Chapter 158 Dog, You Run Fast

Everyone in the yard left, and it became quiet all of a sudden.

Aunt Zhao saw that Gu Jiaojiao was fine, she comforted her a few words, and went back.

After Mrs. Zhao left.

Sweetie began to cry.

For the first time since her father and mother left, someone went too far for her.

Those uncles and aunts also saw her being bullied.

At most, they just drove those people away, and some even pretended not to see them.

Every time they left, Da Niu and the others would bully her even more.

Sometimes she doesn't even want these aunts and aunts to speak for her, so that her injuries will be less serious.

It was the first time someone made a big move for her.

Leng Yuan didn't know what was going on in the village, so he first sent the venison to a courtyard in the county.

This courtyard has a vermilion gate and blue brick walls. It is an old house that has been well protected.

Leng Yuan didn't know who lived in it, but he also knew that rich or expensive.

In the past, his father would often send prey over. He didn't want ordinary prey, but only some rare things.

Leng Yuan has maintained friendly contacts with this side for so many years.

And this place is also very generous, and the price is also high.

The venison brought by Leng Yuan was calculated at ten yuan per catty. Leng Yuan brought a total of 800 catties of venison, and the settlement was [-] yuan.

After taking the money, he went to the commune and then to the factory.

It was almost noon when he came out of the factory, so he turned around and went to Jiwotou.

When he went out in the morning, he saw the code sign left by Jiwotou, and he was a little worried.

Walking into the alley, looking at the two wooden doors, he raised his hand and knocked.

After waiting for a while, Jiwotou opened the door and saw that it was Leng Yuan, and immediately showed a foolish smile, but the next moment, he withdrew his smile and called out with a somber face, "Brother Leng."

Leng Yuan walked in carrying the basket.

Lu Yuanbin saw it and hurried forward to take it.

Welcome his brother Leng into the house.

Then he pulled his face and said nothing.

Almost wrote the words "coax me soon" that I'm not happy on my face.

Thinking of what happened last night, he was still full of anger.

Yesterday, Chen Jianshe sent a batch of face soap, saying that it was made by his sister-in-law, and asked him to help sell it.

He wasn't happy then.

He heard Chen Jianshe mention the news of Brother Leng's marriage. Although he was shocked at the time, he was also happy for Brother Leng. After being single for so many years, he finally married a wife and returned home.

He even spent a lot of money on gifts, waiting to give them to his sister-in-law.

He was afraid that his sister-in-law would not like him!
The results of it!
This woman doesn't deserve it at all.

If he hadn't inquired about it himself, he wouldn't have known that Brother Leng had married a flirtatious woman.

When I heard other people describe it, I was almost blown away.

What Gu Jiaojiao likes is an educated youth from Qingshan Brigade, and she married Brother Leng just to anger him.

What does this mean for Brother Leng?
Turtle or tool man?
Because of this incident, since Leng Yuan got married, he hasn't visited the door.

He would never recognize this woman as his sister-in-law.

At that time, Lu Yuanbin asked Chen Jianshe to take away the soap. He didn't sell the things made by that woman.

For this reason, in the middle of the night, he made a few gestures with Chen Jianshe.

He felt that Chen Jianshe was really kicked in the head by a donkey, and he kept talking for that woman!
That is because of his brother's love, he didn't kick people out in the middle of the night.

Anyway, in his heart, a woman who pretends to be someone else is absolutely not worthy of his brother Leng.

But he still insisted that Chen Jianshe take the things away.

As a result, this dog slipped away early in the morning, leaving behind all the soap.

Lu Yuanbin looked at the pile of face soap and made a fist!

Don't let him see this dog again next time, otherwise gestures will be inevitable.

Upright, Leng Yuan came, and Lu Yuanbin directly vented his anger.

If he doesn't explain this clearly, he won't be able to coax him well.

 I found more than a dozen error corrections today, and I was so moved. I think this is the greatest encouragement for me from readers. I love you, and thank you for leaving a special message.

(End of this chapter)

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