Chapter 203
When Chen Jianshe heard the sound of dinner being served, his eyes lit up, and he ran to the table and sat down without saying a word.

Leng Yuan washed his hands and went into the kitchen after finishing his work.

Although he has a restrained personality and a calm expression, the movement of washing his hands just now has obviously accelerated a lot.

Leng Yuan knew that Gu Jiaojiao was afraid of being scalded, so he entered the kitchen and brought Gu Jiaojiao's noodle broth to the table.

The kitchen built by Leng Yuan is not small, and there is a back room inside. There are two doors in the back room, one door is connected to the kitchen, and the other door can be opened directly from the outside.

There are pots and pans inside.

They eat in the yard in the summer and move to the shed next to the kitchen in the winter.

The space inside is not too small, and it can seat eight people.

Now there are only three of them, and the place looks quite spacious.

Bring out the meals.

Leng Yuan was already used to it, so he first took a pancake and handed it to Gu Jiaojiao, and then everyone started eating.

Chen Jianshe picked up a pancake and took a bite, his eyes lit up instantly.

It was the first time he had seen this way of eating, it was novel and delicious, the key was that the taste of this stewed meat was really amazing, it was so delicious, he felt that he could swallow a cow.

I don't have time to talk, so I can only use my thumb to show that the pancakes are really delicious.

Take a bite of the crispy pancakes with meat, and then a bite of the rich and delicious broth, and you will feel a sense of warmth all over your body.

Even the cold of this winter day has dissipated a lot, the whole person relaxes, and the brows stretch out.

It was also the first time for Leng Yuan to eat, and he was amazed immediately.

The wild boar has no smell at all, only the smell of meat, and I don't know how his little daughter-in-law handles it.

Because wild pork is more firewood, it has been stewed with firewood for a long time. Now not only does it not use firewood, but it tastes better than domestic pigs.

In this way, when waiting for a treat, it is also good to use wild boar meat.

Leng Yuan was still thinking about the November 24 treat.

For one meal, more than [-] pancakes were eaten cleanly, and all the pork skin soup made by Gu Jiaojiao was eaten. The three of them ate with satisfaction.

Chen Jianshe wished he could grow up in his Brother Leng's house so that he could eat such delicious food every day.

Speaking of which, he is really envious of his brother Leng now, it doesn't matter that he married a beautiful daughter-in-law, but the cooking is so delicious.

The three of them chatted after eating.

Little did they know that there was another person at the door.

Li Hongmei took a bite of the bun, and smelled the meaty aroma in the air.

She has developed a habit now, and she no longer has an appetite if she can't smell the meat.

Anyway, there was no one around in the winter, so she just brought the buns to Gu Jiaojiao's door to eat.

Every time I come, there is a meaty smell every time.

Li Hongmei took a bite of the wowotou and cursed.

"What kind of family is this, why does it eat meat every day?"

Take another bite.

"Is this Leng Yuan going to the mountains to hunt every day? Prodigal stuff, even if you have meat, that's not how you eat it!"

While muttering, she settled the two buns, and she patted her belly in satisfaction. Those who didn't know thought she had eaten a belly full of meat!

Before leaving, he took a deep breath of the aroma of the meat, and then went back.

Back to the educated youth spot.

Chen Ruoyu looked at Li Hongmei with a puzzled look on her face: "Hongmei, what's the matter with you? Why do you go out to eat every day recently?"

Li Hongmei's behavior, it's okay to hide it from others, but it's impossible to hide it from the people who live in the same house.

Li Hongmei was embarrassed to say that she went to Gu Jiaojiao's door and squatted to smell the smell of meat, so she could only find an excuse.

"I like to go out and reminisce about bitterness and sweetness."

"Going out for a wind can make me think about the years of hard work before, and take another bite of corn bread, and I feel that my life now is really happy."

As she spoke, Li Hongmei was almost moved to tears.

Chen Ruoyu: ...

This person, could it be that he has some serious illness!

She shook her body and decided to stay away from Li Hongmei.

Recently, Li Hongmei is not normal. She stares at the male educated youth every day, which makes the people on the male educated youth's side feel nervous.

Several people came to ask her if Li Hongmei didn't have enough to eat recently, or if she had any troubles.

They would help if they could help, just beg her not to stare at them all the time.

They asked Chen Ruoyu to pass it on.

But how dare she say it.

The girl is thin-skinned, and Li Hongmei's strange behavior makes her wish she could stay away.

Those male educated youths, let's ask for more blessings!
(End of this chapter)

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