Eye of Sin

Chapter 737 Inner Demon

Chapter 737 Inner Demon
Xu Li stood there, sighed slowly, nodded, and stretched out his hands to Ning Shuyi: "It seems that you have seen through me, so there is nothing to say. I will admit defeat and take me away."

Ning Shuyi did not move. Xu Li was just about to take a step forward when suddenly a force from behind pushed him to the ground. The arm that had just been stretched forward was twisted behind his back. His wrist felt cold and handcuffs were already on it.

Huo Yan lifted Xu Li from the ground without much effort, searched him quickly, and indeed pulled out a wallpaper knife from his sleeve.

"I can't talk." Huo Yan put the wallpaper knife into the evidence bag handed over by Qin Yi who came to help, "You can't launch a sneak attack."

Xu Li looked as pale as death at this moment, and he couldn't even muster up any energy.

Huo Yan just didn't want to hear anything else he said, so he and Qin Yi held Xu Li on both sides and pressed him into the wheelchair that Ning Shuyi had just sat in. They wrapped him in a blanket, pushed him out of the woods, and walked towards the plainclothes police car parked on the side of the road.

"Where is Xing Chongde?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan after Xu Li was locked in the car.

"Don't worry, he's still wearing the electronic handcuffs. Zhao Dabao and his team have connected him to the other end and sent him back to the detention center. He has already explained clearly what he did after Nie Guang changed his plan and how he hired someone to kill him.

After his grandfather distributed the family property, he was in a bad mood and was taken advantage of by Xu Li who had been secretly looking for an opportunity. We all know about it and there is no need for us to ask about it. Huo Yan nodded to her and seemed to be in a good mood.

It’s not that he felt any joy at having Xing Chongde captured, but he felt more disgust towards his second uncle who had once hurt him and later had evil intentions. He had no family affection for him, but he didn’t hate him much either.

So to him, Xing Chongde was just playing with fire and getting burned. He brought it upon himself and got the result he deserved.

The only thing that needs to be considered is to conceal the fact that Xing Chongde hired someone to murder him from Mr. Xing. After all, the old man is too old to bear this stimulation.

After Xu Li was taken back to the Public Security Bureau, he seemed to have turned into a wooden man. He sat in the interrogation room without saying a word, with no expression on his face. He just drooped his eyelids without any other reaction.

No matter who in the criminal police team tried to get him to speak, he only had this attitude and there was no change.

Ning Shuyi and the others took turns presenting all the evidence they had collected in front of Xu Li, one by one, even including some involvements that had not attracted other people's attention.

This is the clue that Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan have been busy collecting every day for the past half month.

Inspired by the cases at hand, they soon discovered that Xu Li was very adept at brainwashing and inciting trouble, and was already a veteran.

Over the years, with the help of psychological therapy studios, he has specifically screened those who have always been in a disadvantaged position. Under the guise of relieving their emotions, he is actually strengthening the other party's psychological suggestion, making their negative emotions worse and more intense.

In the end, when this person finally exploded and made any "resistance" or even "counterattack", Xu Li was always able to escape unscathed and no trace of him could be found.

He even gave an interview in which the reporter mentioned that a newly convicted criminal had once been a client of his studio, and asked him whether he had discovered any worrying traits in the criminal during his psychological counseling.

Xu Li spoke freely in front of the camera, appeared to be deeply distressed, and his analysis was well-reasoned.

In addition, he also manages a tree hole account on the Internet by himself. On the surface, he posts some light-hearted and comforting "chicken soup" messages, but in private messages, he specifically listens to people talk about their psychological difficulties and emotional problems. And because he always gives the other party the emotional feedback they want in a very gentle manner, he has a huge number of fans.

Among them was Ji Chuan, the criminal in the patricide case that Lowe and his team had previously investigated.

It was under Xu Li's step-by-step induction that the young man's originally simple emotional fluctuations were magnified, causing him to firmly believe that he had bipolar disorder. The root of all this came from the oppression and mental abuse of his father.

