A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 265 Blame me for being too good

Chapter 265 Blame me for being too good
The gate of the brigade.

packed with people.

In addition to the villagers, people from the educated youth spot also came.

In the entire team, everyone walked with the wind, and everyone's faces were full of joy.

Although the wild boar destroyed the educated youth spot, no one was unhappy if they could eat meat.

Only Yun Hao remained expressionless and pale.

Also normal.

He was almost killed by a wild boar, and now that he sees a wild boar, it's not surprising that he reacts.

Behind Yun Hao, Li Hongmei walked cautiously.

In order to escape for her life last time, she stepped on Yun Hao and asked Yun Hao to help her block the wild boar.

Because of this incident, Yun Hao ignored her.

Li Hongmei pursed her lips.

The situation was so critical at that time, she had no choice but to do so, how could Yunhao blame her!
And she gave Yun Hao a chance.

Make him agree to date her.

As long as he is willing, she will definitely run away with him.

But Yunhao didn't agree.

She was also in a hurry at the time, why couldn't she forgive her!

Li Hongmei was wronged to death.

Looking at Yun Hao with a pair of aggrieved and weak eyes, wishing to melt his heart like a stone.

Yunhao: ...

He pursed his lips, with disgust in his eyes.

He didn't understand, why was this woman following her around like a ghost?
In the past, when Gu Jiaojiao pestered him, he was just impatient and never felt disgusted.

Now, for Li Hongmei, he would feel disgusted just once at a glance.

Can't wait for Li Hongmei to disappear from his eyes.

And the kick in front of the wild boar, if it wasn't for Li Hongmei, an idiot, he wouldn't be in such a mess.

Thinking that Gu Jiaojiao saw all of that scene, Yun Hao's face became more and more gloomy.

Hu Ziqiang walked beside Yun Hao, feeling a little depressed about Li Hongmei behind him.

Why did this Li Hongmei follow him all the time?

Although it's because I like him too much.

But he has already told Li Hongmei that he has no plans to have a girlfriend.

Now he can finally understand Yun Hao's feelings when he was being pestered by Gu Jiaojiao.

It's really not good, and a little depressing.

But Li Hongmei is not Gu Jiaojiao, if Gu Jiaojiao pursues him, he will definitely agree immediately.

damn it!
How on earth should he reject a girl who loved him so much!
Thinking of this, Hu Ziqiang couldn't help discussing with Yun Hao beside him.

"Yunhao, tell me, how can we make Li Hongmei not follow us?"

He felt that Li Hongmei was too bold, did he want to tell everyone that she liked him?

Then force him to associate with her?
The more Hu Ziqiang thought about it, the angrier he became.

How can she do this.

So selfish.

Did she love him so much that she didn't consider his feelings at all?

He is so sad!

Yun Hao didn't even want to mention Li Hongmei's name now, he frowned in disgust.

"do not know."

If he knew how to get Li Hongmei to leave, Li Hongmei wouldn't keep pestering him.

Hu Ziqiang sighed.

"Too good is not good!"

He flicked his hair, he is just too good, that's why Li Hongmei loves him so much.

Yun Hao also felt the same way.

First up is Gu Jiaojiao.

Now it's Li Hongmei.

Even the girls in the village often give him things, which really bothers him.

The two were talking in front, and Li Hongmei followed behind, feeling depressed.

What's going on with Hu Ziqiang, she said she doesn't like him anymore, yet he still looks back at her from time to time, giving her hints!

It's all because she is too good that Hu Ziqiang likes her so much.

But she would never like him.

The person she likes is Yun Hao.

But she couldn't say it directly, otherwise it would destroy their brotherhood.

She didn't expect that she would like Yunhao so much. For Yunhao, she has endured the humiliation to this point.

(End of this chapter)

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