Eye of Sin

Chapter 537 Taking the bait

Chapter 537 Taking the bait
In the end, Huo Yan came up with the idea of ​​finding a suite. Ning Shuyi and Guan Zhen lived in the inner room while he lived outside, so that Guan Zhen's requirements could be met to the maximum extent.

Although it was no big deal not to meet this requirement, but thinking about Tong Chujun who died tragically, Guan Zhen walked around the gate of hell several times and was lucky enough to encounter Tong Chujun's body being found.

Otherwise, if there were any problems in the relationship between her and Lu Zhibao during this period, the consequences would be unimaginable. Even if they don't die, they will be skinned.

What's more, even if there is no fear of life now, the feeling of suddenly discovering that one's dearest and most trusted lover is secretly watching and monitoring oneself around the clock is a bit chilling.

Therefore, whether out of sympathy or consideration for Guan Zhen's situation, they still chose to satisfy this request, which was not excessive in the first place.

Although the two people promised to accompany her and protect her, this poor girl who was frightened was a little relieved, but her frightened state would not get any better.

At first, she felt a little more at ease because Ning Shuyi was by her side, but at night, not long after she fell asleep, she suddenly seemed to be trapped in a nightmare. Suddenly her whole body began to twitch, looking very scary.

Ning Shuyi hurriedly tried to wake her up. After a long time of effort, Guan Zhen finally woke up. When she opened her eyes and saw Ning Shuyi, her eyes were still a little dazed. The next second she saw Ning Shuyi's hand. The cell phone he was holding made him scream in fright, and with a sudden struggle, he fell from the single bed, which was not wide enough, to the ground.

Ning Shuyi hurriedly helped her up.

After such a fall, although her whole body hurt, Guan Zhen came to her senses completely.

She held her head in her hands with lingering fear and sat on the ground, not even having the strength to get up.

"I had a dream just now. I dreamed that someone knocked on the door. When I opened the door, I saw Lu Zhibao standing outside. His hands were covered with blood. Your colleague fell at his feet, smiling sinisterly. Damn it, don’t think that if you throw your phone to someone else, they can’t find me!
I was almost scared to death...Thank you for waking me up..."

The poor girl held her arms with both hands and sat on the ground with her legs curled up, shivering.

If you just meet a strange murderer, it will certainly make people feel scared,

But the pillow lover who stayed together day and night suddenly lost his disguise and revealed his true face. He turned out to be a terrible murderer. The kind of mental shock and excitement was far more than what a stranger could bring.

"It's okay, it's just a dream. It'll be fine when you wake up!" Ning Shuyi knelt down and gently stroked Guan Zhen's back, "That colleague of mine is very powerful, let alone Lu Zhibao, no matter how much Several Lu Zhibao were tied together, with three heads and six arms, but they were no match for him.

As long as he is here, you can live here in a down-to-earth manner.

And the colleague who took your phone away is also a well-known computer expert in our bureau. At this time, you have to have confidence in us, okay? "

Guan Zhen nodded, like a well-behaved little pitiful person.

That night, Guan Zhen hardly slept soundly. There were two different things between hearing it in her ears and actually feeling relieved in her heart.

After a long night of tossing, nothing dangerous happened, but Ning Shuyi still felt exhausted both physically and mentally the next morning.

Three days passed like this. During this period, Huo Yan would go out to do errands normally during the day and return to the suite at night to buy some food and drink supplies.

Ning Shuyi stayed with Guan Zhen 24 hours a day and couldn't go anywhere. On the fourth day, news came from Kang Ge that the other party had taken the bait, but the time was not mature enough, so they should be prepared at any time.

After these three days, Guan Zhen is a little calmer than before, at least she wakes up less often at night.

Two days later, Kang Ge called and explained to Ning Shuyi early in the morning, and Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan became busy.

Another female police officer in the team, Ren Yaya, was sent to pick up Ning Shuyi's class and continued to accompany Guan Zhen.

Although Guan Zhen was a little nervous at first because she didn't know each other, Ren Yaya's steady character seemed to calm her uneasiness.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi hesitantly as he drove away.

Ning Shuyi turned to look at him: "What? I've been practicing under your supervision for so long, but you still don't have confidence in me?"

"Care leads to chaos." Huo Yan didn't say much and only said four words.

After hearing this, Ning Shuyi's cheeks felt slightly warm. She glanced at Huo Yan who was driving. She originally thought that Huo Yan would be the kind of reserved personality who would be shy to express his inner feelings even if he faced them directly.

I didn't expect this guy to be very upright in this regard.

"Don't worry, what we encountered this time is not the type who takes action impulsively, not to mention I'm not going to fight alone, alone! It's okay." Huo Yandu has already acted so straightforwardly, Ning Shu Yi didn't hesitate, and spoke to Huo Yan while reaching out and pinching his shoulder a few times to show comfort.

Huo Yan's earlobes turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The small charm between the two people was fleeting. After all, the moment to close the net was right in front of them. At this juncture, they did not have time to take into account too many personal feelings.

Another day passed.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, there were obviously fewer cars on the road. On this day, there was a sudden strong wind, and the body temperature was much lower than it actually was. At this time, there were almost no traces of pedestrians on the road. .

On a small street, a girl walked out of a small building on the corner of the street. She was wearing a cute-looking coat, a pleated skirt, and sneakers. She was holding a mobile phone in her hand and walking briskly along the street. Walking along the street, he seemed to be in a good mood.

The girl's hair was scattered behind her back, with a slight curl at the ends. The hair was blown by the wind, revealing her soft cheeks.

Behind her, a figure was approaching a little bit. The man was a little cautious at first, watching his steps, for fear of alarming the girl in front of him early.

But later, I don’t know whether it was because the other party was unaware that he was being followed, and he picked up his phone from time to time while walking around, seeming to be very focused on replying to messages, or because of some other reason, he was following behind. The black figure also became bolder and quickened his pace.

The distance between two people is getting shorter and shorter.

Finally, the black shadow walked up behind the girl - "Aren't you supposed to be training?!"

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