even contacted her again. There is no evidence of intimidation or harassment left on her mobile phone.

Although others say there is something wrong with Tong Chujun's mobile phone, the phone is not in our hands. It was most likely destroyed by Lu Zhibao after the murder.

How do we identify his suspicion? "

Ning Shuyi frowned slightly and fell into thought.

Huo Yan looked at Kang Ge again: "If during this period, Lu Zhibao sent something to his mobile phone where he secretly installed a secret program, such as scary pictures, there is a way to check back and lock his operations. ?"

"I am also considering the feasibility of this today." Kang Ge nodded to Huo Yan, "She doesn't plan to take back Wen Dan's mobile phone. We can try to simulate a similar level to see if it can be achieved. Investigate and pursue.

It just so happens that Bi Runlin has been stationed here all the time. His professional level is beyond words. I am an entry-level person in front of him.

We will start experimenting with your idea and will let you know the results as soon as possible! "

Ning Shuyi listened to the conversation between Huo Yan and Kang Ge and had an idea in his mind.

"How is Lu Zhibao's current girlfriend?" She turned to ask Zhao Dabao.

Zhao Dabao nodded: "I heard it's quite normal. The little girl has no idea what her boyfriend may have done. She is happy every day. She goes to work in the morning, buys groceries after work in the afternoon, and returns home to Lu Zhibao. Cook and cook.

Oh, by the way, after the identity of the little girl was clear, Qi Tianhua and the others confirmed it with the mobile phone after-sales center where Lu Zhibao worked before.

This little girl was also a customer there and took care of her after-sales maintenance just before Lu Zhibao resigned.

The registered maintenance engineer was not Lu Zhibao, but that person testified that he had too many things to do at that time and was too busy. At that time Lu Zhibao offered to help him share the load, so he took away two or three orders. Help do it.

He wasn't sure if the little girl's cell phone was among those lists, but he was pretty sure it was because his cell phone still had the original WeChat message to thank Lu Zhibao, as well as Lu Zhibao's reply. "

Thanks to book friend 150612171355119, Ye Qingqingqing, book friend 20190525133559484x4, book friend 20210920111158716x2, vegetarian piglet x2, southerners in the north, fox fairy beauty x6, vegetarian lemon fruit, children watching cats, Yin Yueyue, *fish Yu'er*x2, Minako Tanaka, Rui Rui's mommy x2, mary620 monthly pass!

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