"Thirty catties of fine grain?"

The captain did not expect that Lin Jiandong did a personnel matter.

Although so many detailed outlines were given, it still took advantage of Tian Niu and Xiao Yang, but it made sense.

Twenty or thirty catties of fine grain counts as fifteen in a cabinet. The gap is not bad, but it is dark enough.

He was just about to speak for Lin Jiandong.

Lin Jiandong added carefully.

"It's not fine grains, it's coarse grains!"

Chen Beiguo stood there for a few seconds, and after realizing it, he suddenly smiled: "What did you just say? Say it again!"

Lin Jiandong felt that the captain at the moment was very dangerous.

But he said it again.

"It's thirty catties of coarse grains, not thirty catties of fine grains."

Chen Beiguo was instantly agitated, he grabbed Lin Jiandong by the collar, he couldn't take it anymore, he had to teach this pig and dog in front of him a lesson today.

The villagers around him reacted quickly and immediately pulled him back.

"Captain, calm down, calm down, it's not worth it or not."

Lin Jiandong was wounded all over, so he couldn't beat him anymore.

It will be troublesome if something happens.

Chen Beiguo's eyes were red with anger.

He was not so excited when he competed with that kid Li Dashan for the place to raise pigs.

"Let go, I must beat him."

Asshole, because he is a grown man, bullying two children, he has to teach him a lesson.

Lin Jiandong took two steps back, shrunk his neck, and looked aggrieved.

What happened to him.

Is it not enough to beat him today?

Is it not enough?

He is full of injuries, how long will it take to recover, he is miserable enough, these people are still treating him like this.

Forget about others.

The captain wanted to beat him up.

It's so unreasonable.

Lin Jiandong, a strong man, almost cried again.

The villagers couldn't stand it, but they still pulled Chen Beiguo aside.

"Forget it, forget it, let's talk about Tian Niu first!"

Chen Beiguo took a deep breath and asked Tian Niu to return Lin Jiandong thirty catties of coarse grain.

Although Lin Jiandong felt a little uncomfortable, he was smart enough not to speak this time.

Otherwise, he felt that a beating would be indispensable.

These people all want to beat him.

This day is really over.

Lin Jiandong sobbed aside.

Crowd: ...

Everyone ignored Lin Jiandong, and helped Tian Niu to move the things quickly, and put them back in a considerate manner.

Gu Jiaojiao glanced at Tianniu, the little guy had been following her all the time, with a timid expression.

From now on, this is her family's child, and she should be taught some ways of the world.

Gu Jiaojiao stroked Tian Niu's head with a soft voice.

"Tianniu, the team leader and several uncles helped us today. If it weren't for them, it might be difficult to get these things back. Does Tianniu think we should thank them?"

Tian Niu was silent for a moment, then spoke.


Gu Jiaojiao's face was full of approval: "Okay, how should I thank you?"

Tian Niu didn't understand for a while, but she knew that her sister was teaching her something.

After thinking for a while, Tianniu whispered when she thought of what she had.

"I picked up a lot of chestnuts, I can give them to everyone to taste!"

Gu Jiaojiao nodded with a positive smile.

"Yes, then you will take out some chestnuts later, and every uncle who works will give a handful, and the aunt who just helped you with the Lin family will also give some."

"Tianniu, you have to remember that we have to thank others for helping us, and we must implement it in a down-to-earth manner. We must not let those who help us suffer, so that everyone will be willing to continue to help you when you are in trouble."

"But it can't be too much, you can't give too much, and you can't give too little. This degree needs to be carefully grasped."

Too much and you will be greedy, too little and you will be dissatisfied.

Tian Niu could understand what was said in the front, but the words behind were somewhat specious.

However, Gu Jiaojiao didn't let her understand it all at once, but told her the truth first, and then taught her slowly.

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