Leng Yuan glanced at the situation below.

Look at Chen Jianshe.

"You go back first, put your things away, give me the tools, and I'll help."

He handed the key to Chen Jianshe, and walked down the hillside with his sickle and axe.

Although he looked down on Yun Hao, the others were innocent.

If something really happened to these educated youths, the Qingshan brigade would be in big trouble.

Chen Beiguo was the first to bear the brunt.

Chen Jianshe couldn't help it, he was holding something in his hand, he had to put it back first.

"Sister-in-law, let's go back first!"

Gu Jiaojiao was worried about Leng Yuan's safety and refused to go back.

"Go back by yourself, and I will follow to see the situation."

With that said, she chased after him.

Chen Jianshe was in a hurry, but he was not as fast as Gu Jiaojiao. He still had the prey in his hand, so he had no choice but to shout at the top of his voice.

"Sister-in-law, be careful, don't get close to wild boars, wild boars will really kill people."

Gu Jiaojiao waved her hand to reassure Chen Jianshe.

She knew how heavy she was, and she couldn't drag Leng Yuan back, so she stood on the hillside and watched her man's every move.

The educated youth ordered, the wild boar went crazy and knocked down several people.

Some were unlucky enough to be kicked by a wild boar.

There are also those who can't avoid falling to the ground and scratching themselves.

For a while, the entire educated youth spot was in chaos.

"Help, help!"

They were all afraid of death.

For the first time, I felt what death is.

Yun Hao regretted it even more at this moment.

Why didn't you listen to Li Fenggu's suggestion and go to Leng Yuan.

The worst thing is to wait until the team leader brings people over before doing anything. It's all right now, the wild boar has gone crazy, and if it's not good, it will kill people.

Yun Hao was regretting when Li Hongmei accidentally tripped.

The wild boar chased after her, and in desperation, she grabbed Yun Hao's trousers beside her.

Unprepared, Yun Hao was directly dragged down by Li Hongmei.

He lay on the ground and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

This idiot.

He was going to be killed by her.

Seeing the wild boar rushing towards him, he kicked Li Hongmei's hand with his other foot, trying to kick her away.

"Yunhao, save me."

Li Hongmei blinked her eyes, revealing Gu Jiaojiao's usual coquettish expression.

But Gu Jiaojiao has red lips and white teeth, and bright facial features. When she does this action, she is cute and delicate. After seeing it, she can't help but want to spoil her.

Li Hongmei was dark, with freckles on her face, a strong frame, and a mediocre appearance. With this movement, Yun Hao almost poked his own eyes.

"Li Hongmei, let go."

He was too lazy to entangle with Li Hongmei, so he spoke eagerly.

Li Hongmei held onto her tightly, but did not let go.

"No, we will die together if we die."

At this moment, Yunhao's usual elegance is gone.

"Are you sick? Who wants to die with you? Li Hongmei, please let me go."

Li Hongmei did not give up.

"If you promise to have sex with me, I will let you go."

Otherwise, she is not loose.

At worst, let the wild boar run over them both to death.

Yun Hao was furious.

This is an idiot!

Seeing the wild boar running over, Yun Hao opened his mouth to compromise.

Hu Ziqiang turned around at this moment, and saw Yun Hao and Li Hongmei fell to the ground, and the wild boar had already rushed towards the two of them, and immediately exclaimed.

"Yunhao, be careful."

If the wild boar really went up, it would probably kill people directly.

After Yun Hao was interrupted like this, he couldn't say that sentence again.

"Hongmei, you get up first, we will all be finished when the wild boar comes."

Li Hongmei's eyes turned red: "It's already this time, and you still refuse to agree to my request, am I that bad in your heart?"

"Okay, if that's the case, don't blame me for being unrighteous."

Yunhao: ...

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