Eye of Sin

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Forensic Doctor Zhang is a well-known business backbone in the bureau, and his character is also very cautious. He will not easily draw any conclusions under uncertain circumstances.

Now that he can say this, it means that the cause of old man Fu Xianhai's death may indeed be strange.

"Forensic Doctor Zhang, what does a happy death mean?" Huo Yan was a little confused.

"Generally speaking, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have a relatively high demand for oxygen. This high demand is not only reflected in the time of daily oxygen therapy, but is also very sensitive to oxygen concentration.

If the oxygen concentration is suddenly insufficient, causing hypoxia, the person may suffocate, and the process is very painful.

However, if the oxygen concentration is too high, it will also inhibit the respiratory center, but in this process, the deceased will be more peaceful and will not suffer any pain. "Forensic Doctor Zhang replied.

Huo Yan looked at Ning Shuyi and already had some guesses in his mind.

An old man who needed full-time oxygen to maintain stable vital signs died suddenly even though his lung disease was not serious enough to cause sudden death in his sleep.

How the murderer committed the crime is very simple when you think about it.

"Other causes of death can be ruled out, right?" Huo Yan asked again.

Forensic Doctor Zhang nodded: "Yes, the cause of death of this deceased is relatively intuitive. Except for whether the degree of his lung disease would lead to such a natural death, we were really unsure, so we asked experts in the clinical field to work together. Confirmed, there are basically no other doubts.”

At this point, regardless of whether it was a mistake or not, at least Cai Yujie's claim has been confirmed.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan quickly contacted other people in the same group, quickly divided the work, and then set off separately. Their first stop was the health care center where Fu Xianhai lived before his death.

This wellness center is relatively remote, outside the main urban area and close to the suburbs. However, it is relatively well-known in W City. It focuses on a quiet environment suitable for the elderly to live.

Even Ning Shuyi, a person who doesn't pay much attention to this field, is quite familiar with the name of this health care center. After all, the advertisement is very wide, and it is difficult to miss it.

This health care center is a spacious courtyard with two small buildings on the left and right. One is for the elderly who are bedridden for a long time and cannot take care of themselves. It is quieter because it involves some elderly people with serious illnesses. Visits are conducted by one person at a time during the designated time.

The other building is a retirement center for relatively healthy elderly people who need certain medical care but can take care of themselves and have no major problems. Although it also provides 24-hour medical care, the management is much more flexible, except for after p.m. To ensure the rest of the elderly, visitors are not allowed. There are no strict requirements for the rest of the time. As long as you register, you can enter.

Huo Yan and the others had obtained the information provided by Cai Yujie before. After arriving here, they first found the person in charge of the health care center and wanted to inspect the room where Fu Xianhai lived before his death.

The person in charge of the health care center is a middle-aged man in his forties named Qu Yiming. He is stocky and looks kind and kind. When Ning Shuyi and others brought people here, they didn't feel that way. How surprised I am, I don’t know whether it’s because I’m too well-informed, or because Cai Yujie’s previous expression was too strong.

"Let me introduce our place to you first. The smaller building on the left is for seriously ill elderly people who cannot take care of themselves, and the one on the right is for healthy and relatively healthy elderly people who can walk and move around and do not want to live in intensive care units.

The podium in the middle that connects the two buildings is our chess and card room, canteen, audio-visual room, and nursing staff room. "He introduced to Ning Shuyi and others, "Mr. Fu used to live in the health building on the right. "

"Then you take someone to inspect the room where Fu Xianhai lived before his death, and I'll talk to the nursing staff." Ning Shuyi said to Huo Yan.

"Okay." Huo Yan nodded to her. Communicating with people was not his strong point. It was obvious that leaving this kind of thing to Ning Shuyi would get twice the result with half the effort.

Qu Yiming looked listlessly at the sidelines as the police officers divided their work. After they had determined their respective tasks, he signaled to Huo Yan and others to follow him to the health building.

"I will take you there now." He said to Huo Yan and the others as he walked, "The door of that room has been locked since Mr. Fu's body was taken away. No one has ever entered it again."

Huo Yan nodded: "If an old man here passes away, can he make a request to reserve a room like this?"

"That's not true." Qu Yiming shook his head, "The main thing is that he paid the money, and the room has not expired, so he does not want a refund and must keep it as it is.

Since he was very insistent, we had to understand, and there was no rush to move in at the moment, so we agreed. "

As a group of people walked in, there were not many elderly people in the health building of this health care center. It was not as lively and quiet as expected.

Qu Yiming took them to the door of a room on the first floor. They saw a homemade seal affixed to the door. The date the seal was posted was also marked on it, as well as Qu Yiming's name as the director of the health care center. Personal signature.

"Now, this room is exactly as it was after Mr. Fu left. No one has ever entered it! Even the seal was put on with gloves." He stepped away from the door, fearing that if he got a little bit of it, it would be harmful to him. Adding new trouble, "I'll be waiting at the door to check as you go in. I won't hinder your work."

When the door opened, Xing Ji's colleagues went in first to collect fingerprints and footprints. Huo Yan couldn't help much in this matter. He didn't go in with him. Instead, he stood outside the door with Qu Yiming and looked through the door. Look inside.

Opposite the door is a window with good lighting. There is a writing desk in front of the window, and there is a single bed on the wall on the same side as the door.

What is different from an ordinary bedroom is that there is a medical oxygen concentrator placed next to the bed, as well as some monitoring equipment, call bells and other things.

"Actually, these are not things Mr. Fu needs to use every day." Qu Yiming looked at Huo Yan and his eyes fell on those instruments, and quickly explained to the side, "This is standard equipment for every room, just in case. ”

As soon as the words came out, the expression on his own face became a little embarrassed.

Obviously, Fu Xianhai's death was that "just in case", which made the existence of those instruments used "just in case" seem to have an inexplicable irony.

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