All these were placed in front of Xu Li, but he just turned a deaf ear to them.

From beginning to end, the only movement was to raise his eyelids, look at Huo Yan, observe him with a complicated look, and then lower his eyelids again.

With regard to Xu Li's past cases of instigation and teaching, and the evidence that Xing Chongde voluntarily provided in order to redeem himself, even if Xu Li said nothing, it would not affect his conviction.

Seeing that he was like this from beginning to end, Dong Weifeng decided not to waste time with him any more and sent him back to the detention center, and would make other plans when needed.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong three days after the talent was sent there.

That evening, someone from the detention center came with a letter, saying that it was to be given to Huo Yan.

"Xu Li attempted suicide but failed," the detention center staff told the criminal police team. "When he first arrived, he was very cooperative and seemed to be in a very stable mood. Because of your instructions, we have stepped up our supervision on him to prevent him from taking any radical actions.

As a result, yesterday in the middle of the night, after going to bed, he secretly bit his tongue while lying on the bed.

No one noticed at first, and he himself didn't say a word.

Later, when his cellmates got up to go to the toilet at night, they saw blood coming out of the corner of his mouth and his face looked strange. They were so scared that they quickly called for help.

After he was sent to the hospital, the hospital said that he almost bit off his tongue, and because of the heavy bleeding, he deliberately lay on his back, and the blood choked into his trachea, causing suffocation. When he was found, he had been dead for a while. After a period of rescue in the hospital, he did not die, but he was not alive either.

"What does this mean?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"Brain dead." The prison guard sighed, "The hospital doesn't know how long he can last like this.

We found this letter from under his pillow. It was the first day he came in. He asked us for paper and pen to write it, and told us to give it to you after he finished writing it. After he got into trouble, we found it and discovered that he had specifically noted that it should be given to Officer Huo Yanhuo.

After thanking the prison guard and sending him out, Huo Yan came back, sat at his desk, opened the letter, read it silently, and then handed it to Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi took it and read it carefully, and found that this was not the confession they thought it was. It was more like a letter, and what was written in it was Xu Li's inner confession.




I have always felt that everyone's nature is pretty much the same, and that acquired circumstances will push people to develop in a certain direction against their will.

just like me.

I also want to be a person with a kind nature, who thinks everything in the world is beautiful.

But I can't do it.

The pain of being abandoned, the days of wandering, the memories of being laughed at and teased, remind me all the time how this world has betrayed me and how ugly human nature is in the face of reality.

As a baby, I came into this world innocently. What crime have I committed?

And yet, such an innocent person like me has to suffer all kinds of pain and torture because of the sins of others. Is this reasonable? It is not reasonable!
So I have always hated this world with a clear conscience, and I have always believed that all the evil thoughts that arise in my heart are not due to the evil in my bones, but are imposed on me by the outside world!

And one day, I will stand at a higher place and look at their stupidity and see them living like clowns. People are dirty and do not deserve pity.

All their hypocrisy is just because they grew up in a honey pot. As long as they are given a little frustration and pain, they will immediately put down the mask of saints and become more despicable than anyone else.

So I studied hard and became a psychological counselor. I used my wisdom and means to play those hypocritical fools in the palm of my hand. I made them succumb to the dark side of their hearts, and then told myself that these people who grew up smoothly would have evil thoughts after experiencing a little setback, so it was normal for me to be like this.

For so many years, I have always believed this until you came along.

You will never imagine how much joy I felt when I found out that there was someone with such a similar fate to mine.

I can't wait to get close to you, to understand you, to see if beneath your righteous appearance you also have the same resentment and unwillingness burning your soul deep in your heart as I do.

For the first time, I felt less lonely and I found people like me.

But soon I discovered that you were not what I thought you were. We were so different!

Your tolerance, your integrity, your restraint, and your willingness to believe in and accept others sincerely and treat them with honesty all make me feel unfamiliar.

I thought you would be a mirror to me, and we could see our own reflections in each other.

