Leng Yuan noticed Yun Hao's gaze, and looked up, his gaze was cold and warning.

Yun Hao met his gaze, and couldn't help thinking of the scene of him cutting off half of the wild boar's neck with a sickle. He only felt that the bloody smell on his face was even more unpleasant, and he directly supported Hu Ziqiang and retched a few times.

He didn't dare to look at Leng Yuan, and he didn't even have the courage to look over.

"Self-improvement, help me back to the dormitory!"

He didn't dare to stay longer.

Now that he is in such a mess, if he stays, he will only serve as a foil for Leng Yuan.

Thinking of this, Yun Hao wished he could escape from here immediately and forget the humiliating scene just now.

Hu Ziqiang didn't understand his thoughts, and was afraid of hurting his wounds, so he walked very slowly for a short distance.

Yunhao: ...

If the worried expression on the other party's face was not too sincere, he would suspect that Hu Ziqiang did it on purpose.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't pay attention to Yun Hao's whereabouts, seeing that they had nothing to do, she reached out and tugged Leng Yuan's sleeve.

"Let's go back!"

The emotions of the villagers were calmed down, and Chen Beiguo could do the rest.

Leng Yuan naturally had no objection and greeted Chen Beiguo.

"Captain, let's go back first."

Chen Beiguo came over and patted Leng Yuan on the shoulder: "Thanks to you today, go back and have a good rest."

Leng Yuan nodded, and left with Gu Jiaojiao,
After they left, Chen Beiguo arranged for a few strong men to carry the wild boar to the brigade.

Then I went around the educated youth spot to check the damage.

Looking around, Chen Beiguo frowned.

The kitchen was knocked down by a wild boar and needs to be rebuilt.

The fence was also knocked down by wild boars and needed to be rebuilt.

The windows of the female educated youth's dormitory were also knocked apart, and the four upper panes of glass were all shattered.

This wild boar can really be a disaster.

To say that these educated youths are also unlucky is a purely unfounded disaster.

Chen Beiguo pondered for a while, and then brought Li Fenggu over.

"Li Zhiqing, do you do the kitchen and the fence yourself, or ask the villagers to come and help. If you hire someone, you have to take care of the lunch and pay the wages."

"As for the windows, I can approve the note, and the brigade will pay for it. I will go to the glass factory myself today."

"But not sure if there is."

The glass at the glass factory is relatively tight. Usually, when buying glass in the village, the other party is always not interested.

Often procrastinating for days.

This is also impossible.

Li Fenggu also knew about these situations.

It's just that it's winter now, and it's freezing cold. There are no windows at night, and the north wind blows into the house. These female educated youths will be frozen to death.

The captain had an idea.

"For the time being, find the wooden boards to order the windows, and you can discuss the kitchen matters yourself!"

"After discussing it, send me a letter."

As for the pots and pans, if they are broken, you can only buy them with your own money.

Li Fenggu nodded.

He is not alone in this educated youth point, and it needs to be voted by everyone to pay for it or do it himself.

Chen Beiguo first took people to dig out the kitchen stuff and put them outside, at least he could cook first.

As for the rest, you need to take your time.

He arranged the educated youth spot and went back first.

the other side.

As soon as Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao left the educated youth spot, Chen Jianshe ran over.

His head was sweating and he was panting heavily, and he knew that he had come running.

Seeing Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao, he panted and said, "Sister-in-law, Brother Leng, how are you doing?"

He was rushing over to help.

Gu Jiaojiao looked proud.

"The wild boar was beaten to death by Leng Yuan. The captain is dealing with the rest of the matter. We are going to go back."

Chen Jianshe didn't expect that everything was settled, so he should go back too.

Leng Yuan dragged Gu Jiaojiao away.

Chen Jianshe followed behind.

Leng Yuan: ...

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