Chapter 13
Gu Jiaojiao cooked porridge, pasted a few vegetable pancakes around the iron pan, and steamed two eggs on top.

It's the autumn harvest now, and the workload is heavy and tiring. Of course, she has to make some delicious food to supplement Leng Yuan.

Thinking of the scene of feeding Leng Yuan, Gu Jiaojiao showed a satisfied smile on her face.

Leng Yuan looked in along the door, just in time to see the dancing flames and smile on the girl's face. At this moment, he felt that only the sunset glow in the sky could compare with the smile on the girl's face.

Staring at the girl's busy figure for a while, Leng Yuan deliberately made some noise, Gu Jiaojiao immediately walked to the kitchen door, smiling brightly: "Dinner will be ready soon, you can wash it first!"

Leng Yuan nodded, walked to the well and fetched some water to wash his hands.

Speaking of which, Leng Yuan is not a big place, but it has a lot of things. There are two wells in the village, one in the east of the village and one in the west of the village. Usually, everyone has to fetch water by themselves.

Leng Yuan's house was far away from the village, and it took an hour to carry water back and forth, which was too inconvenient, so Leng Yuan asked someone to dig a well in the yard, so that there was no need to carry water.

This saves a lot of time and effort. Gu Jiaojiao is most satisfied with the well in the yard and the toilet in the corner.

When summer came, she had to wash clothes and take a shower every day, and since there was no well at home, Gu Jiaojiao had to carry the tub to the river.

It's okay to move there, but it's troublesome to move back, the clothes get wet and heavy, with her strength, it may not be possible to move back.

For this, she was very grateful to her cousin, if she could, she would offer incense to her.

This is simply her ideal farmyard.

Leng Yuan washed his hands, looked at Gu Jiaojiao's satisfied smile, and said, "I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back in a while."

Gu Jiaojiao nodded obediently and didn't ask any more questions.

Leng Yuan went out for about 10 minutes and then came back. He came back again with a bag of eggs in his hand. At a glance, there were more than a dozen and half a bag of sweet potatoes.

Leng Yuan took the food to the kitchen and put it in the cabinet.

Only then did Gu Jiaojiao realize that he had gone out to exchange some food, and she was pleasantly surprised: "Just now I was worried about the food at home, but you bought it all back, and I should be able to eat it until the autumn harvest."

Leng Yuan's expression is neither cold nor enthusiastic, just his usual appearance, he has never heard that Gu Jiaojiao eats well and dresses well, does not have patched clothes, and has many small foreign skirts, since marrying him Of course he won't starve her.

"No need to save, I'll buy it if I don't have it."

He has been a teacher for two or three years, and he has a lot of salary left every month.

As a teacher, there are 25 catties of grain subsidies per month, [-] catties of fine grains, [-] catties of coarse grains, and meat and sugar tickets. There are also benefits for festivals, such as enamel water glasses, labor protection gloves, or rubber shoes. .

Occasionally there are distribution tickets, and everyone who sees this benefit is jealous.

Although Leng Yuan is clean alone, his life is rough. The clothes are enough to wear, and the food is almost enough, but he has saved some tickets and money.

As for the money to buy clothes for Gu Jiaojiao, it was left by her parents.

Leng Yuan's parents had only one child, and they left everything to him after they passed away. In fact, his parents still had a house, but it was taken up by his second uncle and grandma.

Only then did the team leader help him rearrange the location at the foot of the mountain to build a house.

In the name of being a filial piety by guarding parents, everyone in the village knows that Leng Yuan doesn't want to live with his eccentric grandma and Second Uncle Leng.

Leng Yuan's father is also a good hunter, and the family can get it every now and then. Leng Yuan's father has two younger brothers and a younger sister. Leng Yuan's mother is not in good health. She was pushed by her second aunt and bled profusely when she was pregnant.

If they hadn't been sent to the hospital in time, the mother and son would have almost lost their lives.

But Grandma Leng was partial to the second room, and this matter was finally settled, but from then on, Leng Yuan's father separated from there, and moved out directly with his wife and children.

(End of this chapter)

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