I never thought that you are actually a magic mirror. Looking at you, I have to face up to a fact - a person who is truly kind and upright in heart, even if he encounters the same abandonment and displacement, will not degenerate into doing things that hurt others. Even if he hurts himself, he will not have any other thoughts.

That means, the reason I am like this is simply because I was born a bad person, and it has nothing to do with my acquired experiences!

This fact is too cruel and I don’t want to face it.

Originally, I wanted you to end your uncle's greed, which he was unable to extinguish until the end, as the greatest mockery of your personality and the victory of my set of survival rules.

However, perhaps this is God's will. God does not mind having too many good people. Instead, there is no need for evil people like me who have deceived myself for more than 30 years to survive any longer.

so be it.

If possible, in my next life, I would like to be a person like you."

Ning Shuyi put the letter on the table, sighed, and shook his head, feeling a little complicated: "In his whole life, he thought he was smart and clear-headed. He used other people's psychology to manipulate others and played with them in the palm of his hand. In fact, he was unable to break his own inner demons from beginning to end, and led himself step by step onto the evil path, and finally to destruction."

"A person who boasted of his intelligence all his life and used his good brain to instigate others to do bad things, ended up being unable to die and ended up with a brain death. This may be the biggest irony that fate has given him."

Huo Yan also exhaled heavily. At this moment, his mood was somewhat uneasy, but he quickly sorted out his emotions, stood up and helped Ning Shuyi pick up her coat: "Let's go, give this letter from Xu Li to Captain Dong, and then the two of us have to set off quickly.

Grandpa and the others are waiting for us to go back and have dinner together."

Ning Shuyi nodded, took his coat from Huo Yan, and the two walked out side by side.

After delivering the letter to Captain Dong, the two men walked out of the office building.

After walking a few steps, Ning Shuyi reached out, put his fingers through Huo Yan's fingers, and held hands with him, interlocking their fingers.

"What's wrong?" Huo Yan was stunned. Ning Shuyi was a relatively reserved person. Normally, he would seldom act too intimate with him in public like at work, including physical contact like holding hands, even though almost no one in the unit didn't know what their relationship was.

So her behavior at this moment can really be considered abnormal.

"Nothing, I just can't help thinking about the letter Xu Li wrote to you." Ning Shuyi sighed, "Originally there would be no comparison, and there wouldn't be too many emotions.

The two of you have similar life experiences, and both of you have knots in your hearts, but you have closed your hearts just to protect yourself and have never thought about resenting or taking revenge on others.

I originally just thought that it was understandable and reasonable that your experience had shaped you into such a personality. It was only after comparing yourself with Xu Li that I truly realized that being able to achieve this level is not just reasonable, but rather commendable.

To be honest, considering Xu Li's upbringing, it is not difficult to understand his mentality if we put aside the issue of morality and sense of justice. On the contrary, your high level of restraint is the most rare.

After reading his inner confession, I feel a little uneasy. I always feel like I want to say something to you, but I don’t know how to summarize my inner feelings…

Huo Yan, thank you for being who you are now!"

After Ning Shuyi finished speaking, she felt Huo Yan tighten his grip on her fingers.

"No, that's not right." Huo Yan chuckled and shook his head, "Thank you.

It was your willingness to approach me and pull me into your life that made me what I am now.

So it’s not thank you, it’s thank you.”

"Then thank both of us!" Ning Shuyi also laughed.

“Well, thank you both of us!

Captain Dong said that we should rest tomorrow. Do you want to buy some beer on the way back?"

"Although I really want to have a drink in this mood, but... forget it. Grandpa and the others will get suspicious."

"That makes sense..."

Two figures approaching each other passed warmth to each other through the palms on this cold winter night. The figures gradually walked away and gradually blended into the night.

A crescent moon hangs in the cold night sky, illuminating the busy city in the night sky.

The lights are dotted like stars, gathering the warmth and coldness of human feelings in the whole city, and the traffic is weaving and shuttling, conveying the stories between people.

Maybe something extraordinary will happen tomorrow.

But as long as tonight is Christmas Eve, that is enough.

【End of text】

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