Eye of Sin

Chapter 84 lack of heart

Chapter 84 lack of heart
After hearing Zhao Dabao's emotion, Ning Shuyi didn't speak.

Zhao Dabao didn't deal with her for a day or two. Looking at her attitude, he knew that this girl must have some different views of his own.

"You think what I said is wrong?" He asked Ning Shuyi.

"It's not wrong, what you said is actually quite right." Ning Shuyi shook his head, "Wang Yuluo's aunt's series of plans and arrangements are indeed a bit scheming. At first, she wanted to hide the old position and be greedy for petty gains to benefit her family.

Later, I found that this road was not going to work, so I quickly adjusted my strategy, learned from the previous lessons, and even bought a double insurance.

While continuing to maintain the relationship with his brother, father and daughter, he is strict with his daughter and formulates a career plan for her daughter.

The scale of Wang Yuluo's father's business is not small, but it is not that big. In the final analysis, it is still inseparable from the model of his own people and confidantes helping to control the situation. Everyone knows that a company most needs reliable people to manage it. , which is the financial part.

In this way, either his daughter can step on the spoiled niece to become the core of the whole family, and the only family member that his brother can rely on in the business field.

Either my plan was unsuccessful, my daughter was not able to break into the core of the company, and my uncle did not rely on her, so at least I have the qualification certificate in hand, and I can also find a salary outside the company, which is more ideal. Work.

But there is a problem that we need to consider.Although Aunt Wang Yuluo said that her thoughts were not kind and honest, she put on a hypocritical mask of a good person for her own small calculations, and she did not hesitate to raise and abolish her niece. This is the best among people, but according to her plan, and ours The effect of the implementation can be seen now, do you think Wang Yuluo's life and death have a big impact? "

Zhao Dabao didn't even have to spend time thinking about the answer to this question, and shook his head directly: "Not much! It can almost be said that it has no effect! We now know more about what Wang Yuluo did before she was alive than her own father.

You said that this girl is not good, you wronged her, she even boarded Zhang Jiawen's thief boat with restraint, and she didn't do anything harmful or bully others!

But if you talk about her, well, she really doesn't want to do anything serious. Apart from eating, drinking and having fun, she is neither independent nor obedient. A person in her twenties has no adult responsibility at all.

Let's just say, if her dad feels that he is old and has no other choice, and the company is left to her to manage, isn't that just a vase boss?At that time, in all likelihood, she will have to ask her cousin who studies finance to help her, or find her a trustworthy partner.

Judging from Wang Yuluo's hostility towards her father and her own perspective on dating, this possibility is not as reliable as asking her cousin to help her! "

"Yeah, the so-called people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away when compared with goods. Having Wang Yuluo, an ignorant, willful and rebellious daughter standing there, can set off Mengpeng's niece who is a student of finance and accounting. She is more well-behaved and understands affairs." Business!"

Ning Shuyi nodded: "So I think, from Aunt Wang Yuluo's point of view, Wang Yuluo not only does not affect her overall plan, but also makes her image of a hard-working and good aunt more vivid and three-dimensional!"

"Speaking of which, that uncle Wang Yuluo is a drag!" Zhao Dabao sighed, "Eager for quick success, short-sighted, and greedy!
He went into business with his uncle and ended up in such a mess. Not only did he not help, but it increased his wife's workload!
After all, if it weren't for the dedication of his sister for so many years, Wang Yuluo's father would have turned his face in the first place!

If this really turned his face, it would be tantamount to messing up all the plans his wife had worked so hard for for so long!
He is really a person, he only wants to suck blood from his uncle, in order to satisfy his own greed, he doesn't shy away from it at all!It's too ugly to eat!
Compared with his wife, Wang Yuluo's aunt is really much more cunning. After investigation in the past few days, no one outside said that Wang Yuluo has a good aunt!

While praising my aunt, those neighbors still have to talk about Wang Yuluo, saying how ignorant this child is, how useless, what in the world?It's true that Wang Yuluo doesn't have enough eyes, but this aunt is really scary!
He cheated his niece for the rest of his life, and arranged for his own daughter's training to be clear and clear, so that he could gain both fame and fortune! "

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "I don't think so. Whether a plan is good or not is useless just to formulate it. The key is to see whether every link can cooperate tacitly when it is implemented.

Just like you said that Wang Yuluo's uncle is eager for quick success, this is a typical pig teammate, not only does not cooperate well, but also has to hold back!

You said that she raised her own daughter clearly, but I don't think so. Her daughter and she obviously lack a tacit understanding in life planning. "

"That's true. I heard that the little girl competes with the legal profession? She wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination for law and become a lawyer in the future?" Zhao Dabao still has a certain impression of this matter, "This is also very interesting!

You said that she told you that she wanted to study law and become a lawyer, either because she had some spiritual yearning for this profession, or because she felt that she was very respectable in the eyes of the outside world and had the opportunity to make a lot of money?
But being a lawyer is not just for everyone to be able to make a lot of money in a glamorous way!Didn't she inquire about the process of accumulating hardship?
In my opinion, if she followed her mother's plan, it would be the easiest and most labor-saving for her. Compared with her plan, it was just a difference between climbing the stairs and taking the elevator! "

Ning Shuyi sighed, thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh: "If such a wish arose at the beginning, I don't know the bitterness in the industry, I think it is very possible, but then she secretly prepared For so long, I don't quite believe that she would be completely unaware of what the status quo of that profession is like."

"Then why does she still have to be awkward with her mother? Is it the same as Wang Yuluo? She is in her twenties and has not passed the rebellious stage, so she likes to sing against her parents?"

Ning Shuyi did not directly answer Zhao Dabao's doubts, but asked him another question: "You are also a father who is about to become a father. What do you think is the most important thing for your child's education?"

Zhao Dabao was stunned for a moment, and thought for a while: "My reserve father really didn't think about it so much, but my wife has to read books on parenting, prenatal education and so on every night before going to bed, and the theory is one set. of!

What I heard her mumbling the most was to lead by example, teach by precept and example, and what parents are the first mirror of a child's life. "

(End of this chapter)

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