Eye of Sin

Chapter 57 Pulling Hatred

Chapter 57 Pulling Hatred

It may have been settled for a week, and the netizens who were originally attracted by the topic have dispersed. Although the number of comments on this video is a little less, the discordant voices have also decreased. They are basically her fans who are excited , leaving messages to encourage her, expressing their love and praise without hesitation.

It is estimated that these comforts and praises are also very useful to Yang Xiaoyang. She seems to be in a good mood. Contrary to her behavior of not appearing in the comment area before, she replied with expressions of love or shyness under the comments of many fans. .

In one of the messages, a person said that he found out that Yang Xiaoyang is actually a member of a certain W club. He had seen her in person during an offline comic event, and she was more beautiful than in the video, and she was more like a goddess.

Yang Xiaoyang also replied to him with a sweet smile below, which was regarded as acquiescing to this statement.

If it ends here, then Yang Xiaoyang can be considered to have successfully survived a crisis of public opinion on the Internet, and can be regarded as retreating, and can continue to be an ingenious and kind-hearted goddess in front of his fans, but it is a pity, In the next video, she stabbed Lou Zi again.

It may be that the response to the water test was good this time, and there were not so many black people arguing, which made Yang Xiaoyang feel confident, and that night she posted another video with unprecedented efficiency.

However, this video is not purely showing his sewing skills, but an advertisement hidden in the daily content. The product Ning Shuyi knows is a facial mask.

The reason why even Ning Shuyi, who is usually busy and doesn't necessarily remember to apply a mask once a month or two, can know that it's not because of the reputation of this product, but because of the rotten face of this mask before. issue has caused considerable controversy.

Yang Xiaoyang just promoted this product, and also swears in the video that the reason why she can maintain a near-perfect makeup effect every time she participates in an event is because she uses it before every event. Use this mask to improve the condition of your skin.

It can be seen that this girl is also very dedicated to accepting the advertisement, and she is desperately trying to speak well of the products she promotes, and she even puts a piece on the video in order to convince the fans.

The result may be because she tried too hard to sell and sell, but it produced too much effect.

In the comment area, some "victims" who used this mask with a bad face came out and called her "just bad money", and some sharp-eyed people found that the shape and texture of the mask that Yang Xiaoyang applied in the video did not match the mask she promoted , and found that she took out the mask from the packaging bag and put the mask on her face. There were edits between the two sets of shots.

So more and more people left messages saying that this blogger is really hypocritical. She knew that the mask would ruin her face, but she didn't dare to use it herself.

Ning Shuyi scrolled down again, and once again found the name of the club from the comment area.

A user left a message saying that in the last video, I saw someone saying that Yang Xiaoyang is a member of a certain club, so I was curious, so I went to find out more, and found out that there is a young lady in that club, who is very good at serving people. It looks like it was made with a lot of money.

What's more, that young lady is low-key. She has an account on a certain platform, but she never posts advertisements and promotions. She just posts some event videos and posts beautiful photos. She looks like she has bright eyes.

This user asked if the young lady who served Huadao was the "RMB player" targeted by Yang Xiaoyang's words before. I never show off, no matter how I look at it, I am in the state of having fun, and I don't mean to show off my wealth. If someone even thinks this is showing off their wealth, that young lady is too wronged.

This message aroused the curiosity of many people. Some people said that they would go to a certain platform to search for the account of "Miss Bai Fumei" to watch, and begged the other party to send the treasure account.

Some people also said that it is better not to discuss it here. After all, Yang Xiaoyang gritted his teeth when he mentioned RMB players before. It is obviously sour for "Miss Bai Fumei". Young lady, "Are you hateful!
It turned out that it was okay not to say that. After someone said that, it really aroused more people's curiosity, and they asked that netizen to give directions in the comment area. That netizen finally lived up to expectations and wrote what she called "Miss Treasure Treasure" nickname on a platform.

This "Miss Treasure Treasure" was no different from Ning Shuyi's judgment, she was Wang Yuluo.

As soon as there are many curious people under Yang Xiaoyang’s delivery video, there are some people who watch the excitement and don’t think it’s a big mess. They left a message below and said that after watching Miss Baozang, they found out that the RMB players that Yang Xiaoyang had insinuated before were indeed This is the one.

But they spend their own money, they don’t recruit anyone, they take pictures and send them out, they are so beautiful that everyone can look at them, and the years are quiet and beautiful. I don’t understand why they have to be targeted by Shanggang.

On the other hand, Yang Xiaoyang is full of love, but he talks teasingly to others while accepting unscrupulous advertisements and earning unscrupulous money. Such a comparison makes it clear which is superior.

It is estimated that this comment really hit Yang Xiaoyang's lungs. She completely ignored the posture and restraint in the previous video, and began to quarrel with the commenters who held this view with sharp words in the comment area.

And this kind of blogger's behavior of fighting with netizens in person also attracted many onlookers.

It's a pity that for these things, they are all onlookers, and they don't have any special likes and dislikes. However, there is something wrong with the mask she posted in the video. She suspected that she edited the video and replaced the product in the advertisement with another mask. , which makes many netizens who hate fake and shoddy goods unacceptable.

The fierce reaction of Yang Xiaoyang aroused the disgust of more people. Some people who had no idea about RMB players or using love to generate electricity also joined the "battle" for this reason.

But this time, although Yang Xiaoyang was still being scolded one-sidedly at the end of the situation, she was uncharacteristically. Li released works one after another, including beautiful photos of himself after dressing up, and some advertisements.

Not only that, but she also deliberately expressed in the copywriting that the vitriol of others can't stop her from moving forward, she will still show her best self, work hard to publish works, work hard to make money, and make Heizi feel sour.

(End of this chapter)

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