Eye of Sin

Chapter 71 Unreasonable

Chapter 71 Unreasonable

Ning Shuyi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that his "can" should correspond to the question he asked earlier whether he could continue to improve his physical fitness.

Unexpectedly, he agreed!I didn't expect this guy to agree so awkwardly.

Ning Shuyi felt more and more that Huo Yan's character was intriguing.

Perhaps others will think that his personality is a bit awkward and not so gregarious, but just like the views that Ning's mother has passed on to Ning Shuyi over the years, everyone's personality, in addition to natural factors, also has other factors. Influence of acquired life experience.

This can't help but make her a little curious, how did Huo Yan form such a multi-faceted personality.

After a few minutes, the elevator was finally repaired and debugged, and it was running again. The staff of the ambulance rental company came up with a stretcher. The people who were not fully awake were fixed on the stretcher, covered with a slip, and accompanied by several plain-clothed criminal policemen, they were transported to the ambulance downstairs.

The whole process of sending people out of the building was very smooth, because it was difficult to rescue the elevator stuck in the middle of the floor. There were old people, children, and a pregnant woman in the elevator. The panic made them even more The high oxygen consumption also caused panic attacks among individual passengers in the elevator.

The property management of the building also called an ambulance to the scene. The lobby downstairs and the small square in front of the gate were crowded with ambulances, fire engines, and onlookers, creating a mess.

In this case, no one paid too much attention to the few people who were sent to the private ambulance, only an old man who was onlooker sighed with some doubts: "How big is this elevator, how can it be so old to get in?" Many people!"

The ambulance sent people all the way to the gate of the Public Security Bureau. Even the guard was a little confused. This gate was filled with police cars every day. It was the first time I saw so many ambulances running together. I thought something happened. .

Fortunately, when they were sent to the Public Security Bureau, those five people were already awake. Their dislocated arms made it difficult for them to move. In addition, there are so many people staring at them now. When they arrived in the courtyard of the Public Security Bureau, they did not dare to make a fuss. The moth, honestly, was brought in.

Back in the bureau, Huo Yan had to reposition the artificially dislocated arms for these five people, and Ning Shuyi took the toad they found from the darkroom inside the "club" and handed it to forensic doctor Zhang, so that forensic doctor Zhang could recover from the toad. The secretions are collected from the surface of the skin for testing.

The test results of the composition of the toad's epidermal secretions came out soon, and it was indeed consistent with the blood residue detected by Wang Yuluo before. It can be confirmed that the prohibited substances that Wang Yuluo came into contact with during his lifetime were nothing but the secretion of this toad. out of the mucus.

In other words, Zhang Jiawen's previous confession is true.

"Forensic Zhang, under the action of this ingredient, is it really strong enough to cause sudden cardiac death when stimulated underground?" Ning Shuyi asked.

This is the first time she has heard of this kind of toad, and she is completely ignorant of the concentration of the ingredients contained in the secretion. She simply thinks that the amount of secretion on the toad is not particularly large, and the concentration and dosage are all subject to natural conditions. Restriction and intake of artificial extracts are not the same concept.

Therefore, it is really doubtful whether the lethal dose can be reached simply by "intimate contact" with the toad.

Forensic doctor Zhang looked at the report card in his hand, and shook his head: "One piece is definitely not enough, this thing itself has no lethal dose, it's just that the impact on the cardiovascular system is somewhat different.

As for the extent of the impact, it also varies from person to person. Everyone's physique is different, and there are great individual differences, so it cannot be generalized.

The concentration of residual components in Wang Yuluo's blood is relatively low. Objectively speaking, under the influence of that concentration, it is relatively difficult to be frightened into sudden cardiac death.

I originally considered whether she had ingested high concentration and high purity earlier, so although there were not many residues in the blood when the accident happened, the impact on the body had already been caused.

But I didn't expect that it was really this special toad in the end. We directly extracted the secretions for testing, and the concentration was not high, which could rule out my previous hypothesis. "

Ning Shuyi nodded, thanked forensic doctor Zhang, and returned to the team with the test report.

After returning, the five fierce fighters were taken away for interrogation. Because Huo Yan was in control of the situation in the face of an emergency, he also needed to write a job description for the team. He was sitting in his office right now. Writing hard at the desk.

Ning Shuyi went back to his desk and looked at the surveillance video stored in the computer again. He always felt that something was wrong, but when he looked at it, he just had the feeling that he couldn't catch it. live.

There was no way, and she couldn't waste time on a video repeatedly, so she played the surveillance footage of Wang Yuluo and Cai Xin before they entered the venue again.

Looking at it, she suddenly caught a familiar figure in the not-so-clear picture, sat up straight quickly, and paused the picture.

"Look who I found!" She pointed to a person in the camera and said to Huo Yan.

Huo Yan leaned over to take a look, and saw that in the video from the surveillance camera in front of the private theater, while Wang Yuluo and Cai Xin were exchanging movie tickets, there was a familiar figure in the corner of the screen—Yang Xiaoyang.

The sheep and lamb in the picture are not as gorgeously dressed as she is in the cosplay club or in her own videos, but she is only wearing a low-key black coat and a hat.

She seemed to be trying to hide herself in the crowd, but she refused to go far away, as if she was watching Wang Yuluo's every move.

After Wang Yuluo and Cai Xin happily exchanged the movie tickets, and Wang Yuluo took a selfie with the movie tickets, and finally entered, Yang Xiaoyang still stayed outside for a while, and then quietly left alone.

"It seems we guessed right, this movie ticket has something to do with Yang Xiaoyang!" Ning Shuyi said to Huo Yan, "Unfortunately, I don't know exactly how she got Wang Yuluo to accept the free ticket and was willing to go to the movie.

Judging from the results of our previous investigation, this sheep and lamb almost hated Wang Yuluo to death. The two of them are suspected of being different. Even if Wang Yuluo didn't respond to her much, at least it shows that the relationship between the two is normal.

Wang Yuluo is not a person who is short of money, so he shouldn't accept gifts from people with mediocre or even bad relationships for the sake of petty gains, right? " Ning Shuyi muttered with some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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