The two younger brothers roared angrily and regretted it.

The two of them are not Lu Yuanbin's opponents at all, and the other party seems to have an extra helper.

Can't act rashly.

Lu Yuanbin glared at the two of them and snorted coldly.

"Deserving it."

Who made him blind and offended his brother Leng and his sister-in-law.

He is lucky that he is not abolished, and he still has the face to shout.

He hasn't settled with him for not talking about Wude just now!
This matter will not be settled so easily.

The two younger brothers lowered their eyes in stare.

Covering the place on his body that was kicked by Lu Yuanbin, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

Seeing that the two younger brothers endured it, Lao Jiu heaved a sigh of relief.

His boss can no longer stand the slightest beating.

Fortunately, the little brother had a wink and understood what he meant.

For a moment, Lao Jiu was moved to tears.

Facing the two little brothers, he wanted to show a gratified smile, but because the chin was removed, the whole face was a little weird.

Two younger brothers: ...

They looked at the boss with a painful expression and teary eyes.

Their boss, who is 1.7 meters tall, was actually beaten and cried. When did he suffer such humiliation?

No, I'm willing to cut myself to pieces, and I want to avenge the boss.

The two younger brothers looked at each other, and straightened up despite the pain in their bodies.

"Lu Yuanbin, stop there, you beat my ninth master like this, you want to leave every time you say something, don't even think about it."

The two shouted.

Lu Yuanbin laughed angrily.

"Why, do you still want to make gestures?"

The two younger brothers snorted coldly.

"Hand gestures are gestures, you are not our boss's opponent at all."

The two younger brothers worked hard to maintain the face of their boss.

Lu Yuanbin's face turned cold. He is now the boss of the black market, and his subordinates are respectful when they see him.

Now Lao Jiu's two little brothers dare to point fingers at him.

It's all because of Lao Jiu's inability to teach well.

Lu Yuanbin lowered his eyes, looking coldly and mercilessly at Lao Jiu lying on the ground with his dead body.

Lao Jiu shook his body.

No, no.

That's not what he meant, no.

Don't hit him.

Lao Jiu stared at him, wishing he could pop his eyes out.

When Lu Yuanbin came over, he saw the fierce eyes of the other party.

Good guy.

How dare you provoke him after being beaten like this?
At this moment, Lu Yuanbin admired Lao Jiu.

Being beaten up by his brother Leng and even daring to provoke him, he respects him as a man.

But admiration is all admiration, he will never show mercy just because the other party is so courageous.

Lu Yuanbin stepped on the opponent's body and secretly exerted force.

"Are you convinced?"

The two younger brothers looked at the boss who was stepped on by Lu Yuanbin, their eyes were bloodshot, and they were agitated.

"Take a hammer, we don't accept it, if you have the ability, wait for us to call someone."

Lao Jiu suffered from pain, and if Lu Yuanbin tried harder, he felt that his ribs were about to be trampled and broken.

He whimpered twice, wanting to beg for mercy.

Whoever wants to be the boss, he can't be.

He was almost killed.

But the two younger brothers were still clamoring there.

Lu Yuanbin's actions became more and more ruthless.

"I don't like it."

Lao Jiu was in more and more pain.

He nodded.



The younger brother became more excited and shouted louder.

"Not convinced, let me call someone if you have the ability."

Lu Yuanbin trampled harder and harder.

"I don't like it."

The younger brother continued to clamor.

"If you don't accept it, you just don't accept it."

Lao Jiu began to roll his eyes, followed by a smear of blood spit out from the corner of his mouth.

It hurts Gu Jiaojiao to look at it.

Leng Yuan directly covered her eyes.

"stop looking."

Gu Jiaojiao grabbed Leng Yuan's palm and wanted to see it, but the man was so strong that she couldn't move his hand away, her sight was blocked tightly, and she couldn't see anything.

On the other side, three people were still clamoring.

One question is unconvinced.

One is dissatisfied.

Lao Jiu fainted from the pain.

The two parties are still arguing...

Babies, are you convinced?
Today's update is complete, see you tomorrow!

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