Eye of Sin

Chapter 542 Arson

Chapter 542 Arson
Ning Shuyi was shocked. She subconsciously looked out the kitchen window, but she didn't see any fire or smoke in other people's homes. So she quickly grabbed a towel, wet it, covered her mouth and nose, and rushed into the living room.

The black smoke kept pouring in along the crack of the entrance door.

Ning Shuyi had a vague premonition. She reached out and touched the doorknob with her finger. The hot temperature instantly transmitted the pain along the nerves of her little finger to her brain.

This is not right!
Ning Shuyi's mind immediately sounded the alarm.

She quickly found her mobile phone to dial the fire alarm, and then used all the self-rescue knowledge she had accumulated in her daily life.

The fire brigade arrived in time. After the fire outside was extinguished, Ning Shuyi did not suffer any substantial damage. However, the security door inside the home was burned and deformed. The fire brigade took a lot of effort to open it.

There were also varying degrees of damage to the furniture and floors near the door.

Although the damage caused was not great, the situation outside the door looked really scary. The walls of the entire floor and the elevator door were burned black by the fire. Just looking at that appearance, you can imagine what happened before. How fierce the fire was.

"Fortunately, there are no debris piled up in the corridor of your home! Otherwise, there are so many combustion-supporting materials, and I don't know how deep the fire will burn!" The firefighter who brought Ning Shuyi out said to her.

"But why did there suddenly be such a big fire in the corridor?" Although Ning Shuyi was choking and his throat was burning, he still couldn't help but want to find out what the sudden fire was about.

"We are investigating the cause of the fire." The firefighter replied, "The fire did start a bit wrong. It makes no sense that there was no fire point in the house. The clean corridor suddenly caught fire and was burned. The most serious problem is your security door!”

Ning Shuyi nodded, and suddenly out of the corner of his eye he spotted a familiar figure among the crowd downstairs.

"I'm Detective Ning Shuyi from the Criminal Police Team of W City Public Security Bureau. Hurry!" She quickly grabbed the firefighter beside her, "That girl wearing a black stand-up collar and a ponytail! Please help me stop her!"

After saying that, she ignored the stinging feeling in her throat and the exhaustion she felt after experiencing the fire, and rushed over.

The girl in the crowd didn't expect Ning Shuyi to spot her at a glance among so many people watching the excitement. When she saw her chasing her, she quickly pushed aside the crowd and wanted to run away.

Although the crowd of onlookers who didn't know what was going on had a little blocking effect on Ning Shuyi, they also blocked the other party's escape route.

So with the help of several firefighters, the girl who tried to escape in a hurry was quickly controlled and unable to escape.

Ning Shuyi also quickly called the police. The police arrived quickly and took the girl back for questioning and to deal with the follow-up matters.

When the fire brigade was investigating the cause of the fire, Ning Shuyi had no strength left after all this torment. He was wearing a blanket and standing there with the last bit of strength in his body, unable to help but trembling slightly.

Suddenly, she heard hurried footsteps behind her, and subconsciously turned around to see the person clearly. Before she could stand still, she was hugged.

The familiar breath, the warm body temperature, and the embrace that was so tight that he could barely breathe, instantly calmed Ning Shuyi's trembling heart.

The muscles of the two arms surrounding him were tense and very strong. Ning Shuyi reached out and patted it, and said softly: "I'm fine, don't worry."

The strength of the arm relaxed slightly, but did not let go. Ning Shuyi felt a slight tremor from the other party's breathing.

"I heard about the arson case on the radio. The address was here. I felt uneasy, so I ran back." Huo Yan's voice could still hear the instability of his breath after running violently, "Who is it? Is it Sun Man?”

Ning Shuyi nodded: "It's her."

"Where is she?" Upon hearing this, Huo Yan let go of Ning Shuyi and was about to leave, clenching his fists tightly, "And her parents, are they there?
You made it clear to them that their daughter had a mental problem at the beginning, and we didn't care about her subsequent failure to cooperate with our work. Now they actually allow their daughter to come and set fire? "

"Don't go. Sun Man herself has been taken away for interrogation. Her parents should not be here. If they were here, they probably wouldn't watch their daughter do such a thing without stopping her." Ning Shu Yi could tell that Huo Yan was scared and angry now, fearing that he would be impulsive, so he quickly stopped him.

However, he was so anxious and said so many words in one breath that his throat, which had just been burned by the smoke, was irritated and he coughed violently.

Huo Yan quickly took back the steps he had taken, took out the mineral water from his backpack, let Ning Shuyi moisten her throat, and helped her rub her back to smooth her breath. He looked at Ning Shuyi's face after being burned by the thick smoke. He held her face with one hand and gently wiped the black marks left behind with his sleeve with the other hand.

"What's going on here?!"

Ning Shuyi had just drank some water to relieve the burning sensation in his throat. He heard a familiar voice coming from the side and turned to look over.

Father Ning and Mother Ning stood there, looking at them in surprise. Behind the old couple were Ning Shuyue and Liang Xuanming who were also stunned.

Ning Shuyi wanted to tell her parents that everything was fine, but thinking about the deformed entrance door upstairs, the dark walls in the corridor, and the firefighters who were investigating the cause of the fire, she didn't know what to do for a moment. Just tell your parents.

"Uncle, auntie," Huo Yan also realized this. He looked at Ning Shuyi and said to Ning's father and others, "Let's go upstairs first."

After all, Father Ning and Mother Ning have lived for half their lives. In fact, after seeing the situation here, they have basically made a guess.

Seeing that his little daughter looked a little embarrassed, he didn't ask any more questions. He followed Huo Yan's words and expressed his agreement. Several people surrounded Ning Shuyi as he entered the unit door and took the elevator upstairs.

Fortunately, the fire just now was mainly concentrated around the entrance door of Ning's house and did not affect the use of the elevator. Now the fire has been quickly extinguished and the elevator can operate normally.

So Huo Yan directly clicked on the floor where the apartment he rented was located.

Father Ning and Mother Ning looked at each other, full of doubts, but they were wise enough not to keep asking questions at this time.

Thanks Miss me? , Qianqian Junzi x2, 20100410bb, Vegetarian Piggy x2, Xiao Big Cat x2 monthly pass!

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