Chapter 308 Xu Wenwan Gets Beaten

Xu Wenwan shielded the chamber pot behind her and explained to Chen Xiumin.

"Mother, this is an antique, and it will be very valuable in the future. Don't understand."

Although it is a chamber pot, it is still valuable.

Xu Wenwan carefully put the chamber pot into the cabinet next to her, and put a sweater under it, for fear of dropping the chamber pot!

Chen Xiumin didn't care whether it was antique or not, all she knew was that it was a chamber pot.

She thought that just now when Xu Wenwan was holding the chamber pot like a precious treasure, she felt bad all over.

After this daughter came back, she not only lost the Xu family's reputation, but now even her hobbies are so weird, it's almost unbearable.

"Will you throw it or not?"

Xu Wenwan was a little impatient.

But she still explained.

"Mother, this is an antique from the Ming Dynasty. Do you know how much it will be worth in the future? At that time, if you sell it casually, it can be worth hundreds of thousands, or even millions."

Chen Xiumin felt that her daughter was crazy.

crazy for money.

Which good family spends hundreds of thousands to buy a chamber pot.

Can I eat or drink?

Even if this thing is really valuable, it will be Xu Wenwan's turn.

She has seen a lot in her life, and she doesn't believe in the good news of a pie in the sky.

This thing, maybe the origin is wrong.

She thought of Xu Wenwan asking her for two dollars when she went to the county seat, so she couldn't help but speak.

"You didn't spend money to buy a broken chamber pot, did you?"

Xu Wenwan frowned: "Mother, this is really an antique, and it only cost two yuan. This is a great bargain for me."

Chen Xiumin felt that if this daughter didn't teach her a lesson, she would really be doomed. She went outside, picked up the broom against the wall, and entered Xu Wenwan's room.

Chen Xiaoli, who was mending clothes in the house, saw her mother-in-law entering the house with a broom, and immediately moved a small bench and sat outside.

Yu Fangfang also felt that she had a big belly and needed to go out to bask in the sun, so she also walked out.

Seeing Yu Fangfang coming out, Chen Xiaoli turned around and went into the room to bring out another bench.

"You have a big belly, sit down!"

Yu Fangfang didn't refuse either.

Although the two of them are sisters-in-law, they usually get along very well. Neither of them is a person who takes advantage of it, nor is it someone who talks behind their backs, so the relationship is close.

Inside the house.

Xu Wenwan's cry came.

"Mom, what are you doing? Are you being reasonable? I'm an antique. Why are you so ignorant?"

Both Chen Xiaoli and Yu Fangfang pricked up their ears.

Chen Xiumin's voice came from the room.

"I don't know much, but I know how to educate my daughter."

The house is not soundproof.

Both Chen Xiaoli and Yu Fangfang could hear their sister-in-law being beaten.

But neither of them fought.

Yu Fangfang was completely chilled because of the child.

In addition, her stomach is nine months old now, and she is about to give birth soon, so she is not suitable for fighting.

Chen Xiaoli didn't like this sister-in-law at all. She was lazy and greedy, and she wanted to eat well all day long. If she hadn't just come back, she wouldn't be able to take it anymore. She deserved the beating.

Even afraid that she might not be able to hear clearly, Chen Xiaoli moved the bench to Xu Wenwan's room.

Since the sister-in-law came back, her daughter's room has been occupied.

In addition, Xu Wenwan loves to toss about, and has to cover a new quilt, and ask her to buy her a step.

Get angry when you think about it.

Now listening to my sister-in-law being beaten, let alone, it's quite pleasant.

Yu Fangfang was not as obvious as Chen Xiaoli, but her ears were also pricked up.

Inside the room, Xu Wenwan was drawn to the window.

Through the glass, she saw the eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law sitting outside watching the fun.

There was a look of ferocity in her eyes.

She knew that the two sister-in-laws didn't want to see her, but she didn't come to fight when she heard that Gao was beaten. She waited for her, and she would make them regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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