Chen Jianshe, who was preparing to cook, suddenly felt that the food in front of him was not delicious.

Obviously my brother Leng didn't say anything, so he just said it was hard work.

Chen Jianshe also agrees with this sentence.

His sister-in-law made so many delicious food at home alone, it was really hard work.

But why did he feel that the atmosphere was not right.

What was wrong, he couldn't describe it.

Chen Jianshe, who is single, still can't understand that the scene in front of him is called spreading dog food.

Leng Yuan picked up a piece of fish for Gu Jiaojiao, and the three of them started eating.

The recipe of the squirrel mandarin fish is relatively complicated, but the taste is really good. After taking a bite, Chen Jianshe's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately forgot the emotion just now.

He must have been out of his mind just now, otherwise how could he feel that such delicious food is not delicious!
Chen Jianshe didn't even bother to say anything, and turned on the cooking mode.

As for Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan, they are very refined.

Especially Leng Yuan, who would pick up food for Gu Jiaojiao from time to time, felt more distressed in his eyes.

In the eyes of outsiders, Gu Jiaojiao is lazy and greedy. She dresses well and eats well, but she just doesn't work well.

Leng Yuan didn't feel how relaxed Gu Jiaojiao was.

On the contrary, he felt that Gu Jiaojiao was more tired than him.

Three meals a day is not such an easy job, and you have to play with medicinal materials and make facial soap. A person who is so delicate should be pampered, but Gu Jiaojiao never said much, as long as she can do it, She did it all.

Gu Jiaojiao raised her eyes and smiled at the man.

She understands the pain in the man's eyes, and she feels very warm in her heart for a while.

Gu Jiaojiao feels that the most important thing for two people to live together is to understand.

This kind of understanding is not that I understand you verbally, but in action, I know your hard work, out of the love in my heart, I pity the other half.

Just like Leng Yuan.

Leng Yuan understood Gu Jiaojiao's hard work, and Gu Jiaojiao also knew Leng Yuan's hard work. The two of them looked at each other, and the surrounding air seemed to be filled with pink bubbles.

These did not affect Chen Jianshe's dry rice in the slightest. He tasted the ribs, it was delicious, and then the fish, it was delicious, and then he took a sip of the porridge, and he felt very comfortable.

There are obviously only three people at the dinner table, but two worlds have formed.

Chen Jianshe would occasionally look up at the two of them, but he couldn't see any problem, and continued to cook.

After the three of them ate, Leng Yuan lifted the prey off the cart.

Only then did Gu Jiaojiao know that the two of them not only brought back a cart of firewood, but also shot a roe deer, a deer, six pheasants, and three hares.

In this scene, those who didn't know thought they were going to buy goods.

Leng Yuan gave Chen Jianshe three pheasants and one hare.

As for the deer and roe deer, Chen Jianshe didn't want it at all.

"Brother Leng, I didn't do much. The hare and pheasant are fine, but the roe deer and deer are fine."

These prey were shot by Leng Yuan. He also helped with pheasants and hares. Brother Leng shot the roe deer himself, so he was responsible for carrying them to the cart.

As for the deer, he didn't even see it, so Brother Leng brought it back without even exerting any strength.

Chen Jianshe has no face.

In the end, it was Leng Yuan who forcefully gave Chen Jianshe half a roe deer before he took it.

Then he took the things and ran away, afraid that Leng Yuan would give him something again.

Gu Jiaojiao was speechless, and Chen Jianshe ran too fast.

But this sika deer is really not small, it is an adult sika deer, chubby after eating, with a lot of meat on its body.

The most important thing is that deer are full of treasures. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "deer body has a hundred treasures", and its medicinal value is very high.

People most often say, deer antler, deer whip, deer blood, venison.

Deer antler has the symptoms of strengthening Yuanyang, replenishing qi and blood, benefiting essence, strengthening muscles and bones, fatigue, emaciation, mental fatigue and dizziness

Deer Whip can invigorate the kidney, strengthen yang, benefit essence and treat strained waist and knee pain, kidney deficiency, tinnitus, impotence, premature ejaculation, cold pregnancy, etc.

Deer blood can nourish the marrow, nourish the blood and strengthen the yang, strengthen the waist and nourish the kidney, and it can be mixed with wine, and the effect is even better.

Venison can nourish five viscera due to fatigue, regulate blood vessels, replenish qi essence, cause fatigue and emaciation, and produce milk, etc.

In addition to the common types, there are actually many good things, such as deer tail, which can nourish the kidney and nourish essence.

Deer tendons can strengthen muscles and bones.

Antler gum (paste) tonifies kidney and strengthens yang.

Deer antlers: promote blood circulation and reduce swelling, grind into powder and eat

Deer bone: invigorate weakness, strengthen muscles and bones.

Buckskin can nourish the deficiency of blood.

All in all, this is good stuff.

"Honey, you are too powerful. You beat such a big deer."

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