Eye of Sin

Chapter 94 Mother and Son

Chapter 94 Mother and Son
"Don't worry." Ning Shuyi signaled him to calm down, "This is the end of the matter, no matter what you say, it is impossible to reverse the fait accompli, let's have a chat and try to solve the problem as soon as possible, so that your life can return as soon as possible The original track."

"That's right! The faster you deal with it, the less impact it will have on us! Then you can ask! If there is anything we need to provide, as long as I have the ability, I will definitely cooperate actively!" Upon hearing this, the landlord hurriedly agreed .

"Who did you rent the house to?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Now that the body is wrapped in thick cement and has not been excavated, it is even more impossible to determine the identity. We can only see if we can get some clues from the landlord.

"My house is rented to a mother and son, a five- to sixty-year-old eldest sister, and her son, who looks like she is in her early thirties." The landlord replied immediately, "The mother and son are very serious in my house. I have lived here for five or six years!
In fact, I didn’t deal with them very much. The first time I rented a house, I posted an advertisement downstairs. They saw it and called me. My rent was not expensive, so the two of them rented it happily.

As for the rent, originally I would deposit one to pay six, or if money is tight, it is considered reliable, and it is not impossible to deposit one to three to discuss.

But the mother and son were very refreshing after they came, saying that they usually don't like the disturbance of the landlord who always goes to the house to do things, so they are willing to pay the rent every year.

Then I definitely can't refuse such a good thing, right? I can collect a year's rent at a time, and I can directly deposit a regular deposit or something. They don't want me to come and disturb them, and I don't want to bother.

So I really don’t have to worry about renting this house to them. I’ve lived here for several years, and I haven’t waited for the time every year. Before I mentioned it to them, they transferred me the rent for the next year from the bank.

Just a few days ago, I was chatting with my wife, saying that renting a house is really based on fate, and a good tenant who is as worry-free as our tenant mother and son is really hard to come by!

You said, this is good!Why is there a life lawsuit all of a sudden!It's not as good as they are the kind of troublemakers who dismantle all the things in my house and sell them or something. At least I spend money to buy another set, and my house can still be rented out normally!
It's all good now!From now on, even I feel my heart trembles, let alone rent it to other people! "

"How many times have you been in contact with their mother and child? What do they do?" Huo Yan asked.

The landlord shook his head: "I haven't contacted her a few times. I just met when I was renting the house. I called her son once. The reason was that her son told me that the Yuba at home was broken and he took it down and threw it away. Yes, let me know.

I told him to just throw it away, it’s an old thing for many years, who still uses it now.I said for a while that when I was free, I would buy a new heater and install it for him, but he said no, and he bought it and installed it himself.

He was afraid that he didn't say hello to me, dismantled my old things and threw them away, and I would be unhappy later, so he told me that he didn't ask me for the money for installing the heater himself.

Later, the rent was paid on time, and if something broke in the house and needed to be replaced, we didn’t count on us, and we didn’t need to take care of everything. I also sent WeChat to that son a few times, all about what was changed at home. , someone reported to me. "

The landlord smiled wryly, and sighed, "I just now feel that it's not good for this tenant to be too worry-free. Now if you want me to give you more information about the two of them, I don't even know!"

While Ning Shuyi was listening to him, he was still thinking about a detail that Fang Dongfang had just mentioned.

"Did you just say that every year's rent is remitted by the tenant from the bank? Are you sure it's a remittance, not a transfer?" Ning Shuyi waited for the landlord to finish speaking, and then asked him to confirm.

Based on the housing rental market in City W, such an old house with a medium area is relatively cheap compared to the rent due to its geographical location and living environment, but no matter how cheap it is, it will cost [-] to [-] yuan a year.

Now that electronic payment is so developed, there are very few people who use cash on a daily basis. Whether it is inter-bank transfer or transfer with payment software, it is very convenient. The word "remittance" is rarely heard.

Considering the landlord's age, Ning Shuyi needed to confirm whether his concept of the term was confused with "transfer".

"Yes, it's a remittance!" The landlord nodded firmly, "That's right! Every time it's time to pay the rent, it's their son who goes to the bank to handle the cash remittance for me!

I also thought it was very strange at first, I said, do you think that people in my fifties don’t understand the payment software of your young people?

He said no, his mother gave him cash and made him have to go to the bank to transfer cash.

I wondered if the eldest sister was older than me, and she was not quick enough to accept new things. She was always worried about deceiving people online every day, so she had to let the children follow her old ways.

Anyway, my son doesn't think it's troublesome, so what can I say as a money collector, right? "

"So this resident has only mother and child from the beginning, and there are no other people, right?"

"Yes, it's mother and son!" The landlord nodded, "When I first rented the house to them, I met them several times.

I heard that the eldest sister's husband died of illness a few years ago, leaving the mother and daughter.

The eldest sister doesn't seem to have any job, she should be a housewife, taking care of the house and cooking for her son.

My son is working outside and seems to be very busy.He contacted me a few times in the middle to say something was changed, and I messaged him back, but it took him a while to reply again, saying that he was busy or something. "

"How is the relationship between mother and son?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

"Very good." The landlord replied without hesitation, and then felt that what he said seemed a little imprecise, so he quickly changed his words, "I don't know how it is, anyway, when I handed over the keys to them, I Personally, I feel that the relationship between the two of them is quite harmonious.

When the old lady talked about her son, she kept boasting. The son didn't talk much, but the young man was down-to-earth, and he felt that he was a very reliable person. "

"Do you have a copy of their ID card?" Huo Yan asked.

The landlord suddenly realized, and slapped his thigh: "I said that when I hurried from the unit to here, I always felt like I forgot something! A copy of the contract and ID card!"

(End of this chapter)

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