Eye of Sin

Chapter 669 stain

Chapter 669 stain
As expected, Fang Zhiyang once again let out a painful howl like a pig being slaughtered.

Huo Yan looked a little helpless as he stood aside and looked at him.

An old man passing by saw the two people's actions from a distance. He walked closer and couldn't help but said, "What a fool you are, young man! You can't get up by yourself, but you insist on being stubborn and don't let others help you! Look, you fell again!
As a person, you have to know the situation! It is useless to just show off. It is not shameful to accept the help offered by others! "

Fang Zhiyang had just suffered a lot, and now he was full of anger with nowhere to vent. He didn't dare to confront the police from the Public Security Bureau, but when he saw the old man passing by and lecturing him, he was immediately furious. He struggled to get up, with a scratched and messy face, and jumped up and down at the old man, shouting in anger: "What does it have to do with you! You are the only old thing who can talk! You see something with your dim eyes and come to lecture others?! Is it your turn to lecture?! What do you think you are doing!

Can you see how heavy his hand was just now? He almost broke my bones. Are you blind? Can't you see it?
You don't understand anything and you haven't seen anything clearly, yet you come out here to point fingers! Go somewhere cool! "

The old man glanced at him with disdain and muttered as he walked out: "You're a grown man, but you're more delicate than a little girl. When you bump into something, you squeal louder than a pig about to be stabbed. You don't have any manliness at all. You're nothing!"

Fang Zhiyang was so angry at the old man's mumbling that he jumped up and down. He wanted to chase him and curse at him, but Huo Yan was watching him, so he didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

"How are you? Are your arms and legs okay?" Huo Yan asked from the side. He seemed to be very kind and stretched out his hand to Fang Zhiyang: "If you can't walk by yourself, I can help you."

"No need! Don't touch me! I have hands and feet and can walk by myself!" Fang Zhiyang was so scared that he quickly took two steps back, but his feet tripped and he fell again.

This time he didn't dare to lie on the ground and groan again, for fear that Huo Yan would come over to "support" him again. He quickly got up again and limped out of the Public Security Bureau.

Huo Yan was not in a hurry either. He followed behind at a distance of about two meters, asking Fang Zhiyang from time to time if he could walk.

Fang Zhiyang ignored him and continued to walk out. After he passed through the gate of the Public Security Bureau, he saw Huo Yan standing inside the gate with no intention of "sending" him out. There were surveillance cameras installed on both sides of the gate. Only then did he pluck up his courage, snorted, and smiled at him provocatively.

After laughing, he saw Huo Yan's feet move, and he limped away hurriedly, as if he was afraid that the other party would catch up and attack him.

Huo Yan walked outside the gate and watched Fang Zhiyang limping away along the busy sidewalk - the Public Security Bureau naturally would not allow outside vehicles to enter at will, and the street outside the gate did not allow roadside parking, so he was afraid that his car would not be parked too close.

Fang Zhiyang limped about ten or eight meters away, looked back, and saw that Huo Yan was still standing in the same place and had not caught up with him. He then breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down a little.

Fang Zhiyang had just relaxed his tense nerves and took a few steps forward when suddenly something hit him hard in the knee, causing his legs to go limp and he fell to the ground with a thump.

Fang Zhiyang fell three times in a short period of time and looked extremely embarrassed.

He ignored the pain and quickly stood up and looked behind him to see if Huo Yan had followed him. However, he found that there was no one at the gate of the Public Security Bureau. Only passers-by were looking at his embarrassment curiously.

Huo Yan returned to the office as if nothing had happened, and Ning Shuyi was waiting for him there.

"Do you feel better now?" She asked, glancing at Huo Yan. "Fang Zhiyang fell hard those two times just now."

"Three times." Huo Yan shook his head. "After I left the house, I fell on the side of the road once."

Ning Shuyi couldn't help but laughed: "In the yard, I saw from the window that someone was quite helpful, but his hands were a bit heavy." "I can't help it. The training intensity is too high and I can't control my strength." Huo Yan looked innocent.

"Yeah, yes, yes, you are absolutely right." Ning Shuyi tilted his head towards the window. "Then what happened outside the gate? Don't tell me that he just fell flat on his face while walking."

Huo Yan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Maybe a passing wheel just happened to run over a small stone, which bounced out and hit his knee. This kind of thing is just a coincidence, and no one can say for sure."

Ning Shuyi's shoulders shook with laughter. Although she was never a person who advocated fighting violence with violence, it was indeed a very satisfying thing to see those who could not be persuaded by reason being humiliated.

"Okay, now we are all happy, but we can't do this again in the future." After laughing, she still had to remind Huo Yan seriously.

"As long as you feel happy, that's fine." Huo Yan nodded in agreement, but he said, "But I don't feel happy."

"Then what would it be like if I were to do it in a way that would make you happy?"

"I punched him into the wall, and there's no way to get him out."

Ning Shuyi couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. After laughing, he slapped Huo Yan lightly: "Don't do that! People like that don't deserve to be taught a lesson by you."

Seeing that she was in a genuinely good mood and not affected by anything, Huo Yan laughed too.

In the following days, Fang Zhiyang's family tried every possible way to contact Ning Shuyi's family through various channels. After hitting a wall with Ning Shuyi, they contacted Ning's father and mother, hoping that they could convince their daughter to make a big thing small and a small thing nothing, and resolve the issue in private and amicably.

Ning's father and mother didn't know what happened to Ning Shuyi in middle school. Now that old and new accounts were piled up together, there was no way they could help the Fang family to do ideological work on Ning Shuyi.

Mr. Ning, who was always good-tempered, scolded the Fang family on the phone, trying to use all the curse words he could think of in his life.

Another day passed, and the latest news came that Fang Zhiyang had spread fabricated "affairs" between himself and his police girlfriend to his friends on the Internet. These records that they had hastily deleted were restored through technical means.

Based on the clues collected, it can be determined that Fang Zhiyang's behavior has indeed exceeded the limits of administrative penalties and he can be held criminally liable. The branch has officially filed a case and Fang Zhiyang has been taken away for investigation.

Seeing that there was no hope of settling the matter privately, the Fang family stopped contacting Ning Shuyi's family.

However, they were not idle either. They tried to find negative information about Ning Shuyi's family and tried to create an atmosphere that "although we were wrong, the other party is not a good person either."

However, to their disappointment, among all the people and things related to the Ning family, the only one who could be regarded as a stain seemed to be Nie Guang.

It’s a pity that this stain caused Ning Shuyue to divorce and he became the “former son-in-law”.

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