Eye of Sin

Chapter 66

Chapter 66
Ning Shuyi laughed. I didn't expect this guy to be quiet, but he was quite proud.

"How could that be? There are specializations in the arts industry, and each of us has our own areas of strength, as well as knowledge blind spots that we are not familiar with." Ning Shuyi waved at him, "For example, I know more about other things. A little, but the knowledge of firearms is very superficial.

If it involves the field of actual combat, it is more on paper than practical application. I admit that I may need to improve in these areas, and I am a bit weak, but it does not mean that others are qualified to laugh at me. Overwhelm them in some way, right! "

Huo Yan nodded, remained silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Thank you."

Ning Shuyi didn't know what he was thanking her for, whether it was Xie Fangcai's answer, or Xie Gang's comfort, but she felt that it was meaningless for the two of them to be polite, so she smiled and did not continue.

That's how the topic went.

The two came to the business district again, and found the commercial and residential building according to the address given by Zhang Jiawen. Yi and Huo Yan went up first to check the upstairs environment.

This commercial and residential building is not very old, but it may be because there are too many users who come and go in and out, the outside of the building is quite bright, and the inside of the building is a little bit dilapidated.

The two huddled in the crowd and took the old elevator that made weird creaking noises to go upstairs. When the elevator finally stopped at the floor where the club was, there were only the two of them left in the car.

The elevator door opened, and the two of them got out of the elevator. The corridor outside was also different from the noise below, and it seemed a little quiet.

It seems that there are not many people who need to come to such a high floor, which is not a good thing for them.

People are coming and going, bustling, at least we can have more cover, now this floor is so quiet, just the two of them get out of the elevator and walk a few steps, there are echoes in the corridor, it is even more eye-catching when eight or nine people appear at once up.

Ning Shuyi hurriedly followed the previously discussed plan, and sent a crying emoji to his colleagues in the team, signaling them not to follow immediately.

The structure of this commercial and residential building is a bit awkward. There are only two elevators, and the location is still far away. After getting out of the elevator, you have to turn two turns to get to the real corridor on this floor.

And this corridor is not a straight one like the one in the cosplay club. The entire floor is like a lowercase letter "y", and the corridor diverges in two different directions in half.

In a long corridor after exiting the elevator, there is nothing, only bare walls on both sides, and some pipes exposed outside the wall, and the skin on the wall has changed due to the age gotta crack.

It wasn't until the fork in the corridor that I vaguely heard rumbling music coming from a distance from one side of the corridor, which sounded very noisy, while the other side was relatively quiet, and I could faintly hear someone on the phone.

Walking this way, there is not even a sign in the corridor that can be used to guide the direction. If Zhang Jiawen hadn't told them in advance, I am afraid that Ning Shuyi would have no way to guess that there is such a place hidden here anyway.

"Look over there?" Ning Shuyi looked at the corridor where he could vaguely hear someone talking.

Huo Yan nodded, changed his previous practice of following Ning Shuyi when he appeared on the scene, and walked over there first. Ning Shuyi had to speed up two steps to keep up with his two long legs.

The two walked a few steps, and saw a person in front of them from afar. He had just finished the call, stuffed the phone into his pocket, and took out the key to open the door.

"Hello!" Ning Shuyi approached and greeted the man, "Is this the 'Truth or Love in Love with Adventure Club'?"

Asked by her was a man in his early thirties. He was of medium height and looked a little thin. His skin was so fair that even Ning Shuyi would be ashamed. Behind the silver glasses frame was a pair of Danfeng's eyes seemed to be smiling.

The man seemed to be in a trance and didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't notice that two people appeared suddenly, and he was taken aback. After a moment of hesitation, he realized what Ning Shuyi was asking him, and quickly waved at them.

"No, this is my studio. What you are looking for may be in the corridor on the opposite side." He spoke in a leisurely manner, giving off a good-natured feeling.

Ning Shuyi raised his eyes and glanced, and saw a small log-colored number plate on the door in front of the man, with three words on it - "Utopia".

"Okay, thank you!" She quickly thanked the other party first, and then looked up at the small house number with some curiosity, "May I take the liberty to ask, what does your studio do?"

"Psychological healing." The man didn't show any impatience. Seeing Ning Shuyi's question, he answered her naturally while taking out a business card and handing it over, "Come over if you have time."

Ning Shuyi took it over, thanked him, put the card in his pocket, and turned back with Huo Yan.

She also saw this "Utopia" leaflet in Wang Yuluo's room, and put it together with the "Truth or Love in Love with Adventure Club". Now it seems that Wang Yuluo took it all because they were on the same floor. Woke up.

In such a mixed-use commercial and residential building, there is such a quiet corner, and opening a psychological clinic is considered a quiet place.

The same is true for "Truth or Dare" on the other side. The bustling people downstairs are their best cover, and there are very few people who actually come to this floor, neither will be in the downstairs. Downstairs attracts attention because of its frequent entry and exit, but it won't attract people's attention upstairs.

No wonder this "club" has existed for so long without being discovered. If Wang Yuluo's death hadn't been involved this time, I don't know how many people would have been hidden here and killed!
The two walked to the corridor on the other side, and when they walked halfway, they encountered a wrought iron door. This door was obviously installed there later, and it was not the original supporting facilities of the office building. After all, there is no such thing in the corridor of "Utopia" on the other side. this thing.

As for why they pretended to be a door, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with the members of the "club" being guilty.

The sound of music here is rumbling, sandwiched between the sound of music, and the voices of several men talking and chatting, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan gently pushed open the half-hidden iron art gate and walked over, trying to get out from there. How many people there are can be judged from the voices of several people.

(End of this chapter)

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