Eye of Sin

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

"Yo!" The curly-haired aunt thought for a while, "I didn't think about it if you didn't ask, but when you asked, I thought about it and realized that I haven't seen her for half a month at least!

Has any of you seen her recently? "

Several other old ladies shook their heads, saying that they had never seen it before.

"Is she familiar with you?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

"Familiar is not familiar, just chat a few times when we meet, and don't communicate with each other when we don't meet." The round-faced aunt kept secret, "I feel that the mother and son are very mysterious!
Look at this old Deng, when he usually goes out to choose vegetables and meets us, he talks and chats, he is very cheerful and personal!But you always feel that when she chats with you, it seems that there is something separated and you can't get through the conversation. It feels like you don't want people to really know about her! "

The thin and long-faced old lady sitting opposite the round-faced aunt sneered: "Old Gu, let me say that you are too narrow-minded, think too much, and are too sensitive every day, and you are not willing to listen!

You said that when the old Deng usually dealt with us, what was there to separate him!I think she is very talkative, we talk about family affairs, doesn't she often talk about her son like this!

That person came from another place, and the mother and son lived together. There are not so many relatives and friends in the local area. Speaking of it, it is just about her and her son. It is definitely not as rich as what you said, and it cannot be regarded as a separation Let's just talk about it as if others are so scheming.

Besides, you said that you guys got together, and after a while your son became filial, and bought yourself a big massage chair worth more than 2 yuan each!After a while, the daughter and son-in-law are sensible again, and I will give it to my old couple as a luxury cruise tour group!
That old Deng made it clear that the family's conditions are not as good as others. She doesn't even have a pension, so she relies on her son to support the family alone. How do you let her hear these words!That person must feel uncomfortable in his heart, so he doesn't want to make trouble! "

"This old Deng is...?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"Old Deng is the old lady of the family you just asked!" The round-faced aunt answered Ning Shuyi's question, and before she could say anything else, she glared at the long, thin face opposite her, "You've got it! Splash dirty water on your body!

How could this be my fault!I said something about my family, so what's the problem?Could it be that my child is sensible or something embarrassing, I can't tell it, but I have to hide it? !

Besides, I don't think Lao Deng is as difficult as you said, okay!Didn't you see how thick the bracelet on her hand is!It's just such a big gold bracelet, which woman from a poor family has you seen wearing it every day! "

"Maybe it was bought by my wife when he was alive!" The thin-faced old lady clapped her hands, "I haven't remembered if you don't mention it, and you have often talked about your old man in front of Lao Deng. How considerate of you will hurt others, right?

You knew that the old man passed away a few years ago, but you still said that in front of him!What do you make people think!So it must be uncomfortable to chat with you!
I have never seen such an old man who can show affection so much! "

The thin, long-faced old lady spoke very aggressively and sharply, making the round-faced aunt blushed, muttering and complaining that she was not what the other party described, but maybe she was right, she was a little guilty after all, Did not dare to argue too much.

"Oh, you two are so different! You both like to talk cheap!" The curly-haired aunt on the side is a peacemaker. At this moment, she joked with a smile to help the two of them ease the atmosphere, and then said, "Actually, Lao Deng I don't have much contact with this person, and I don't know her well, but I think she is quite blessed.

Look at that son, although he said he leaves early and returns late, and works very hard, but every time I meet him, the young man talks and greets him in a steady and polite way, that boy is really nice!
Lao Deng has nothing to say about his precious son. You see, she is dressed so plainly, and her gray hair is reluctant to go to the barber shop to have it dyed. But when she comes back from shopping, look in the bag, there are often , almost never broke!

She said that her son was working too hard, and she couldn't do anything else, so she could only make some delicious food for the child to replenish his body.

You said that at our age, what else can we pursue?This mother is kind and filial, I think it is very good, this is a blessing! "

The round-faced aunt had just been choked by the long-thin-faced old lady so much that she couldn't hold back her face. She was afraid that she would be dragged by the other party if she said something, so she hurriedly used her elbow to pinch the snow peas, a good sister who had been silent all this time.

"Lao Lan, I remember that old Deng seemed to get along better with you?" she asked.

Aunt Lan, who was named by her, looked up, glanced at Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan, sighed, and asked them, "What happened to this old Deng?"

Before Ning Shuyi could speak, the round-faced aunt kidnapped Aunt Guailan again: "Don't be ignorant, Lao Lan! His two children are policemen, and they came here to handle work, so don't inquire about them, no! Don't ask what we should know!

Besides, at home every day, don't you watch the legal program on TV?To be inquired by the police like this is probably a big deal! "

Aunt Lan sighed: "This life is really not easy!

Deng Qingrong told me once before that she is a person with a hard life. When she was young, she didn't know what happened to her body. The child was born one and died. died.

This shocked her so much that she was scared and didn't dare to have another child. Later, after taking medicine for recuperation, others persuaded her to let go, and then she had such a child again. Pull big.

The child was grown up, and before a few years of good times had passed, her wife had another accident when she was working in the factory. She was seriously injured and died not long after. She was so sad that she almost went with her. After that, she and her son were left alone.

Before, I advised her to take a closer look. Her son is so sensible and hardworking. I heard that he is not idle at all outside. Outside of work, he also works part-time to earn a salary, just to give his mother a Guaranteed in old age, such a good child is hard to find even with a lantern!

Tell me...it's so good, just such a little old lady, she didn't provoke anyone, why did something happen! "

"Just now you said that Deng Qingrong's family has no other relatives or friends in the local area? So no one usually visits her house?" Ning Shuyi grasped the details mentioned in the words of the thin and long-faced old lady just now. , asked her.

(End of this chapter)

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