Eye of Sin

Chapter 557 Empathy

Chapter 557 Empathy
Ning Shuyi nodded and expressed her understanding. Even though she had not personally experienced many things and could not empathize with them, she could still understand them due to human nature.

"Nana, why don't you go inside and rest? Anyway, the shift handover matters are almost finished." Sister Cui, the caregiver on the side, wiped Guo Dana's tears with some distress, "You are young now, so you have to be careful when you go to work. A little bit, don't be tired, but don't cry when nothing happens.

There is an old saying that if a mother cries all the time when she is pregnant, the children she will give birth to will also be fussy..."

"Sister Cui, can we not say such inappropriate words at this time?" Ding Haixiu frowned and interrupted Sister Cui, "Why are you saying things that have no scientific basis at this time!
Is that a matter of whether she likes to make trouble or not when her children are born? The main thing is that the month is young, so we should try to reduce stimulation as much as possible. "

Cui Xinyan, who was scolded, could only laugh: "Yes, you are right, I think our meanings are not much different..."

Ding Haixiu ignored Cui Xinyan's explanation and said directly to Guo Dana: "I know that you usually have a good relationship with Mr. Fu, but you are more sad than any of us when Mr. Fu passes away.

But you still need to pay attention to your health at this time. "

Although Ding Haixiu has a relatively strong character, it can be seen that she should be the kind of person who frightens these caregivers on weekdays, but when speaking to Guo Dana, she rarely behaves in a gentle manner.

Guo Dana shook her head with red eyes: "Let me follow you. We can't do anything for the old man, so we should try our best to cooperate with others' work. This can be regarded as our last responsibility to the old man."

"Then find a chair and sit there and listen." Guo Dana directed the caregiver next to her to help bring a chair. "If you really feel uncomfortable, go in and rest!"

Guo Dana sat down wiping her tears.

Ning Shuyi looked at the time: "So, are all of you just taking over the evening shift?"

"I am." Ding Haixiu signaled, "Nana has just finished her shift with me and is going back to rest.

Sister Cui and Zhang Juan were in the same class as me, and the others had just taken a break.

But in the evenings, we are generally responsible for the elderly people in that building who are seriously ill and cannot take care of themselves. In the health building, unless we ring the bell at night, we only have a few routine checks.

After all, most of the elderly people there are not in that bad health. They go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. The elderly sleep less, so it is hard for us to go in and disturb others' rest. "

Ning Shuyi smiled at her and nodded.

Ding Haixiu is obviously very resentful about the fact that Fu Xianhai's family chose to call the police. After all, as the group in this health care center that actually has the most direct contact with the elderly living here, it is abnormal for the deceased elderly to be questioned. When they die, the pressure naturally falls on them first.

No matter who it was, everyone would feel very concerned about it, and it was inevitable to have some emotions. They would try their best to clarify and explain everything inside and outside the words. These are all normal people's reactions.

"Fu Xianhai has emphysema, right?" So Ning Shuyi did not react at all to Ding Haixiu's move of clarifying everything he spoke, and continued to ask what he wanted to know.

"Yes, but his disease is a chronic disease, not an emergency. He has been ill for several years and is in good condition most of the time. As long as he keeps taking oxygen, there will be no big problems." Ding Haixiu said, "There is oxygen equipment in his room. , we also conduct inspections every day.

The old man has been living here for several years, not just a few months, and there has always been no problem. "Uncle Fu once told me that he had been a teacher all his life and had eaten chalk dust all his life, so he got this problem." Guo Dana said with a choked voice, "When he first moved in, I remember that his physical condition was much better than now."

I had just come here as an intern at that time, and he only needed oxygen for about twelve hours a day. When he was free, he also liked to tell us about the students he had taught before, and who was particularly naughty. I was very angry with him back then, but later I have enlightened myself, and now I have become a very powerful character in some industry.

Later, gradually, it became clear that there was no cure for this, it could only relieve the symptoms, which meant that the body was destined to become worse day by day.

Uncle Fu used to dislike hanging oxygen tubes at night because he thought it would affect his rest. But more than a year ago, less than a month apart, something went wrong twice at night, which almost caused a big problem.

After that, his student helped him with his ideological work, and then he agreed to provide oxygen 24 hours a day, especially when sleeping at night...

If Uncle Fu is in a good mood during the day, he will go for a walk in the yard. At that time, he usually finds it embarrassing to have the oxygen tube hanging on him. If he doesn't want to, he will secretly take it off when we are not paying attention.

So I was always worried that something would happen to him when he went outside during the day. I never thought it would be at night...

When Uncle Fu first started taking oxygen around the clock, I would pay special attention to him at night, and would go over to check on him when I was on duty at night.

Later, gradually, when I left, Uncle Fu would be woken up by me, and he was indeed in good condition at night, so I became numb and felt that it was natural and there was no problem..."

The more Guo Dana talked, the sadder she became, with tears falling down her cheeks: "That's why I blame myself so much. If I hadn't been so careless, maybe I could have avoided this result!"

"The night Fu Xianhai passed away, was it your night shift?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"I was in Class C in the early morning that day and Class A the next morning." Guo Dana shook her head in tears.

Seeing that Ning Shuyi's expression was a little confused, Ding Haixiu quickly explained to her: "We don't have three shifts here, so we have three schedules, ABC. Class A is from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and class B is from 4 p.m. to 4 p.m. From 0:00 to 0:00 midnight, Class C is from 0:00 to 8:00 in the morning.”

"So on the day Fu Xianhai passed away, you took over in the early morning and continued the day shift in the morning?" Ning Shuyi made a rough estimate, "So you were the first to discover Fu Xianhai's death?"

"No." Guo Dana shed more tears, "Sister Cui was the first to find out that Uncle Fu was gone that day.

I never dreamed that Uncle Fu would just leave like this..."

She was so sad that she could hardly speak, sobbed and cried again.

Several caregivers on the side quickly comforted her softly.

Cui Xinyan was a little embarrassed and wanted to comfort Guo Dana, but what she said was more like telling Ning Shuyi: "Actually, when I found out in the morning, Mr. Fu had already passed away peacefully..."

Ding Haixiu sighed and smiled at Ning Shuyi: "Don't be surprised! In addition to her big mood swings in the early stages of pregnancy, she also grew up with her grandparents, so she is easier to get close to the elderly. She used to regard Mr. Fu as a substitute for her grandfather, so her feelings were somewhat transferred."

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