Eye of Sin

Chapter 7 Reporting Abnormalities

Chapter 7 Reporting Abnormalities
No matter what kind of child Wang Yuluo is on weekdays, whether his relationship with his father is close or distant, at least at such a juncture, his aunt's words still make his father feel very uncomfortable.

"Yuluo is not that kind of child!" Wang Yuluo's father's voice revealed a bit of anger, "She is gone now, what are you talking about whether you work hard for the postgraduate entrance examination!
I am such a daughter!If I can choose, I am willing to die for her, let her live well, eat, drink and have fun, even if I just spend my whole life doing nothing, that's fine! "

As he said that, his tears fell again: "I called her a few days ago to tell her not to worry about taking the postgraduate entrance examination. It's been two years and I haven't even touched the score line. Why don't I help her?" She still didn't want to arrange a job, and our father and I broke up after another disagreement. After that, she blocked my number and never answered my calls...

Otherwise, no matter what I say, I can't make her go to that fucking movie! "

"Ghost movie? Yuluo went to see that horror movie and something happened?" Aunt Wang Yuluo was taken aback, "Didn't that movie scare the moviegoers to death in foreign countries? Didn't our Yuluo also get scared by the movie? Are you scared to death?!"

"You know that she is going to watch a horror movie?" Wang Yuluo's father turned to look at his sister.

Aunt Wang Yuluo nodded: "I heard my family Yu Mengpeng say this morning that Yuluo is going to watch that movie that she has been thinking about for a long time. It is very scary and exciting. I didn't let her, and she was still angry with me."

"You can stop your own daughter, why don't you stop Yuluo for me?!" Wang Yuluo's father said angrily.

Aunt Wang Yuluo felt aggrieved: "Can I stop her? With Yuluo's temperament, since she was a teenager, you can let her do whatever she wants, let me leave it alone, as long as she is happy, she can do whatever she wants!

When she grows up later, she will listen to what I say!When I was happy, I called my aunt, and when I was unhappy, I said, "You are not my mother, can you care?", but I couldn't catch a word! "

When she said this, Wang Yuluo's father also regained his sanity. Thinking of his daughter's usual personality, he knew that his aunt could not stop this matter, so he could only sigh and stop talking.

He couldn't say anything, but Aunt Wang Yuluo had something to say.

She said to Ning Shuyi with a serious face: "My child, Auntie told you that my niece is usually in good health, and I accompany her to the physical examination every year, so it is definitely not our own responsibility.

What kind of ghost movie are you talking about, why is it not allowed to play in regular movie theaters?That must be someone's reason!

My niece said that the movie scared the moviegoers to death in a foreign country. I just listened to it for a long time, and I understood it. My niece went to the movie well, and then something happened, right?
Did she just get freaked out by the movie?I've heard people say before that people can really scare people out of their wits, so should the police take care of this matter?Should their cinema be responsible for this responsibility?
I heard from my niece that the movie was not allowed to be shown anywhere else, and the movie theater was secretly showing it, and they didn’t even dare to do publicity, so what do you mean if it’s not a guilty conscience?
We are such a good child, and his 20s are the best age. Asking them to show a movie scared me to death. You policemen have to give our family an explanation for this matter! "

"There is still no final conclusion on the cause of death. The most important thing is to find out the cause of Wang Yuluo's accident. The responsibility can only be done after the cause is clarified." Ning Shuyi explained to Aunt Wang Yuluo.

Wang Yuluo's father agreed with this very much, and nodded repeatedly: "Nothing else is important to me, I just want to know what's wrong with my daughter!"

Just as they were talking, there was a knock on the door outside the reception room, and Ning Shuyi answered "Come in", Huo Yan pushed the door open, walked up to her, and handed over a report card in his hand.

Ning Shuyi took it over and took a look. It turned out that the results of the most preliminary independence test came out. She quickly signaled Wang Yuluo's family members to wait a moment and read the report carefully by herself.

The conclusion of this report is nothing surprising. It is similar to Ning Shuyi's previous guess. Wang Yuluo's body is indeed not "clean".

According to the test results, there is still a certain ingredient in her blood, which has certain addictive properties and can produce hallucinogenic effects.

And according to Ning Shuyi's knowledge, if this ingredient exists in a small amount, it will cause people to hallucinate, and once the intake accumulates to a certain level, it may lead to death.

To put it bluntly, the tested ingredient is a recognized soft product, which is absolutely prohibited by law.

In Ning Shuyi's mind, Wang Yuluo danced and looked quite excited in the surveillance screen of the shopping mall.

At that time, I thought that she was meeting with friends to go shopping and watch a movie, so she was in a very good mood and very happy, but now it seems that it is obviously not the case.

She should have been "high" at the time and hadn't fully returned to normal.

Judging from the conclusion of the report, the concentration of residual components in Wang Yuluo's blood is not enough to form a lethal dose, and it will not directly cause her sudden cardiac arrest and sudden death in a short period of time.

Then the real cause of death still needs to be excavated, but this ingredient may also be one of the important incentives.

"What's the opinion of Forensic Doctor Zhang?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan.

Huo Yan had already discussed this issue with forensic doctor Zhang before he came back.

"Forensic Zhang means that it is better to carry out a further examination." He replied, "The more common ones have been ruled out through preliminary examinations. If there are other possibilities, I am afraid they are relatively unusual. If it can't be dealt with, it has to be sent to a laboratory in the province.

The current conclusion is that there is a possibility that the deceased took some kind of soft drug, which caused problems such as rapid heart rate, and then caused sudden cardiac death under the stimulation of horror movies. For the time being, there is no way to directly identify it as homicide.

Forensic doctor Zhang and the others cannot guarantee that there will be any decisive results if they are sent to the province for inspection, so they need to seek the opinions of their family members on this matter. "

"I have no objection!" Before he finished speaking, Wang Yuluo's father had already stood up from the sofa chair, and the movement was so fast that it was more like "jumping up" than "standing up".

"My daughter is a good child. Although she has a little rebellious personality, she can tell the difference between good and evil. She will never touch what you call soft and hard alone!"

Obviously, in this situation, such a test result is a kind of stab wound for him, making it difficult for him to accept, "There must be something wrong here! Someone must have conspired to harm my daughter and drugged her." up!

So check it out!You can check whatever you want!Not to mention sending it to the province, even if it is sent up, I have no problem!If there is any cost involved here, our family can take care of it by ourselves!
Money is not a problem, I want an explanation, an explanation that proves that my daughter did not learn to be bad by herself!I absolutely support your work, I will sign whatever permission you need! "

 There are some typos, not necessarily typos, please understand...

(End of this chapter)

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