When Leng Yuan heard the movement, he looked over immediately.

The girl stood at the door pretty, with a lively expression.

In the cold and sunless morning, the skin on his face was as white as if it was about to glow.

Although the red cotton coat was heavy, Gu Jiaojiao's figure was well proportioned, not only did she not look bloated, but she was a little more cute and cute.

Leng Yuan softened his brows and eyes unconsciously.

"Breakfast is in the kitchen, go and eat."

Tian Niu and Xiao Yang were also helping in the yard. When they heard Leng Yuan speak, they hurriedly turned around and saw Gu Jiaojiao getting up.

Sweetie immediately smiled brightly.

"Sister, hurry up and eat!"

Tian Niu put on the new clothes given by Gu Jiaojiao today, and she washed them yesterday, revealing her delicate face.

It's the hair loose in the back, sweetie tied with a piece of wool.

Seeing Gu Jiaojiao, she went to the room and took out a hair rope, called Tian Niu over, and combed her hair.

Sweet girl is well-behaved and doesn't move.

Gu Jiaojiao is squeamish, she will get angry if she pushes her hair a little bit.

She hadn't combed anyone else's hair before, and the technique was unfamiliar, but Tian Niu never cried out that it hurts.

Gu Jiaojiao tried it out, and the feeling came up, and she helped Tian Niu braid a high ponytail.

She also took some care to make Sweetie's hair look extra beautiful.

It looks like a twist braid, but it looks better than ordinary twist braids.

Sweetie stroked her hair and was very happy.

She ran into the kitchen and set breakfast for Gu Jiaojiao.

Gu Jiaojiao was a little embarrassed.

She is an adult, and she still needs a child to take care of her.

There are still many meals.

"Sweetie, sit down and eat together?"

Sweetie shook her head.

"Sister, we've already eaten, so hurry up and eat!"

Although Tian Niu came to live here, she felt flustered and felt uncomfortable if she didn't do anything. She got up after Leng Yuan woke up and helped them cook breakfast.

Gu Jiaojiao spoke.

"You and Xiaoyang are still growing, so you don't have to get up so early in the morning, and you need to sleep more."

Sweetie nodded, but decided to work harder.

Gu Jiaojiao had breakfast.

The horns of the brigade sounded.

Notify each household to take their things and go to the brigade to distribute pork.

Leng Yuan cleaned the yard, told Gu Jiaojiao and went to the brigade.

The entire Qingshan brigade became lively because of the pork distribution.

Their commune doesn't have many places to raise pigs, and the Qingshan Brigade happens to have no quota, so the Qingshan Brigade has no annual pigs. If Leng Yuan hadn't killed the wild boar, they wouldn't be able to eat pork.

At this time, except for those with good family conditions, they will go to the county to buy pork and eat it, and most people don't eat it.

During the Chinese New Year, we just crack two more eggs and make a meal of egg dumplings.

Egg dumplings are very good, and some of them can't even eat dumplings!
The dumpling skin is not pure white flour, and some cornmeal must be added to it.

Pure white noodles, very few people are willing to eat.

Gu Jiaojiao had never seen anything good in her previous life, and now their family is not short of food.

There are plenty of pheasants, hares, wild boars, and venison.

Part of it was frozen, part of it was marinated and dried.

She doesn't lack meat at all now.

But I was still infected by everyone's excitement.

Happiness at this time is so simple, a bite of meat is a great happiness, and a full meal is something that many people dream of.

Gu Jiaojiao cleaned up the kitchen after dinner, and took Tian Niu and Xiao Yang to join in the fun.

Along the way, I saw many people walking towards the brigade with basins or buckets.

Today, Tianniu and Xiaoyang put on new clothes made by Gu Jiaojiao.

If they didn't have clothes to wear, they would really be reluctant to wear them.

The two children cherish it very much, and they are very careful when working, for fear of staining their clothes.

This is not.

As soon as the three came out, they instantly became the brightest cubs in the entire team.

Aunt Zhao looked at the clothes on the two children and smiled.

"It's a good fit."

It's actually a bit big, but it doesn't matter, it's warmer to wear a bigger one.

Babies, one chapter has been blocked and it hasn’t been released yet. I’ve edited it seven or eight times, so let’s put a chapter down here first. 256 won’t be available until tomorrow, because I’ve missed the edge.

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