Chapter 17 Nothing left

When Gu Jiaojiao returned to her room, she saw that many of her things were in Li Hongmei's place. It seemed that when she was away, Li Hongmei used her things a lot.

The things used by the original owner are all good things, and they look like they are rich, but in fact they are just swollen faces to pretend to be fat.

Her family conditions are good, but since she had a stepmother, she has a stepdad. Originally, the daughter of the stepmother went to the countryside, but the stepmother loved her daughter and forced the original owner to go to the countryside. Otherwise, she would marry a man whose wife died as a stepmother .

Gu Jiaojiao had no choice but to cheat the other party for a sum of money, and then went to the countryside.

But the original owner was a big spender. He went to the countryside to eat and use well. He originally had 50 yuan, but in just over half a month, he spent half of it out.

She took the remaining money and counted, and there were 23, plus the five yuan that Li Hongmei returned, a total of 28.

That's all she has.

The rest are daily necessities, as long as they are hers, Gu Jiaojiao will clean them up without leaving a single hair to Li Hongmei.

Li Hongmei was about to die of anger, she didn't expect Gu Jiaojiao to do such a great job, she knew she really liked that box of cream, she had used it several times, Gu Jiaojiao wanted to take it away, then what would she use?
"Jiaojiao, I like this cream very much."

Gu Jiaojiao nodded: "I like it very much, too. It's only available in department stores in the city, not in the supply and marketing cooperatives in the county!"

After speaking, I put it in my pocket.

She still did not forget to remind Li Hongmei with a smile: "If you like Hongmei, just go to the city and buy a bottle someday."

Li Hongmei clenched her fist, not to mention she didn't have money to buy it, even if she had money, she would not be willing to buy a box of cream for two yuan.

There are several kinds of creams, the ordinary ones cost [-] cents, the more expensive ones cost [-] yuan, and the most expensive ones cost [-] yuan. The cream in Gu Jiaojiao's hand is [-] yuan, which is very easy to use.

Gu Jiaojiao pretended not to see Li Hongmei's almost contorted face, she packed her things and went out, just in time to meet Yun Hao who came in from the outside.

No one expected the two of them to face each other.

Yun Hao paused for a moment, and felt that he was a man, so he shouldn't have the same knowledge as Gu Jiaojiao, and since Gu Jiaojiao got married, he should say congratulations.

Just as she opened her mouth to say hello to Gu Jiaojiao, she saw that Gu Jiaojiao walked past him without even looking at him.

Yun Hao was stunned.

In the past, Gu Jiaojiao looked at him with admiration concealed by Hao, but just now, when those bright star eyes looked at him, there was only indifference and indifference, which made people extremely strange.

Hu Ziqiang was a few steps behind, and when he entered the door, he saw Gu Jiaojiao leaving with a suitcase.

He walked over from behind, walked quickly to Yun Hao's side, and leaned closer: "Leng Yuan is outside, I saw Gu Jiaojiao going out with a suitcase, she won't really want to go home with Leng Yuan!"

Yun Hao's face relaxed when he heard the words.

It seems that Leng Yuan is here, and it is difficult for Gu Jiaojiao to talk to him.

"They are all married, so naturally they want to live together, which is not normal!"

After speaking, Yun Hao went to wash his hands.

Hu Ziqiang scratched his head with a dazed look on his face. He knew that Gu Jiaojiao was married, but wasn't Gu Jiaojiao married to anger Yunhao?Who would take it seriously!

Is this a fake?
Even if Gu Jiaojiao did this for the sake of angering Yunhao, it was somewhat too much!

Just as Hu Ziqiang was about to leave, he heard a girl's voice acting like a baby from outside.

"Leng Yuan, this box is so heavy, I can barely lift it."

Leng Yuan looked at the girl's delicate and weak appearance, reached out to take the box in her hand, and immediately found a red mark on the girl's white and tender palm.

The box is indeed heavy, but it won't be so severe. After all, the girl's skin is too delicate.

He naturally took the girl's hand, and his voice couldn't help being a little gentle: "Why didn't you ask me to move it for you just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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