Eye of Sin

Chapter 60 Abacus

Chapter 60 Abacus
"We can't accept this. It's our job to investigate Wang Yuluo's case. We should." Ning Shuyi quickly declined.

"No, no, no, you have to keep it! This is a little care of our family!" Aunt Wang Yuluo heard Ning Shuyi say this, but put it in her hand more actively, "My niece is simply a matter of ours. There was a thunderbolt in the whole family. My brother couldn't bear such a big blow and fell ill all at once.

I have to go to the hospital to deliver meals to him every day, and I have to take care of my own home. This cousin suddenly had such a big incident, and my daughter felt very uncomfortable and listless. I was worried that she would never If something goes wrong, I have to take care of it inside and out, otherwise I would have expressed my heart a long time ago! "

"I got it, you should take it back!" When Ning Shuyi heard her mention her daughter, she couldn't help thinking of the day when Yu Mengpeng asked Huo Yan for WeChat, but Huo Yan fudged her off, so she hurriedly When she came back to her senses, she asked her, "What's wrong with Wang Yuluo's father?"

"It's not a new problem, it's an old problem." Aunt Wang Yuluo sighed, "Because he was doing business before, he always drank alcohol when he was talking about business with others, his blood pressure was high, and his heart was not very good.

After Yuluo's accident, he was struggling at the Public Security Bureau that day, and he couldn't do it when he went home. We called 120 and sent him to the hospital. The doctor said that his blood pressure was too high and he had to be hospitalized with medication to lower his blood pressure, otherwise he couldn't do anything. At that time, the blood vessels in the brain burst open.

He has been taking medicine for the past two days, but the effect is not very good. He always has something in his heart. At one moment, he thinks that it might be an accident, and at another moment, he feels that such a big person, how can he just disappear after watching a movie? It's still hurtful.

Just thinking about it every day, how could it be so good! "

"What do you mean by coming here today?" Ning Shuyi always felt that there was something in Aunt Wang Yuluo's words.

Aunt Wang Yuluo moistened her lips, with an embarrassed expression on her face: "I know I shouldn't say this, but the current situation in our family is like this. No one would have thought of what happened to Yuluo, but people who die can't be brought back to life. You have to keep living!
Regardless of whether Yuluo's accident was due to an accident or someone did something, none of this can change the result of the child's accident. I hope that no matter what the conclusion is, can you give us an answer as soon as possible? "

"What kind of answer do you want us to give you?" Ning Shuyi asked back.

Aunt Wang Yuluo was stunned for a moment: "Of course it is the exact answer! Otherwise, everyone in our family is worried every day, especially my brother. He is the one who suffers the most when something like this happens to his child. Cranky, too tortured!
If there is a conclusion that someone has done bad things to harm others, you should catch the bad person. If it is an accident, my brother will accept the reality and don't have to blame himself for failing to protect the child every day, and then think wildly! "

"I can understand your feelings, but I'm sorry, we really have no other way to come to the conclusion now." Ning Shuyi nodded to Aunt Wang Yuluo, expressing that he understood what she meant, "We also have to draw conclusions every day now." I am working hard to find the truth. The samples were sent to the hall before and need to be scheduled."

"Scheduling? Then can you add a plug for us to join the team? Yuluo's matter is related to human life, how serious it is!" Aunt Wang Yuluo asked impatiently, "Or, if you need to add money to do an expedited What, our family is also willing to pay the money!"

"It's not about money." Ning Shuyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "The cases that can be sent to the court for inspection are basically complicated or serious, and they are very urgent. I'm afraid everyone wants to rush forward.

Don't worry, we didn't stop what we were doing here, we just waited for the results of the inspection in the hall, so we took a two-pronged approach, and no matter what progress was made on either side, we will definitely notify the family members as soon as possible. "

"Oh, no... I don't understand. My niece is just such a little girl, and there are only a few people she can deal with at ordinary times. Who treats her well and who treats her badly are all on the bright side. , is it that complicated? Why did it take so long to check!"

Aunt Wang Yuluo pulled Ning Shuyi unwillingly, expressing her anxiety in a rambling manner. A taxi came by the side of the road, and just as the car pulled over, Yu Mengpeng jumped out of the car in a hurry. It was because she had already greeted her in advance, and the taxi did not leave, but parked on the side of the road and waited.

She jumped out of the car, ran to her mother in a few steps, grabbed her, and said anxiously: "Mom, what are you doing! The police work normally, why are you here to make trouble! These professional things , then we have to hand it over to a professional to handle it, we just wait for the news at home! I have told you well, why are you still disobedient and running here!"

Aunt Wang Yuluo saw her daughter looking for her, and she looked aggrieved: "I, I am also in a hurry! The house is like this every day, and your uncle is in the hospital, and the treatment effect is not very good. I am so anxious that I don't know What should I do!"

Yu Mengpeng didn't respond to her words, but smiled apologetically at Ning Shuyi: "I'm sorry, Officer Ning! My mother has good intentions, but she often makes trouble for others with good intentions!

You have worked hard!I'll take my mother home right now, and I won't make trouble for you here! "

After finishing speaking, she subconsciously glanced at Huo Yan, as if she was still embarrassed by what happened that day, she quickly looked away, dragged her mother back to the taxi in a hurry, and the car merged into the traffic on the road again, Gradually go away.

Huo Yan looked at Ning Shuyi and saw that she was looking at the direction of the taxi driving away, looking thoughtful, so he stood silently by the side, and when Ning Shuyi came back to his senses, the two of them would go together Find Zhang Jiawen to take notes.

"Do you think Yu Mengpeng knows about the fact that her parents picked out a house worth more than 200 million yuan from her uncle and cousin?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan as he walked back.

Huo Yan shook his head; "It's hard to say. If a daughter understands what her mother has in mind, she might not resist taking the accounting certificate."

When Ning Shuyi heard this, she couldn't help laughing. On this issue, she thought so too!

Although Wang Yuluo's aunt has a very simple attitude from beginning to end, dedicated to her brother and niece, but the action of taking advantage of her brother and niece can be called drastic!

While tacitly acquiescing and even secretly encouraging her niece to stay out of business and play outside every day under the banner of preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, she did not urge her daughter to find a job, but urged her to prepare for the accountant certificate wholeheartedly. Even the deaf can hear, only people like Yu Mengpeng who forcefully close their ears can't hear clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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