Eye of Sin

Chapter 97

Chapter 97
Ning Shuyi paid attention to the old couple, and found that both of them were wearing home clothes, and their feet were just shuffled shoes. They were different from other people, and they should be residents of this unit.

In this way, under Ning Shuyi's "extremely persuasive retention", the door was crowded with people just now, and soon quieted down.

Ning Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and went to the house, and as soon as he turned around, he met the adoring eyes of those two juniors.

"Senior Sister! I learned it!" The young policeman, who was blushing from the anger of the two anchors just now, was already smiling, "Your trick just now is so easy to use. It doesn't cost a single soldier. Dissuade everyone, don't hurt your peace!"

Ning Shuyi smiled nonchalantly, and waved his hand: "Being trustworthy and fearful of trouble, although these two characteristics are contradictory, they will happen to appear in the same person in many cases. If you use them properly, the problem will be solved!"

Back at the scene of the crime, the "excavation" work in the bathroom is still in full swing, and a small half of a female corpse can already be seen.

Ning Shuyi didn't bother the busy people inside, turned to look for Huo Yan, and saw Huo Yan squatting by the wall and watching carefully.

"Did you find anything?" She walked over, squatted down beside Huo Yan, and looked at the wall in front of her.

There is no particularly gorgeous decoration in this house. The walls are ordinary whitewashed walls. After many years, they can no longer be called "white walls". Dirty marks, it looks like it was accidentally rubbed on it on weekdays.

Huo Yan pointed to a mark on the wall. There was a shallow dent there. The wall skin did not fall off, but it was not smooth anymore: "This mark was made recently."

He turned back and pointed to the small coffee table in the living room: "That coffee table is crooked, and the messiness of some things in the living room is obviously not in the daily state.

From the width of the coffee table to the wall and the shape of the dent, I suspect that there has been a fight in the living room before.

The shape and size of the dent is very similar to the result of an elbow impact. There is also a black mark below it, which is made by the shoes. The black vulcanized shoes with black edges are black marks left on the wall. . "

He got up, looked around, and shook his head at Ning Shuyi: "I've seen the two bedrooms just now, the master bedroom is rather messy, and the other second bedroom is very tidy.

I took a look just now, and they dug out a part of the corpse of a woman from the cement. After so many days, the corpse has already begun to rot, and the son has never been seen. It should be a big suspect, right? "

Ning Shuyi nodded.

"That's a little strange." Huo Yan frowned, and his eyes once again fell on the black mark on the wall, "If the deceased is the female resident here, a middle-aged woman in her sixties , Will you have the habit of wearing vulcanized shoes?

If the shoe prints were not left by her, as a middle-aged and elderly woman, she would not be physically capable of forcing another adult to the point of struggling against the wall. "

The doubt raised by Huo Yan was indeed puzzling. Ning Shuyi looked at the shoe prints on the wall, and then turned to look at the knocked side coffee table.

"Tell me, according to the struggle process you speculated just now, looking at the distance between the two sides, the figure of the deceased female should not be too petite, otherwise her legs would not be long enough to reach the wall over there." .” She made another point that seemed unreasonable.

Their questions were quickly answered.

After a while, the latest progress came from over there—inside the huge and hard cement block, beside the half body of the female body that had been dug out, another hand was dug out.

Most importantly, no matter the size or direction of this hand, it is absolutely impossible to belong to that female corpse.

This also means that there is more than one corpse sealed in the cement block. Besides this woman, judging from the size of that hand, there should be another male corpse.

"That makes sense." Ning Shuyi nodded, "The mother and son hadn't been seen for so long, and a female dead sealed in cement was found in the house. Assuming it was the mother who hadn't seen for many days, then there is The first person suspected of committing the crime was her son.

But now that the hand of another male corpse has been found, the suspect who was the first suspect to be investigated is likely to become our number two victim.

A 30-year-old adult male, as long as he is not particularly short, struggled in the living room, bumped the coffee table, and left traces of vulcanized shoes on the wall, which is reasonable! "

Huo Yan frowned and nodded: "If it's really that pair of mother and son, then it's a case of extermination."

"How much hatred this must be..." Ning Shuyi looked around and observed everything in the house, feeling a little puzzled, "Miemen cases are usually carried out with great hatred, and most of them are relative to each other. The impulse is intense.

If we look at it as a murder case, the scene is a bit too peaceful and clean. "

Huo Yan looked around. If he didn't see the scene in the bathroom, there would be no abnormality at all in this house. Even the traces of fighting in the living room are not enough to remind people of serious criminal cases.

Ning Shuyi came to the master bedroom of the house and saw that it was indeed quite messy. Half of the quilt on the bed was on the bed, and the other half was drooped and dragged on the ground beside the bed. One of the two pillows was crumbling beside the bed, and the other was squeezed They were crushed until they were deformed, and they were piled flat on the edge of the bed.

The master bedroom is not too spacious. Besides a double bed, there is a row of closets. The doors of the closets are all open. There are a lot of clothes inside. On the ground, there are still some hooked on the clothes hangers.

There is also a chest of drawers stuffed inside the closet. Almost every drawer is open, and the things inside are very messy. Some drawers are full of messy things, and many of them are hanging on the ground outside. There are also drawers that look empty, with almost nothing in them.

The situation in the second bedroom is similar. Compared with the master bedroom, the second bedroom looks neater, especially the bed, the sheets are neatly laid out, the pillows and towels are smooth and meticulous, but the wardrobe and desk drawers have been rummaged through. the way it used to be.

Ning Shuyi looked at everything in front of him with some doubts, feeling a little puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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