Eye of Sin

Chapter 54 Straight Hook Fishing

Chapter 54 Straight Hook Fishing
"Yeah, so Kang Ge, when you look down later and find out the person who hacked into Wang Yuluo's phone and deleted things, you'd better confirm the relationship between this person and that Internet celebrity named Yang Xiaoyang." Ning Shuyi said to Kang Ge.

Kang Ge smiled: "Okay, I know what I know. I'm busy fishing recently!"

"What fish to catch?" Ning Shuyi didn't understand what he meant.

"That person is very cunning, after he first hacked into the phone and deleted everything, he hasn't appeared again for the past two days.

I thought, since he didn't take the initiative to come, I'll invite him, so I posted a post on the Internet, trying to catch this person out.

You're offering me this sheep lamb now, and it's about time!With this 'bait', I don't believe that person won't come out. "

"Is the chance of being able to 'catch' it high?" Ning Shuyi knew that no one could be sure about this kind of thing, but he still couldn't help asking.

Right now, the person who hacked into Wang Yuluo's phone and deleted the information stored in the phone is the key to finding the major suspect. If the other party doesn't take the bait, it will add a big problem.

"Don't worry, seeing that person's cautious attitude towards this lamb, even if it's a straight hook, I'm afraid it can catch this 'Wisher'!
Furthermore, you cannot put all your eggs in one basket. Kang Ge smiled at her and waved his hands. He did everything in a calm and relaxed way, with a calm and relaxed attitude, "I can't just expect the 'fish' to take the bait by itself, and also keep the secrets honest. Really spit it out.

I'm trying to restore the deleted things in the phone, but it's a bit difficult. The person is obviously not a gamer, and the deletion is indeed very clean, but I still have to try. "

"Then if the 'bait' you let out attracts that person, can you find out the identity of the other person?" Huo Yan obviously has a lot more ideas about these things that are beyond his field of expertise. Confused, it was rare for him to take the initiative to ask Kang Ge.

Kang Ge's temperament can establish communication with anyone without barriers, even Ji Yuan, who originally made the rest of the team stay away because of his strong aura of "don't enter the stranger", dared to take the initiative to laugh and laugh Opening up to chat, Huo Yan's temperament is even more easy.

"Yes! Of course I can!" He nodded to Huo Yan with a smile, "There are two sentences that you must be familiar with, one is 'those who play with fire must set themselves on fire', and the other is 'burn yourself with fire'.

As long as this person dares to hack into Wang Yuluo's mobile phone again, I can seize the opportunity to treat him in the same way as others, and hack into this person's mobile phone or computer in the opposite direction. In this way, I've already entered this person's lair, so I don't need to trouble others to admit it myself! "

Huo Yan nodded, and didn't ask any more questions. He was not particularly interested in how to achieve the goal that Kang Ge said just now technically. He just wanted to confirm whether it was safe. Since Kang Ge said so firmly, he had no reason to be baffled. to question.

"Have the things in the phone been restored now?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Kang Ge nodded: "Yes, but not many, just a few photos, this person was in a hurry when he deleted the photos, and he was obviously in a hurry later, the processing was not as clean as deleting other things, more or less left A little trace, so relatively easy to restore.

Others, obviously put more effort into it. I guess this person didn't mainly delete photos, but just did it incidentally.

I sent the photo to your mailbox, and you can check if there is anything of value when you look back. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at the time: "Oh, it's about this time! You two must have not eaten lunch, right? Let's go, let's eat lunch first, and then do what we should do!"

Yan Xue got up naturally, and was used to her partner eating on time no matter the weather.

Ning Shuyi also felt that sharpening a knife was not a mistake in chopping firewood, so he took his coat and prepared to go to dinner together.

Huo Yan didn't move, but shook his head at them: "You guys go, I'm not hungry yet."

Yan Xue turned her head to look at Ning Shuyi, but Ning Shuyi's expression was normal, and she said to Huo Yan very calmly: "Okay, then I'll go eat first."

Then she pulled Yan Xue and walked out, without any intention of being polite to others.

When Kang Ge saw this, he followed the good advice, smiled at Huo Yan, followed Yan Xue and Ning Shuyi with strides, and the three of them went to solve the lunch problem together.

"You don't get along well with this Huo Yan?" Yan Xue asked Ning Shuyi in a low voice when she was outside, "I feel that this person is not easy to get along with. He always keeps some distance from others, and he is quite estranged." Kind, isn't your personality a little weird?"

"Actually, it's okay. We respect other people's individuality. As long as it doesn't hinder others, we can't force them according to our own standards!"

"Ning Shuyi is right!" Kang Ge nodded in a serious manner from behind, "It doesn't have to be a hot fight to get along well, and being peaceful is also a good choice.

As long as you have a good character and a correct attitude towards work, it doesn't matter whether you are slow or super slow!It's best to treat each other with sincerity and respect. "

The three had a simple lunch. When Ning Shuyi returned to the office, Huo Yan didn't know if she went to eat alone. If she wasn't there, she just sat down, opened her mailbox, and checked what Kang Ge had sent before. The restored photos.

They were very lucky. The few photos Kang Ge recovered were indeed from the same series as the only surviving photo in the phone. Wang Yuluo was wearing that blue dress.

In the photo, the person standing not far behind Wang Yuluo was indeed the well-known Yang Xiaoyang in that club.

Among those photos, there was one of Wang Yuluo in the foreground smiling like a flower, and it seemed that he was in a good mood, and Yang Xiaoyang, who was a member of the background, happened to be looking at Wang Yuluo.

It's just that she couldn't see any smile on her face, and she even had an unconcealable disgust and dislike in her eyes.

Ning Shuyi raised her eyebrows, feeling that this matter had become interesting, she sent the photo to Huo Yan so that he could check it out, and then began to search the Internet for information about the blogger named "Yang Xiaoyang".

The funny brother of the club really didn’t lie to them. This sheep and lamb is indeed a little famous. Ning Shuyi quickly found her personal homepage on a certain video website. There are three or 10,000+ fans. Let’s take a look at it. The number of hits and comments shows that her popularity is real.

(End of this chapter)

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