263 One Pick Four
Chen Jianshe glanced at the place Xu Zhongshan was pointing at, and directly refused.

"Don't go."

Not to mention that the direction they pointed was a desolate open space with nothing to see.

Even if there is a scene to see, it can't affect him watching his Brother Leng kill a pig.

Such a heroic appearance is not available all the time.

Chen Jianshe pushed away several people and watched the pig slaughter carefully.

His brother Leng is really different, this pig is better looking than others.

Several people looked at each other, and immediately started to drag people away without any explanation.

Some villagers saw it, but they didn't take it seriously at all. Usually, a few people play well, and nothing will happen.

Chen Jianshe looked confused.

Seeing that he was about to be carried away, he struggled violently.

"Let go, I still want to see my brother Leng divide the wild boar!"

A few people didn't let go, but their pace was faster.

Chen Jianshe was even more confused.

Is this awkward?
Before he could figure it out, he was thrown to the ground, and his butt hurt from the fall.

Chen Jianshe: ...

He rubbed his ass and got up.

The four looked at him with ill intentions.

No matter how naive Chen Jianshe is, he can still see that the situation in front of him is not right...

"To fight."

Several people are gearing up.

"you guessed right."

They couldn't clean up Leng Yuan, but it took little effort to clean up Chen Jianshe.

Chen Jianshe is not tall, only 1.7 meters eight, and his body is not strong, and his usual work is only [-] centimeters. They didn't pay attention to it at all.

"They're all brothers, we'll be gentler later."

Chen Jianshe: ...

He still doesn't understand why things have developed to this point.

He pondered for a while, and suddenly realized.

"It turns out that you guys are jealous of my Brother Leng, that's why you want to fight with me."

"To tell you the truth, if you want to beat me up, I can still beat you up, but if you want to use me to threaten Brother Leng, don't dream, you are not my opponent at all."

The four people's desire to win was aroused: "Chen Jianshe, be careful not to slap your face when you talk big."

The four of them can't defeat Chen Jianshe?
Chen Jianshe didn't panic at all.

The four people looked at Chen Jianshe alone, sparks were on the verge of breaking out, and several people rushed forward at the same time.

That is to say, there is no one nearby, otherwise you will hear the sound of hand-to-hand combat.

In the end, all four of them suffered minor injuries to varying degrees, and walked out limping, with nothing on their faces.

Brothers game, hit people not face.

They are all about people and will not break the rules.

After coming out, the atmosphere eased, and the four men were convinced.

"How can you be so good at fighting, kid? I used to see you as a weak chicken, but I didn't expect to be so powerful."

These people are all older than Chen Jianshe, and the one with the smallest gap is Chen Jie. Although they are all surnamed Chen, the two families are not related, and they live far away, so they don't have much contact with each other.

Chen Jie and Chen Jianshe are three years old and 23 years old this year.

He really admired Chen Jianshe.

"How can you fight so well?"

He clutched his chest, he was kicked by Chen Jianshe just now, and now he still hurts a little.

Chen Jianshe looked proud.

"What is this? Brother Leng is powerful. I can't survive three moves in front of him."

After speaking, I felt that the poking was not painful enough.

"In the future, don't be jealous of others indiscriminately. My brother Leng is not comparable to you. You have to be a little self-aware."

four people:……

What if the fist is hard again?
Chen Jianshe didn't stop talking.

"Brother Leng, that's the one who kills wild boars alone. You guys are not as good as wild boars. If you get together, you will only be killed alone."

Four people: ...how do you think this sentence makes sense.

No, they didn't want to confront Leng Yuan either, didn't they just clean up his little brother!

I just didn't expect Chen Jianshe to be so powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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